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Apply Online for Teaching and Non-Teaching posts at NIPER

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Apply Online for Teaching and Non-Teaching posts at NIPER

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Kolkata, is an Institute of National importance under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India. NIPER Kolkata has established a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Flow Chemistry and Continuous Manufacturing.

Online Applications are invited from the eligible and suitable Indian Nationals for the Teaching and Non-Teaching posts on direct recruitment/deputation basis through open competition on all India basis.

Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Post : Professor (01 UR)
Pay Level (7th CPC) : Level-14 / 7th CPC
Post Code : T-01

Qualifications & Experience : 
Direct Recruitment Essential: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with very good academic record throughout and atleast 10 years of Teaching/ Research/ Industrial experience with published works of high quality, well recognized and established reputation of having made conspicuous seminal contribution to knowledge in Pharmaceutical and allied areas. Desirable: Expertise in Pharmacoinformatics / computational chemistry /Cheminformatics / Bioinformatics with a strong knowledge in development of various software and webservers in drug discovery and development. Exposure in HPC (High Performance Computing) is preferable. Proven publication record in molecular docking, molecular dynamics, quantum medicinal chemistry, virtual screening QSAR, is essential (all from own independent work). Experience in Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery is an added advantage. Preference will be given to candidates with ability to collaborate with experimental pharmaceutical scientists (in medicinal chemistry / pharmacology / pharmaceutics, etc.). Experience in establishing computational facilities, software installation, system administration, bug fixing, etc. is also desirable. Candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent Research in terms of guided Masters’ students and minimum of 2 PhD students. 
Preference will be given to the candidate having minimum of 3 years’ experience at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent industry experience and who completed EMR or Industry sponsored projects, technology transfers, strong record of undertaking consultancy work, Patents etc., and demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Age : Not exceeding 50 years

Deputation : Faculty members from Central/State Universities or Government Institutions of Higher Education holding analogous post on regular basis or with 5 (Five) years of regular service at the level of Associate Professor AND possessing the educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment. 
Age : 3 years prior to superannuation in the parent organization

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Post : Professor (01 UR)
Pay Level (7th CPC) : Level-14 / 7th CPC
Post Code : T-02

Qualifications & Experience : 
Direct Recruitment Essential : Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with very good academic record throughout and atleast 10 years of Teaching/ Research/ Industrial experience with published works of high quality, well recognized and established reputation of having made conspicuous seminal contribution to knowledge in Pharmaceutical and allied areas. Desirable: The candidate should have knowledge of immunopharmacology and expertise in discovery and evaluation of vaccines/monoclonal antibodies and/or protein/antibody engineering (antibody-drug conjugation; ADC)/ biologicals and proven skills in handling and providing training on sophisticated equipment’s related to Pharmacology & Molecular Biology. Experience in Regulatory affairs is preferred. The applicant should have an experience in leading collaborative research projects in their field of study at national or international level. Candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent Research in terms of guided Masters’ students and minimum of 2 PhD students. Preference will be given to the candidate having minimum of 3 years’ experience at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent industry experience and who completed EMR or Industry sponsored projects, technology transfers, Patents etc., and demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Age : Not exceeding 50 years

Deputation : Faculty members from Central/State Universities or Government Institutions of Higher Education holding analogous post on regular basis or with 5 (Five) years of regular service at the level of Associate Professor AND possessing the educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment.
Age : 3 years prior to superannuation in the parent organization

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Post : Associate Professor - 01 OBC-NCL
Pay Level (7th CPC) : Level-13 / 7th CPC
Post Code : T-03

Qualifications & Experience : 
Direct Recruitment  Essential Qualification : Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with very good academic record throughout and at least 8 years of Teaching/ Research/ Industrial experience with published works of high quality, well recognized and established reputation of having made conspicuous seminal contribution to knowledge in Pharmaceutical and allied areas. Desirable: Preference will be given to the candidates having Post Graduate Degree in Pharmaceutical Analysis. The candidate should have experience and expertise in pharmaceutical and bio-analytical techniques, AQbD, impurity profiling, data integrity, cGMP, GLP, ICH guidelines, instruments’ calibration, validation and regulatory requirements of DCGI, USFDA etc. Candidates having hands-on experience in handling sophisticated instruments like HPLC, LC-MS-MS and GC-MS and using them for the analysis of API/finished dosage forms as per IP, USP, BP etc. will be given preference. Knowledge in characterization of biological products and stability testing, trouble shooting skills etc. will be preferred. Candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guided Masters’ students and at least one Ph.D. student, execution and/or recipients of sponsored/EMR projects and with publication in SCI journals.
Age : Not exceeding 45 years 3 years age relaxation for OBC-NCL candidates

Deputation : Faculty Members from Central/State Universities or Government Institutions of Higher Education holding analogous post on regular basis or with 5 (five) years of regular service at the level of Assistant Professor and possessing the educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment.
Age : 3 years prior to superannuation in the parent organization

