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Job opportunity as Scientific Assistant at IISER - Pharma professionals can apply

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur, an Institute of national importance, established by the MHRD, Govt, of India in order to promote higher scientific learning and research as well as scientific exploration at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels of education and to create scientists and academicians of the highest quality.

Post : Scientific Assistant - 01 post

SI. No./ Code No. : 11

Pay Level : 6

Upper Age Limit : 35 years

Essential Qualifications/Experience
B.E./ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ MCA in appropriate field.
Bachelor’s Degree in Science/ Pharmacy in appropriate field. Knowledqe of computer applications like Word, Excel, Power Point etc.

Experience : 3 years relevant experience in handling advanced sophisticated instrumentation/ research equipment such as NMR, XRD, EPR etc. in a laboratory / Academic/ Research/ Multinational Academic establishments of National/ International Repute.

Desirable Qualifications/Experience
Experience : 3 years of work experience in Central / State Govt, or similar organized services / Semi-Govt. / Govt. Autonomous organizations / Govt. Universities / Govt. Institutes of national importance.

General Instructions:
1. The candidates are required to apply through ONLINE process. Please visit Institute website for online application. The opening date of submission of online application is January 14, 2019 and closing date is February 09, 2019 till 05:30 p.m. The last date for receipt of hard copy of application is February 18, 2019 till 05:30 p.m.
2. A printout of the online application form, duly signed in each page along with self-attested copies of all educational qualification, experience and testimonials must reach the Institute on or before February 18, 2019 till 05:30 p.m. The complete application should be sent through Speed Post /Courier etc. The Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Applications not received within the due date shall be rejected No correspondence in this regard shall be made by the Institute.
3. If more than one application is submitted for a single post by a candidate, the latest one will be considered for processing.
4. The applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) through online. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Transgender category and women candidates are not required to pay application fee. For Group B & C positions, no fee is payable by Ex -servicemen. However, for claiming such exemptions, the applicant has to submit a self-attested copy of SC/ ST/ PwD/ Transgender/ Discharge book or Ex - servicemen certificate.
5. Application fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

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6. Guidelines for scanning and Upload of Documents
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph, signature as per the specifications given below.
Photograph Image:
• Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture.
• Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white, background.
• If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye"
• If you wear glasses, make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
• Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable.
• Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)
• Size of file should be between 20kb-50 kb with a dimension of (4.5cm x 3.5cm)
• File type: jpg/jpeg
Signature Image:
• The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.
• Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred)
• Size of file should be between 10kb - 20kb
• File type: jpg/jpeg
• If the Applicant’s signature on the attendance sheet or Call letter, signed at the time of the examination, does not match the signature uploaded, the applicant will be disqualified.
• Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted.
7. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed with: “Application for the post of (Regular / Deputation) strikeout which is not applicable”.
8. Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail address in the online application, as all correspondences will be made by the Institute through e-mail only. Test/lnterview schedule will be mailed in due course to the candidates in their registered e-mail. No separate letter (Hard copy) will be sent for this purpose. Further, for any updates, please visit the Institute website regularly, for subsequent amendments in the advertisement and results.
9. The candidates applying for any post should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for the post. Their admission to any stage of the selection process will be purely provisional subject to confirmation that they satisfy the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of call letter to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been found eligible.
10. Age relaxation will be given for SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disabilities (PWD)/Ex-servicemen, Central Government employee as per Government of India norms. Relaxation in upper age will be as per the Recruitment Rules of non-teaching positions available in USER Berhampur website.
11. Any relaxations in respect of Group B and C positions in terms of age and number of years of experience except the educational qualifications, in exceptionally meritorious cases or to attract more number of candidates in professional, technical and scientific nature of posts, may be recommended by the Shortlisting Committee for the approval of the Director. In case of Group A positions, it is strictly the BoG to accord such relaxations in justifiable circumstances. Candidates having relevant work experience in CFTIs either in regular/ contractual/through work outsourcing basis, may be given relaxation in respect of age and work experience. Relaxations, if any, shall be only in respect of a class or category of persons. Relaxation shall not be extended to in respect of an individual except in cases where an individual can be treated as a Class or Category of persons.
12. Eligibility of candidate with regard to qualification & experience shall be calculated/ considered with reference to last date of the online application. Due relaxation in respect of percentage of marks and experience will be given to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen candidates as per Government of India / UGC norms, only against reserved vacancies for such categories.
13. The shortlisted applicants shall have to appear for a test and/or interview.
14. The Institute reserves the right to: (a) conduct written and/or trade test for the post wherever the circumstances so warranted or may fix a criteria after taking into the qualification and experience of the applicants (b) not to fill all the advertised positions (c) fill up consequential vacancies including additional post arising at the time of interview for available candidate by direct recruitment. The number of positions is thus open to change.
15. The Institute has a right to decide the mode of screening and testing the applicant for short listing and selection.
16. The Institute also reserves the right to fill the posts fully or partially depending on the availability of suitable candidates without assigning any reasons thereof.
17. Mere eligibility dose not vest any right on any candidate for being called for written test /skill test/interview. The Institute may fix suitable shortlisting criteria in the event of receipt of large number of applications. The decision of the Institute in all matters related to recruitment against this advertisement shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection / interview. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature.
18. The Institute reserves the right to relax experience in exceptional cases, or in the case of persons already holding analogous positions in a Central Technical Institute/University/ Research Institution. Experience prescribed may be relaxed in the case of exceptionally meritorious candidates.

19. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by candidates at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidate are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her service/engagement at the Institute shall be terminated.
20. Probation period for all regular positions is 1 (one) year.
21. Candidates should submit their self attested copy of SC/ST/OBC/Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as per Govt, of India norms along with the application form, in support of their claim.
22. For availing the benefit of OBC category, the applicants should enclose with the applications form, OBC (Non Creamy Layer) certificate issued by the Competent Authority not earlier than six months prior to the last date for receipt of applications. The OBC Certificate should be on the proforma prescribed by the Government of India.
23. Degree as referred above should have been awarded by a recognized University / Institute.
24. Persons employed in Government/Semi Government Organizations/Autonomous Bodies should submit their application through proper channel with vigilance clearance. However, they may send an advance copy of the application. Those who are unable to process their application through proper channel may submit ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ mentioning clearly regarding vigilance clearance from their present employer during the time of interview. However, they should submit an undertaking with their application that the NOC would be submitted at the time of interview. Direct application from such candidates will not be entertained.
25. Candidates should send self-attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets from matriculation onwards in support of their qualifications and experience along with the printout of online application form. Originals should not be sent along with the application but these must be produced at the time of test/ interview for verification. Applications incomplete in any respect, received without self attested copies of certificates, received after the due date of submission shall be summarily rejected without intimation.
26. Certificate(s) in support of experience(s) should be in proper format i.e. it should be on the organization’s letter head bearing the date of issue, specific period of work (in DD/MM/YYYY format), nature of duties, name, designation and signature of the Administrative Authority/Owner of the organization along with his/her seal.
27. Candidates applying for more than one post should apply in separate application forms. Separate application fees will also be required to be sent (as applicable).
28. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be subject to Courts / Tribunals having jurisdiction over Berhampur.Odisha.
29. In case of any mistake occurring inadvertently in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to withdraw/cancel/modify any communication made to the candidates.
30. Eligibility of a candidate for the post applied shall be considered as on the last date of closing of online application, as per criteria specified in the advertisement.
31. The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) with minimum 40% disability are eligible to apply under the reservation category. The post of Assistant Registrar, Junior Superintendent and Laboratory Technician require these physical requirements viz. Manipulating with fingers (MF), Hearing (H), L (Lifting), Sitting (S), Seeing (SE), Standing (ST) and Walking (W) and it is suitable for one leg (OL), one arm (OA), one arm and one leg (OAL), both legs (BL), blind (B), low vision (LV), and hearing impaired (HH) PWD categories.
Categorization of PwD (a, b, c, d & e sub-categories) :
a. Blindness and low vision;
b. Deaf and hard of hearing;
c. Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy;
d. Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;
e. Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf blindness.
32. No interim enquiries will be entertained. However, candidates are advised to keep visiting the Institute website for any updates in this regard.
33. Medical Officer (Resident) will have to stay in the permanent campus of the Institute.
34. The Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
35. Records of the Non-Selected Candidates shall not be preserved beyond six (6) months from the date of formation of select list.

Last Date : February 09, 2019 till 05:30 p.m


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