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District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, SMP invite application for post of Pharmacist

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District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, SMP invite application for post of Pharmacist

The Health & Family Welfare Department of the State Government has been vested with the responsibility of maintaining and developing the health care system in West Bengal. Public health, sanitation and hospitals are the exclusive responsibilities of the State. State provides financial and managerial support for the basic health care support and infrastructural facilities at the rural level, while the State level super specialty Medical Colleges & Hospitals predominantly provides the ambulatory care services.

Post : Pharmacist

District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, SMP, Darjeeling invite application for the contractual posts under various health programmes from the eligible candidates as per criteria mentioned with attached notification against the vacant posts. Eligible candidates should apply online in the prescribed format as given in Department’s Website from midnight 3rd January 2024 to midnight of 24th January 2024 for the mentioned positions. Applicants are requested to visit .in at the link On-line Recruitment” for on-line application.

No of post : 01 (ST)
Place of Engagement : Siliguri Municipal Corporation
Eligibility Criteria : a) The candidate should have two years Diploma in pharmacy(D-Pharma) (ALLOPATHIC) recognised by the Government of West Bengal and registered as “A” Category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council.
Weightage will be given for Higher Qualification.
b) The Candidates must have proficiency in local language and must have efficiency in computers including MS office and internet.
c) The applicants must be permanent resident of West Bengal
Age : Minimum 18 yrs and Maximum age limit 40 years.

Remuneration : Rs. 22,000/- consolidated per month
Method of Selection : a. Scoring (Selection Procedure) Total Marks 100
D-Pharma -65,
B-Pharma -75,
M-Pharma - 85
Max Marks : 85 (Proportionate Marking)
Computer Test -15 Marks (Qualifying Marks minimum 50 %)
Total -100
All the essential criteria must be completed on or before the first date of online application.

Basic guideline for application for all the posts
1. (a) Start date of application - 3rd January 2024. (b) Last date of registration -Midnight of 18th January 2024. (c) last date of submission of application fees - Midnight of 24th January 2024 (d) last date of full submission of form - Midnight of 30th January 2024
2. Application fees Rs. 100/- for General Caste & Rs. 50/- for reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PH) must be enclosed with application in form of NEFT/ Bank Transfer only to the A/C DH&FWS (Non NHM Mother A/c), A/C number 0237014524553 1FSC Code PUNB0023720, Bank Brach Punjab National Bank, Siiiguri
3. On-line registration no. should be retained by all applicants for future reference. Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the on-line registration no. in future
4. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete/missing of required documents will be treated as cancelled
5. Failure to submit / mismatch of documents / providing false information of any requisite documents is liable to cancellation of candidature
6. The essential criterion mentioned in ToR is mandatory
7. All posts are purely on contractual basis valid up to 31.03.2024 or one year from engagement which will be earlier, which may be extended on the basis of performance and subject to continuation and fund support is provided.
8. Percentage of marks will be calculated on the basis of 2 decimal points
9. The cut off date for calculation of age will be 01/01/2024
10. Upper age relaxation will be given as per Government norms.
11. Caste certificate issued within the first date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal, only will be accepted.
12. In case of PWD candidates, Disability certificate issued within the first date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal only, will be accepted
13. In case of experience certificate, the duration of experience must be clearly mentioned. Experience certificate must consist the name of the organization, name of the post, employee's name, date of joining and period of service, signature of the authority, otherwise the experience certificates will be treated as invalid. Engagement letter, Pay Slip or any other will not be treated as experience certificate
14. One candidate may apply for multiple posts, if eligible, subject to submit application against each post including submission of fees for each post.
15.  Single applications for multiple posts and single fees for multiple posts liable to cancelation of candidature.
16. No TA /DA will be paid to the candidates for the same.
17. The Competent authorities may cancel the recruitment process at any stage of the selection process
18. The decision of District Level Selection Committee is final.
19. The panel will be valid till one year from the date of publication of the panel
20. Any corrigendum or addendum or any other notice, must visit the following website : ( / recruitment ;
21. The applications received only through online recruitment portal of website of,in will be accepted. Without online application will not be accepted as candidature.
22. All candidates will attend for document verification with the following original document and submit the self attested photocopy of the same documents and application proforma mentioning the post applied for. Separate application ar.d separate application fees required for each post
i. Application as per proforma
ii. Age proof (Birth Certificate/ ADHAR/ PAN)
iii. Admit card of Madhyamik Examination
iv. NEFT document copy of payment - transfer receipt copy should be submitted with the application along with Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) number / transaction reference number
v. Mark sheet of MP, HS, Graduation, Technical Qualification & Post Graduation (as applicable)
vi. Residential proof
vii. Caste certificate (if any)
viii. Computer knowledge certificate
ix. Experience certificate as mentioned in TOR
23. No documents will be required through post or by hand. The specific date and time for document verification/ written Examination/ Computer Test/ Interview will intimated later through the following website : / recruitment

Important dates for online application
(a) Start date of application - 3rd January 2024.
(b) Last date of registration - Midnight of 18th January 2024.
(c) last date of submission of application fees - Midnight of 24th January 2024.
(d) last date of full submission of form - Midnight of 30th January 2024

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