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Application are invited for project in Metabolic disorders at Anna University

GPAT courses

Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli (Formerly Anna University Tiruchirappalli) has been established as a Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli by the Government of Tamilnadu. The Regional Office is functioning from 01-08-2012 at Tiruchirappalli, which is famously known as Rock Fort city. The Regional Office is situated 17Kms away in the main highway of Tiruchirappalli to Pudukkottai.

Applications on plain paper along with complete Bio-data, Attested copies of Mark sheets, Degree certificates and other academic credentials are invited for the position of Project Fellow in the UGC sponsored DSA-I Programme ( Ref.No:F.5-6/2015/DSA-l(SAPII), dt: June 2015) at the Centre for Biotechnology , Anna University Chennai.

Post: Project Fellow

No.of post: 01

Name of the Project: Integrated Biological approach on Metabolic disorders.

-First Class degree in M.Tech Biotechnology/M.Tech Biopharmaceutical Technology/ M.Tech Food Technology
-NET/GATE/GPAT Qualified candidates preferred.

Fellowship: Rs. 14000/- + 30% HRA

Duration of Fellowship: 1 year-Extendable based on performance - till the end of programme

-Application along with the relevant documents should reach the following address.

Professor and Head,
Department of Biotechnology,
Anna University, Chennai- 600025

On or before 05th February 2016

General Instructions:

1. There will be an one hour written examination followed by interview of shortlisted candidates.
2. The actual date and time of examination and interview will be intimated by e-mail only. Candidates should appear along with their original certificates.
3. Candidates attending the interview will do so at their own expenses, No TA/DA will be paid.
4. The selection criteria would be as per the guidelines of Anna University.
5. The selected candidate will be encouraged to register for Ph D programme at Anna University.


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