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Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc as JRF at Jamia Hamdard

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc as JRF at Jamia Hamdard

The history of Jamia Hamdard begins with the establishment of a small Unani clinic in the year 1906 by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed, one of the well-known practitioners of Unani System of Medicine of his time. Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed had a vision of making the practice of Unani Medicine into a scientific discipline so that Unani medicines could be dispensed in a more efficacious manner to patients.

Post : Junior Research Fellow - 01 Post

Title of project : Synthesis and evaluation of novel amphiphilic conjugates of FDA approved non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as potential antimicrobial against drug resistant pathogens
Type of project : Research project
Funding agency : SERB funded Core Research Grant (CRG/2022/008271)

Principal investigator : Dr. Rikeshwer Prasad Dewangan
Department : Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
School : School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard

Monthly remuneration : 31000+24% HRA per month (consolidated)
Tenure (in years and months) : Initially for a period of one year with the provision of further continuation [(till duration of the project (3 years)] subjected to satisfactory performance of the fellow.
Essential qualification(s) : First Class M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) / M.S. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry) with GPAT/CSIR/-UGC NET or equivalent examination will be preferred.

Desirable qualification (s) : Candidate should have experience of solution and solid phase peptide synthesis, characterization, and basic knowledge of antimicrobial research.
Age limit, if any : 30 years

How to apply : Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may e- mail their application including cover letter and CV in one PDF file to the Principal Investigator only by email ( with the subject “Application for the post of JRF under SERB funded Core Research Grant”

Date, time and venue of interview in case of walk-in- interview is proposed : Only short-listed candidates will be invited through email for the interview.

Appointment in project will be purely on temporary basis. There is no guarantee of job in Jamia Hamdard or admission to PhD programme in Jamia Hamdard on the basis of appointment in the project. Temporary appointment in projects will also be not counted for experience purpose for jobs in Jamia Hamdard.

Last date of receipt of applications is January 12, 2024 (By 5:00 pm).

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