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Vacancy for M.Pharm or MSc as SRF at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for M.Pharm or MSc as SRF at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute

Regional Ayurveda Research Institute (RARI), Gwalior established in the year 1970, is engaged in research with the focused mandate 1. Human Resource Development Activities and 2. Ayurveda Drug Development. The out-patient department of the Institute caters the primary health needs of the patients reporting for different illnesses, out of which the patients are registered for research programs allocated from time to time. The Institute is equipped with 25 bedded In-patient Department, a well equipped laboratory for biochemical and pathological investigations.

Post : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Walk-in-Interview for 01 post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) as contractual in the following project will be held at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Gwalior.
Title : " Assessment of AYUSH-64 and Ayush Kwath to SARS-CoV-2 mutants on lung, liver and brain cells."
Project Duration : 02 years
Department / Section : Chemistry
Essential Qualification : Essential:
Postgraduate degree in Chemistry with 2 years experience
M.Pharm. with Pharmaceutical Chemistry from recognized University/Institution.
Age : Not exceeding 35 years as on 01.01.2023

Remuneration : Rs.35000 + 18% HRA

Desirable : Preference will be given to candidates having experience in ASU&H drug analysis, including In-Silico studies and handling instruments like HPTLC/ HPLC/ LC-MS/ GC-MS Experience of any research project by the Ministry of AYUSH, ICMR, CS1R, DST or equivalent organization in relevant field. Skill of drafting and editing of scientific documents/articles/ technical reports etc. Publication in peer reviewed journals. Working knowledge of computer

General Terms and Conditions
1. The engagement will be purely contractual and co-terminus with the project and no claim for the continuance of regular appointment will be entertained.
2. Age relaxation shall be applicable as per GOI rules
3. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.

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