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Walk in interview for Research Associate at IARI

GPAT courses

The journey of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), popularly known as Pusa Institute, began in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar) with the generous grant of 30,000 pounds from an American philanthropist, Mr. Henry Phipps. The institute was then known as Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) which functioned with five departments, namely Agriculture, Cattle Breeding, Chemistry, Economic Botany and Mycology. Bacteriology unit was added in 1907.  The name of ARI was changed to Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research in 1911 and, in 1919 it was renamed as Imperial Agricultural Research Institute. Following a devastating earth quake on 15th January 1934, the institute was shifted to Delhi on 29th July 1936. Post independence, the institute has been renamed as Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)

Post : Research Associate

A walk-in interview will be held for one temporary position of Research Associate in a Consultancy project funded by Ajay Biotech India (Ltd) project on “Dissemination of entomopathogenic nematode based Galleria cadaver technology for the management of insect pests in grape vineyards of Maharashtra and tea gardens in West Bengal and Assam” (Project Code: 76-150; Tg 1580).

Fellowship/ month salary : Rs. 40,000 + 30% HRA per month

Eligibility :  Ph.D Nematology / Microbiology/ Entomology preferably with experience in entomopathogenic nematodes OR M.Sc. Nematology/ Microbiology//Entomology with 2 years of experience in handling EPN and minimum two publications in peer reviewed journals.

Duties : Soil sampling; isolation, characterization of EPN and insect non-symbionts; insect rearing and culturing of bacterial non-symbionts; lethal dose bioassays; analysis of post-application establishment of EPN in fields; compatibility assays of EPN with conventional pesticides and beneficial organisms


Age limit: Maximum 40 years for men. For women/SC/ST/OBC, an age relaxation of 5 years will be given as per Govt. of India/ICAR rules.
• Candidate should report by 9:30 AM on 27-01-2018 for verification of Certificates (must bring original certificates). Candidates reporting after 10.30AM for verification of Certificates will not be considered for interview. No objection Certificate from the current employer is required, if working.
• Biodata as per the format given in Annexure 1 should be submitted along with attested copies of 10th, 12th, Under-graduation, post-graduation, Ph.D. and NET/GATE and other certificates required. Affix an attested recent passport size photograph in the Biodata. The biodata should contain Academic qualifications starting from 10th Standard to the maximum qualification with % marks obtained, distinction/medal if any. This is required for calculation of academic score. If the candidates do not fill the marks and relevant attested certificates, the academic score will not be awarded.
• Candidate should submit office orders for research experience, in addition to the certificate from the PIs.
• Candidate should bring project work report/thesis, testimonials/experience certificates, published research papers, etc. to support their claim on experience.
• The above posts are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis for an initial period of One year. The tenure may be extended based on the satisfactory performance of the incumbent. There is no provision of re-engagement after termination of scheme. Selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment at this institute as the fellowship is co-terminus with respective scheme.
• If the performance of any RA is non-satisfactory, he/she will be terminated from the post with one month notice.
• TA/DA: No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Candidates interested in research and development with the qualifications specified above may report for interview at 9:30 A.M. on 27th January 2018 (Saturday) in Conference Room, Division of Nematology Third Floor, LBS Building IARI, Pusa campus, New Delhi 110012.


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