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Recruitment for Pharmacists (13 posts) under Labour Welfare Organization | Government of India

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Recruitment for Pharmacists under Labour Welfare Organization

The Ministry of Labour & Employment is one of the oldest and important Ministries of the Government of India. The main responsibility of the Ministry is to protect and safeguard the interests of workers in general and those who constitute the poor, deprived and disadvantage sections of the society, in particular, with due regard to creating a healthy work environment for higher production and productivity and to develop and coordinate vocational skill training and employment services. Government’s attention is also focused on promotion of welfare and providing social security to the labour force both in organized and unorganized sectors, in tandem with the process of liberalization.

The applications are being invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts lying vacant under aegis of Labour Welfare Organisation, Allahabad Region.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 13 (UR-6, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-2)
Salary : Pay Band 1 (5200-20200 +Grade Pay 2800 (Prerevised) Level 5 (Revised)
Age Limit : 18-25 Years (Relaxable for the Government servant up to 35 years in accordance with the Instructions/orders issued by the (Central Government)
Qualification : Matriculation (10th Pass) or Equivalent from recognized board and should be Registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act, 1948

General information
1. Starting date of receipt of Application- 27/01/2021
Closing date of receipt of Application - 2002/2021

2. The age relaxation in respect of SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman/Meritorious sports person etc. will be as per Government of India's relaxation and concession policies and Rules.
3. Candidates applying for the above posts who are eligible for age relaxation as per extant Government of India Rules are required to submit their applications by post, along with the self attested copies of relevant certificates in support of age relaxation, educational qualifications, category, experience certificate etc
4. The applications will be accepted only through Registered Post or Speed past The application should be sent to The Welfare & Cess Commissioner. Office of the Welfare and Cess Commissioner. Ministry of Labour and Employment. Government of India labour Warfare Organisation. Allahabad Region. 1st floor. Kendriya Sedan. 34 AM.G marg. Civil Lines. Praygraj - 211001
5. The Fee applicable for the General and OBC candidates is Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) No fee applicable for SC/ST/PH and Women candidates The above prescribed fee will be deposited through Baric Demand Draft in favour of  The Admin-cum-Accounts Officer Labour Welfare Organisation. Allahabad Region’ payable at Allahabad-211001

6. Date of examination will be intimated to eligible candidates later on by Email/Registered Post
7. (Incomplete or unsigned application not accompanied by self attested copies of certificates will be summarily rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Applications received after due date will not be accepted
8. The scrutiny of all the requisite documents will take place. "any of the documents are found "not in order" at any stage during recruitment process or even after the issue of appointment letter, the candidature of such candidates  or their appointment veil be rendered null and void and they will be liable for prosecution
9. The application can be tilled by the candidates either In English or Hindi
10. Selection will be made as based on The Marks scored (obtained in the written examination However, there will be no Interview as per Government of India policy
11. No boarding or lodging/expenses on travelling for any post will be provided Candidates must make their own arrangement
12. The crucial date for determining the age limit wit be closing date for receipt of applications for candidates.

Published in Dainik Jagran, dt 26-01-2021, pg 14


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