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Vacancy for Professor/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in Maharashtra College of Pharmacy - 13 posts

GPAT courses

Applications  are  invited  from the Eligible candidate for the following post for the  academic year 2015-2016. The applications duly  completed in all respect should reach the  undersigned within 15 day’s from date of publicati on of the advertisement at  the college address.

Post: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Professor

Pharmaceutical Chemistry- 1 UR
Pharmaceutics- 1 UR
Pharmacognosy - 1 UR

Associate Professor(06)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry- 2{1 UR, 1 SC}
Pharmaceutics- 3 {2 UR, 1 SC}
Pharmacology- 1 UR

Assistant Professor(04)
Pharmaceutics-1 ST
Pharmacology- 2{1 UR, 1 SC}
Pharmaceutical Microbiology- 1 UR

for Professor Post:- Pay Scale Rs. 37400-67000 + GP Rs. 10,000
i) A Master Degree with at least 55% of marks (or an equivalent grade in the point scale wherever grading system is followed) by a recognized University.
ii) A Ph.D. Degree in concerned/allied relevant discipline(s) in the institution concerned with evidence of published work and research guidance.
iii) Associate Professor with a total experience of 10 years of teaching/ research/administration in University/College& other institutions of higher education.
iv) A Minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in A.I.C.T.E. Regulation, 2010 dated 28 June 2010 (Direction No 55/2010) in Table I to ix of Appendix III.

for Associat e Professor:- Pay Scale  37400-67000 + GP Rs. 9,000
i) Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in  the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines.    
ii) A Master’s Degree with  at least 55% marks (or an  equivalent grade in a point  scale wherever grading system is followed).   
iii) A minimum of five years of experience of t eaching and/or research in an Academic / research position equivalent to that of Assistan t Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research Institution/Industry excluding   the period of Ph.D. research  either evidence of published work and a minimum of 5 pub lication as books and/or research/policy papers.    
iv) Contribution to edu cational innovation, design of new curri cula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process w ith evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students.    
v) A minimum score as stipulated in th e Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System(PBAS), set out in this  Regulation  in Appendix iv. Educational qualification as per the  U.G.C. Regulation 2010& AICTE norms essential.

for Assistant Professor:- Pay Scale Rs. 15,600-39100 GP Rs.6000
i) Bachelor’s and Masters degree in Pharmacy with First class or equivalent either in Bachelors Or Masters degree
ii) No. T. A. & D. A. will be paid for attending the interview.
iii) Candidates of reserve category should submit their copy of application to Dy. Registrar (Special Cell) SRTMU, Nanded.
iv) 50% Marks at PG level for SC & St Candidate are also eligible as per SRTMU,Nanded, letter
v) Educational qualification as per the U.G.C. Regulation 2010 & AICTE norms essential. Application on plain paper along with copies of testimonials, certificates and score sheet for API based PBAS should reach the following address.

Note:-Reservation for 30% female candidate and 3% Physically handicapped.

I/c Principal,
Maharashtra College of Pharmacy, 
Nilanga. 413 521 Dist. Latur. (Maharashtra)

Last Date: 27thJanuary, 2016

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