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Recruitment for Pharmacists (04 posts) in IHBAS | Government Jobs

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Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS) was established in compliance with the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in response to a public interest litigation in 1993. The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Act 1860, funded jointly by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and Government of NCT of Delhi. As an autonomous body, the institute has its Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations duly approved under the Societies Act. Minister for Health, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is the President and Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is the Chairman of the Executive Council of the institute.

Post : Pharmacist

Walk-in-Skill Test for the post Pharmacist purely on contract basis for initial period of 12 months on consolidated remuneration basis.

No of posts : 04 (UR:03; OBC:01)

Eligibility Criteria
Essential Qualification:
(1) Senior Secondary (10+2) with science subjects.
(2) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution.

Age Limit: 30 years as on date of submission of the application for Walk-in-skill test (i.e. on 09.01.2019) (Relaxation admissible as per Govt, of India Instructions from time to time).

Consolidated Remuneration : Rs.46, 860/- per month

General Instructions:
1. Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications for scrutinising as per eligibility criteria for the post of Pharmacist in appropriate Format, photograph, along-with attested copies of Educational Qualification, Experience Certificates and a Demand Draft of Rs.250/- for the post of Pharmacist in favor of Director IHBAS, Delhi (Exempted for SC/ST/PWD candidates) on 09.01.2019 (Wednesday) (between 10:00 AM to 12 Noon) in Activity Room, Academic Block, IHBAS. No applications of the candidate will be entertained after the time schedule mentioned above.
2. Those are coming for Walk-in-skill test must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria. In case  they submit the application and is not found eligible for any reasons, Demand Draft submitted will not refunded.
3. The Skill Test consist of Theory (Written Test - MCQ) for 30 marks and Practical test (Skill Test) for 40 marks. The remaining 30 marks will be for qualification.
4. The qualification from recognized organization of Govt, will only be considered for eligibility.
5. The cut off date for determining the eligibility and age will be as on date of submission of application for Walk -in-Skill Test (i.e. on 09.01.2019).
6. While coming for submitting the application, candidates should bring all the original documents for verification.
7. No TA/DA will be allowed for appearing in the Skill Test.

8. Upper age limit is relax able for SC/ST/OBCPWD as per rules.
9. This engagement is purely on contract basis. Candidate will not be entitled to other facilities as admissible to regular incumbent and also not be entitled for regularization in service in any case.
10. The applicant will be eligible @2 & half days Leave per month. However, female candidate will also eligible for Maternity Leave as per Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017.
11. In case of SC/ST/OBC Category the applicant should be in possession of appropriate certificate issued by Competent Authority in prescribed format. However OBC & SC certificate issued by the Authority of Delhi Govt., only will be accepted. The candidate should furnish the relevant OBC certificate which should specifically include the clause regarding “Exclusion from creamy Layer” in order to get age relaxation. Only in the case of “ST” the certificate issued by any Competent Authority will be acceptable.
12. Like PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority in prescribed format as per Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) Notification File No. 03-01/2017-DD-III, G.S.R. 591(E) dated 15.06.2017 will be accepted for the candidates whose certificate issued on or after 15.06.2017. Candidates having PwD certificate in old format before 15.06.2017 will also be accepted.
13. The Institute reserves the right to increase/decrease, fill or not to fill the vacancies or cancel the advertisement for any of the above-mentioned post, without assigning any reason.
14. In case of large number of eligible candidates for the post of Pharmacist, they may have to go through Theory (Written Test - MCQ) and Practical Test (Skill Test) in multiple stages as per the decision of Director, IHBAS.

Date of submission of application for scrutinising as per eligibility criteria : 09.01.2019 (Wednesday) (Between 10:00 AM to 12 Noon)
Date of Display of eligible candidate : 09.01.2019
Date of Theory Test (Written Test:- MCQ) and Practical Test (Skill Test) for shortlisted candidates : 10.01.2019 (Thursday)at 11:00 AM

Note: Those who are coming for Walk-in-skill test must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria, In case they submit the application and if he/she is not found eligible for any reasons, demand draft submitted will not be refunded.

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