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Application are invited for the post of Deputy Director, Assistant Director at U.P. STATE AIDS CONTROL SOCIETY

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts on contract basis (contract up to 31.3.2016, likely to be continued further) in U.P. State AIDS Control Society. The application on prescribed format should reach in the office of the Project Director at mentioned address in time upto 05.02.2016 during working hours till 06:00 pm

Post: Deputy Director, Assistant Director

No. of post:
Deputy Director (PPTCT)  - 01 Post
Assistant Director (ICTC)  - 01 Post

Deputy Director (PPTCT)

Remuneration: Rs 36,200/ - p.m. (Consolidated)

Qualifications/experience: MBBS with PG Degree/Diploma in Community Medicine/PSM/Community Health Administration or equivalent in public health fields with minimum 7 years experience after MBBS including PG Degree/Diploma duration. OR
M.Phil (desirable PhD) degree in Psychology/Social Work/Sociology/Clinical Psychology/Medical Microbiology with minimum 3 years experience after M. Phil or 2 years experience after PhD

Assistant Director (ICTC)

Remuneration: Rs 25,000/ - p.m. (Consolidated)

Qualifications/experience: PG degree in Psychology / Social Work/Sociology/Clinical Psychology or M.Sc  in Microbiology/Medical Microbiology with minimum 2  year experience in relevant field after PG Degree 
Desirable: Experience in Counseling and Human Development or Experience in Laboratory Service 

1.  Above posts are for headquarter, Lucknow .
2. Maximum age limit for the above posts is 60 years as on the date of advertisement.
3. Knowledge of Hindi and English & computer proficiency is essential for all the posts.
4. Degree/Certificates from recognised Institution/University alone will be acceptable.
5. For all posts applicants only with experience in health and any similar projects should apply.
6. The application should reach to the above mentioned address through speed post /by hand on or before 05.02.2016 .
7. Attested copies of certificates pertaining to date of birth, educational qualification, experience etc. should be attached with the application.
8. Candidate should be available for joining immediately, if selected.
9. Only shortlisted candidates will be intimated and invited for interview for the posts.
10. No TA/DA will be admissible.
11. These posts are open to Indian Nationals only.
12. UPSACS reserve s the right to reject all or any of the application without assigning any reason thereof.
13. UPSACS reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts mentioned above.
14. There should be separate applications for each post, clearly mentionin g the post on envelop in bold letters .
16. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Project Director, UPSACS will be final and binding on the parties concerned.
17. Any details, if required, can be obtained from the society’s office whose address is given above.

4th Floor, A - Block, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow - 226 010


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