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Post : Assistant Professor - 01 OBC-NCL
Pay Level (7th CPC) : Level-12 / 7th CPC
Post Code : T-04

Qualifications & Experience : 
Essential: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with very good academic record throughout and at least 5 years of Teaching/Research/Industrial experience with published works of high quality. Desirable: The candidate should have knowledge of in-vitro and in-vivo pharmacology in drug discovery and drug interactions/development of transgenic models for pharmacological screening. Working knowledge of regulatory filing of drugs, Knowledge of drug safety, adverse reactions, and post-marketing surveillance. Knowledge of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD)/ AI/ML based predictive PK/PD models preventing extensive in vivo experiments. Candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of Masters’ students, execution and/or recipients of sponsored/EMR projects and with publications in SCI journals.
Age : Not exceeding 40 years 3 years of Age Relaxation for OBC-NCL Category

Scientist/ Technical Supervisor Grade I
No of post : 01 UR
Pay Level (7th CPC) : Level-9 / 7th CPC
Post Code : NT-02
Essential Qualification : M.Sc / M.Pharma / M.V.Sc from a recognized University/ Institute. 
Experience : 4 (Four) years of experience of research/teaching in central/state Government organizations/University or Research Institution or Central/State autonomous or other recognized institutes of repute. 
Desirable Qualification : PhD in relevant field with 2 (Two) years of post- qualification Experience in handling of high-end equipment for pharmaceutical research. Especially experience in equipment related to spectral analysis (NMR, IR, fluorescence) as well as the process chemistry is the requirement.
Age : Not exceeding 40 years

General Instructions
1. Candidates of only Indian Nationality can apply for these posts. 
2. Candidates should read carefully the requisite essential qualifications, age, experience criteria, etc., laid down in the advertisement before applying for the relevant post. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the “Application Form (Hard Copy only)”, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected. 
3. Application once submitted cannot be altered/ resubmitted, under any circumstances. Further, request with respect to making changes in any data/particulars entered by the candidate in the Online Application will not be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the Application Online. 
4. Candidates can submit their application through online link available in the NIPER-Kolkata Website. They can apply for more than one post and more than one category provided; they fulfill the eligibility criteria. In such a case, the candidate has to apply for each post and category and Pay Application Fee separately. However, based on the number of candidates applying for different posts, the institute reserves the right to hold a written test and /or Interview for the various posts together or separately on a single or multiple days across various sessions as per suitability of the institute/norms in force. 
5. Incomplete online application or Hard copy of application or those without relevant supporting documents (self-attested copies of Date of Birth/Degree Certificates / Marksheets / Experience Certificates / documents, etc.) will be rejected. 

6. Mere fulfillment of minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle any candidate to receive call letter. 
7. The applicants serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs/Autonomous organization must send their hard copy of Application Form (in the prescribed format) along with the relevant documents “Through Proper Channel”. Such candidates are required to send advance copies of their applications before the due date but their candidature shall only be considered if their applications are received through proper channel within 15 days of closing date of receipt of hard copy of applications. 
8. Applicants who are applying on deputation has to submit APARs of last 3 / 5 years, Vigilance clearance certificate and Integrity Certificate along with the application. 
9. Selection Committee reserves the rights to recommend higher initial pay and position to exceptionally qualified, experienced and deserving selected candidates as per Govt. of India rules. 
10. The Pay Protection will be given to eligible candidates as per Govt. rules/norms in force.

11. Online interviews can be arranged for overseas candidates only. 
12. No TA/DA and accommodation shall be provided for attending the Written test / Skill test / Interview. 
13. The maximum age limit and eligibility conditions shall be reckoned for all the posts (Teaching and Non-Teaching) as on the last date for submission of online applications i.e., on 18.03.2025 and the experience for Teaching post will be considered from the date of completion of Master’s Degree to the last date of online application i.e., on 18.03.2025 by excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. in both full time and part time (copies of documents for date of registration and date of completion of Ph.D. must be enclosed, In case if the candidate is unable to submit the proof for date of registration, post PhD experience will only be considered). 
14. Appointments under Direct Recruitment are regular in nature with a probation period of 1 (one) year for the posts T-01 to T-04 & NT-01 and 2 (Two) years for the posts NT-02 to NT-04 and the same shall be confirmed depending upon satisfactory performance of the incumbent. 
15. The Deputation is for 03 years, extendable as per GoI norms and at the discretion of the institute competent authority. The terms and conditions of deputation will be governed by the provisions contained in GoI DOPT's Om No. 6/8/2009-Estt/ (Pay II) dated 17 June 2010 and Government of India's instructions issued from time to time on the subject. Applicants under deputation will be considered for permanent absorption on completion of deputation period as per rules subject to satisfactory service. The permanent absorption in service is at the sole discretion of the institute competent authority and the incumbent has no right to claim for it during or on completion of the deputation period.

