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One day meet on Flexible Electronics for Healthcare and Packaging - NCFlexE - Join in free

Clinical research courses

National Centre for Flexible Electronics (NCFIexE) is organizing a round table meet to identify areas of applications of large area flexible electronics for Healthcare and Packaging Industries.

Large area flexible electronics is an emerging segment of electronics that allows development of new applications by integrating intelligence in the form of electronics directly on flexible substrates such as plastics, paper, textiles or metal foils. This opens up new possibilities of developing conformal, flexible, lighter and more robust applications. At the heart of this revolution is electronics that can be printed roll-to-roll by fast manufacturing processes, much the same way as newspapers are printed, thereby making the products much more affordable and if required, even disposable. The applications of flexible electronics based sensors are wide ranging and span several sectors. These include smart packages and labels for food processing, wearable and lightweight sensors for health monitoring, disposable sensors or lab-on-a-chip for disease diagnostics, flexible temperature and gas sensors for healthcare, environment and safety

Potential Industry Sectors (Representative)
Flexible Electronics for Packaging and Printing in
• Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry
• Food Industry Flexible Electronics for
• Medical Instrumentation
• Biosensor
• Diagnostic Devices

Objective of the Meet :
Creating awareness of the emerging field of Flexible Electronics and identify areas of Collaborative development between NCFlexE and Industry

Programme : 
02:00PM – 02:30PM Welcome   Overview of NCFlexE 
02:30PM – 04:00PM Presentation  
• Anti Counter feiting  
• Printed Electronics for Printing and   Packaging  Industries  
• Flexible Electronics for Healthcare 
04:00PM – 05:00PM Discussion   Identify areas for collaboration

For further details contact:
Gaurang Patel 

Ph: +91-9979227888, 8460464349

Explore New Opportunities Roundtable Partnership Meet On
Flexible Electronics
for Healthcare and Packaging

Date: 29th January, 2016
Time : 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Venue : CII, Ahmedabad


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