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Vacancy for Lecturer at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) has been created as a centre of excellence for higher education, research and development in pharmaceutical sciences. NIPER, Rae Bareli at ITI campus, Rae Bareli under the mentor Institute of CSIR - Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow invites applications for eligible candidates for following positions on purely temporary basis on contract initially for a period of 1 year which can be extended further. The selected candidates shall have no claim for regularization against any regular post either in NIPER or CDRI.

Post : Lecturer - 1 (One) (ST)

Age Limit: - 45 years

Qualification(s) :- M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) OR MS (Pharm.) Pharmaceutics with at least 60 % marks

Experience: 3 years research experience and/ or teaching post graduate courses.

Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Pharmaceutics).


General Information
1. Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview.
2. The Director reserves the right to withdraw any or all posts so advertised at any time without assigning any reason.
3. The envelope containing the CV in the prescribed format along with supporting documents in support of age, caste certificate, qualifications and experiences, superscribing "Application for the post of …………………………………….", whichever is applied should be clearly mentioned, must reach the office of Director, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), B.S.10/1, Sector – 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow - 226 031, by registered / speed post till 31.01.2017. All the attested copies of mark sheets/certificates etc shall be produced at the time of interview.
4. The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of applications.
5. Applications for each post should be submitted separately.

6. The Institute will NOT be responsible for non-receipt of application(s) within the stipulated date due to any postal delay/ loss of application / document sent in transit. Late applications may not be considered.
7. On the recommendation of the screening / selection committee, the competent authority may relax age limit/ experience/ qualification on recommendation of the Committee. However, there is no age limit for Departmental candidates. Higher starting pay may be considered in case of extra meritorious candidate and salary will be fixed at the time of interview based on the expertise of the candidate.
8. Application form may be downloaded from Institute website: or its mentor Institute website:
9. The applicants serving in Government / Semi-Government / Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organizations must send their application on the prescribed format along with relevant documents ‘Through proper channel’, failing which, the same will not be considered. However to save the time, candidate may send an advance copy and bring the NOC at the time of interview/test.
10. Incomplete application or without relevant supporting enclosures (attested copies of degrees / certificates / marks sheets / experience certificates / Document certifying date of birth, reprint of important publications etc.) will be out-rightly rejected.
11. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will not vest a right to the candidates for being called for Interview. This Institutes reserves the right to short-list the candidates for calling for Interview on the basis of Screening of applications. 12. Canvassing in any form may lead to disqualification of candidature.
13. Selected candidates may be asked to work at Raebareli / Lucknow campus of NIPER, Raebareli.
14. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication will be entertained.
15. All appointments are temporary and contractual in nature and same is renewable depending upon performance and mutual consent for every year. The candidate will have no right to claim for regularization of the post. All appointments are contractual in nature and on fixed / consolidated pay.
16. No TA/ DA is admissible for attending the interview.
17. Age relaxations shall be permissible to reserved category candidates as per extant rules of the Government of India.
18. The process of selection may include presentation / seminar / test/ interview or as to be decided by the Selection Committee.
19. Moreover, guidelines relating to recruitment rules shall be followed as per NIPER Act, 1998 and as amended from time to time.

Application Form>>

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