16. An Application Fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for both Teaching and Non-Teaching (from Pay level 10 and above), Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred only) for other non-Teaching posts has to be paid through online mode only. The fee once paid will not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances. No fee is required for applicants belonging to SC / ST, Persons with Disability and Women. During submission of online Application, a PDF will be generated with the completed form. Application fees not necessary for applying on deputation. 
17. For the posts T-01 to T-03, the mode of recruitment is Direct/Deputation. For the post T-04 and NT-01 to NT-04, the mode of recruitment is Direct Recruitment only. 
18. Mode of Selection: The selection process for Teaching posts consists of two phases (a) Seminar Presentation (b) Interview. The shortlisted candidates will be invited to give seminar presentation before a duly constituted Committee. Only the candidates recommended by the Committee based on their performance in the seminar presentation shall attend the Interview before the Selection Panel. Candidates are advised to visit the Website regularly. No separate call letter will be sent by post. Email communication will only be sent. For non-teaching posts, selection process for the posts NT-01 is based on Skill Test and Performance in the interview. For the posts, NT-02 & NT-03, the selection is based on Written test, Skill test and Performance in the interview. For the posts NT-04, the selection is based on Written Test and qualifying Skill test. Selected Candidates based on the written test, will be called for Skill Test and Interview.
19. A Candidate’s admission to the Written Test/Interview and subsequent process is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s)/has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally declared by the NIPER-Kolkata. The NIPER- Kolkata would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/Certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If any of these short comings is/are detected after appointment in the NIPER-Kolkata, their services are liable to be summarily terminated.

20. The Institute reserves the right to :
(a) Withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect.
(b) Fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever.
(c) Increase/Decrease the number of posts without giving any reason.
(d) Any addition/deletion and changes in matter of terms and conditions given in this notification of recruitment.
(e) Hold Written Test, Skill/Trade Test, Presentation and /or Interview for selection, whenever circumstances so warrant.

21. Applicants are advised to mention their correct and active email id in the application, as all the correspondence like issuance of call letter or any other information will be communicated through email only. 
22. Intimations will be sent only by E-mail as per the details mentioned in the Application form. 
23. In case of any corrigendum/addendum pertaining to this advertisement, the same shall be published in the Institute’s website only. Accordingly, all applicants in their own interests are advised to regularly visit the Institute’s Website. 
24. Guidelines relating to recruitment rules shall be followed as per NIPER Act, 1998 as amended from time to time. 
25. Certificate in support of Experience should be in proper format i.e., it should be on the organization letter head bearing the date of issue, specific period of work (in DD/MM/YY/) including nature of duties, Name, Designation and Signature of the Administration Authorities along with. 
26. No person shall be recruited unless he/she in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his/her official duties. Before candidates recruited directly are finally approved for appointment to the institute, he/she shall be required to produce a medical certificate of physical fitness from whom the appointing authority specifies. 
27. After joining the service of the Institute, the persons will have to abide by the Rules, Regulations, Ordinances, Statutes and Act of the Institute applicable from time to time. He/ She may be assigned any duty within or outside the Institute depending upon the exigency of the work. 
28. Candidates who have obtained degrees/diplomas/certificates for various courses from any Institution declared fake/ derecognized by the UGC/AICTE/PCI shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the post advertised. 
29. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this Advertisement other than English, the English version available on the NIPER-Kolkata Website shall prevail.
30. Any dispute arising out of this Advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Courts situated at Kolkata only. 
31. The following subjects are considered under Pharmaceutical Sciences Category: Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Analysis; Pharmacology & Toxicology; Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Toxicology; Pharmacy Practice; Clinical Pharmacy; Hospital Pharmacy; Industrial Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical Technology (Formulation); Pharmaceutical Technology (Process Chemistry); Pharmacoinformatics; Pharmacognosy; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Community Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Only shortlisted candidates called for Interview / Written Test / Skill Test. The Director / Screening Committee reserves the right to shortlist the candidates on the basis of educational qualification / experience/papers published. 

(a) The candidates are required to apply ONLINE only from10:00 AM on 15.02.2025 to 18.03.2025 up to 06.00 PM. 
(b) For submission of application through ONLINE MODE, please visit : 
(c) Before sending/posting the Hard Copy of Online Application (successfully submitted) the candidates must ensure that the Application Form is completed in all aspects i.e., duly signed along with all relevant educational, experience and Category Certificate (where ever applicable) duly self-attested copy have been attached properly. 
(d) Each Application must be sent in a separate envelope and each envelope should contain one application only. 

The complete Hard Copy Application Form (in all aspects) must reach the Institute on or before 02.04.2025 up to 05.00 PM by Registered / Speed Post/Courier. The envelope, containing complete application, should be super-scribed as “Name of the Post Applied for” & Post Code. “Employment Notification No.________”and must be sent to : 
The Registrar I/c NIPER-Kolkata 168, 
Chunilal Bhawan Maniktala 
Main Road Kolkata – 700054
(f) The Applications (Hard Copy of the successfully submitted online form only) can be submitted in person at the institute during 11 AM to 5 PM on all working days up to 02.04.2025

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