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Applications are invited for the post of Secretary of the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions, MOHFW

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Applications are invited for the post of Secretary of the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions, MOHFW

Applications are invited for the post of Secretary of the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions under the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021 (NCAHP). The qualification and experience for the said post are as under: -

i) A post graduate degree in any discipline, preferably related to Medical or Allied and Healthcare education or healthcare policy or health administration or public health from any University with outstanding ability and proven administrative capacity and integrity.

i) An administrative experience of not less than ten years
ii) Experience in the Central Government, a State Government, or any statutory body will be preferred. 
iii) Extensive practical and administrative experience in the field of Allied and Healthcare Education/ Research and experience in running important scientific/educational Institutions either as Head of the Department or Head of the Institution/ Organization 

 i) Must have proven high-quality and effective communication skills at all levels 
ii) Must have demonstrable experience of values-led leadership with proven ability to work collaboratively with multi-disciplinary stakeholders
 iii) Proven ability to inspire, engage and empower the allied and healthcare workforce across a range of categories and specialties while upholding the highest standards of personal and professional integrity
iv) Strong management experience, organisational strategy and planning experience for more than 10 years. 
v) Ability to build trusting relationships with peers and stakeholders and to act as a leader and ambassador for the profession in India and across the globe. vi) Demonstrated ability to utilize resources effectively for maximum benefit to professions and society at large.

TENURE OF SERVICE: The Secretary to the Commission shall hold office for a term of four years.

UPPER AGE LIMIT: Not exceeding 65 years of age as on 22.03.2025. 

Those who are working in the Central/ State Government/ Autonomous body should send a “No Objection Certificate” from their respective organization along with their application. The period of deputation shall be as per the tenure of the position. The pay will be protected as per Government of India Rules. The following documents may also please be sent along with the application, by those applicants currently serving actively within the Central/State Government/s. 

i) Complete ACR dossier’s/attested copies of ACRs of the applicant (last five years).
ii) Vigilance Clearance in respect of the applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate Status. 
iii) Cadre Clearance in respect of the applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate Status
iv) Certificate, Major/Minor penalty imposed if any, on the officer during the last 10 years/service period whichever is less. 

For all other applicants, the following or equivalent documents may be forwarded along with the application:
i) Detailed performance review/assessment records for at least three years (if not applicable, please state the reason)
ii) Records of any major/minor penalty for offences or any violations of the law during the last 10 years, if applicable. 

Screening and shortlisting of applications will be done by the Search cum Selection Committee (SSC),or a suitable sub-committee appointed by it.

The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for the position. Details must be filled in the desired format (proforma), failing which the application will not be considered. 

Based on the information provided as part of the proforma, the SSC will shortlist the candidates and follow a process for finalization as found appropriate by the members of the SSC. Candidates shortlisted will have to produce all relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in their application as and when requested by the Search cum Selection Committee.


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