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Job for M.Pharm, M.S.Pharm at NIPER as Doctoral Fellow

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Kolkata (NIPER-Kolkata) (Established in the year 2007) is a prestigious Educational Institution of National Importance under the aegis of Dept, of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers, Govt, of India, presently housed at the campus of CSIR-IICB, Jadavpur, Kolkata- 700 032.

Applications are invited for walk-in interview in the enclosed prescribed format for the following posts on purely contract basis initially for a period of one year which may be extended or curtailed on the basis of the performance of the candidates and on mutual consent or requirement of the Institute as the case may be.

Post : Post-Doctoral Fellow (02 posts)

The appointment will be made exclusively on contract basis on consolidated remuneration. No other allowances will be paid besides the above.

Applicants from SC/ST/OBC category as well as persons with disability can also apply for these posts. In such case, relaxation of age limit will be there as per Govt, of India norms.

Age Limit : 32

Educational Qualification & Experience
First class M.Pharm /M.S. (Pharm.) /M.Sc. in Life Science with Ph D. degree from a recognized University. Those who have submitted their Ph D. thesis and are awaiting award of the degree are also eligible to apply. Flowever, such candidates, if selected, will be offered minimum salary as fixed by competent authority till the award of Ph D. degree.


Desirable: Candidate should have research publications in high quality peer reviewed journals. Expertise in Molecular Biology, with a specialization in the area of genomics and proteomics, rDNA technology, genome editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 and DNA rewiring, or relevant interdisciplinary field will be given preference.

Monthly consolidated remuneration is decided as per qualification and credentials/expertise in the relevant field

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The interested candidate having requisite qualification and expertise may appear before the Selection Committee with their all original certificates, mark sheets, experience certificates with photocopies thereof along with the updated Bio-data duly filled in the attached prescribed format on the data and time given below. No TA/DA would be paid for attending at the interview.

The competent authority may also be relaxed the age limit for suitable candidates based on length of experience etc.

The Selection Committee may recommend higher remuneration in case of candidates possessing higher qualification, experience and credentials/expertise in the relevant field. The Director, NIPER-Kolkata reserves the right to increase, decrease or withdraw any or all of the vacancies.

Date and time of the interview: 25th January, 2017 - 3:00pm
Venue of the Interview: 3rd Floor, New Conference Room, CSIR-IICB, 4, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 032.

Note: Candidates residing in abroad may have optional interview through Skype.


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