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Career for Pharmacist at Regional Ayurveda Research Center

GPAT courses

Career for Pharmacist at Regional Ayurveda Research Center

The institute was established as ”Regional Research Institute (Ayurveda)“ on February 19, 1981 as peripheral unit under the Central Council For Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) and started functioning along with the facilities of OPD, IPD and Mobile Clinical Research Unit (MCRU) Pathology and Bio chemistry Laboratory at Lucknow. The institute was upgraded and renamed as “Central Research Institute (Ayurveda)” on February 1997 by merging various units.

Post : Pharmacist (Ayurveda) - 01

Applications are invited for Online interview through video conferencing to be held on 28.01.2021 to engage ‘Pharmacist (Ayurveda)’ through Outsourcing agency and co-terminus basis at the centre, initially for a period of One year which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority.

Qualification, Experience Essential : A) Diploma in Pharmacy / D.Pharm. (Ay.) from any Recognized University/Institution with 2 years experience in recognized Ayurvedic hospital Or B) B. Pharm (Ayurveda) /
Desirable : Higher qualification or who have previous research experience.
2. Working knowledge in Computer applications (MS- Office, MS Word. MS Power Point & MS Excel etc.)

Age Limit : (Not exceeding 27 years as on date of VC interview)

Monthly Remuneration : Rs.16,000/- monthly wages (Outsourcing)*

General Information to the candidates:
1. Applications can be submitted through Google forms up to 26.01.2021, 6pm along with attached Biodata form & upload scan copy of Essential original certificates.
2. Interview will be held online and video conferencing link with time will be send to each eligible candidates accordingly.
3. Eligible candidates will be informed by email and final selection will be done after verification of original documents & Online Interview.
4. Age limit of the candidate will be determined as on date of interview. Relaxation in age limit in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government rules.
5. The engagement of above post is initially for a period for 01 year which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority on the basis of work performance and functional requirement.
6. The engagement of above post will be purely through Outsourcing basis and no right to claim for continuation or regular appointment.
7. The selected candidate will have to submit an undertaking and willingness to Outsourcing agency before joining. *For Salary related issues contact:
8. The Research officer (Officer in-charge) of RARC, Dimapur Nagaland, reserves the rights to postpone or cancel the interview, without assigning any reason thereof.
9. The selected candidates will have to perform any work in addition to assigned ones.
10. If there is any problem arises while filling the Google form, kindly send email to as given above.

Date and Time of VC Interview : Interview on 28.01.2021
Time : As per Scheduled for each eligible candidate


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