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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, Pharm.D as Scientist at at Pt BD Sharma PGIMS

Clinical research courses

Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, Pharm.D as Scientist at at Pt BD Sharma PGIMS

 Pt. B.D.Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak is situated at a distance of about 240 km from Chandigarh and about 70 km from Delhi on Delhi-Hissar-Sirsa-Fazilka National Highway (NH-10). It is the  only major Institution for Medical Education and Research and a tertiary care centre for provision of specialized health care services not only to the people of the State of Haryana, but also to those from  Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi and western U.P.  The Institute was started under the name of Medical College, Rohtak in the year 1960.  For the first three years, the students were admitted to Medical College, Patiala which acted as a host Institution.  In 1963, the students were shifted to Rohtak.

Applications are invited for the following temporary positions at DHR-ICMR Advance Medical Oncology Diagnostic services project in the Department of Pathology at Pt BD Sharma PGIMS Rohtak.

Scientist-C - 01 Post
Upper age limit : 40 years
Essential qualification : M.Sc. Life science / MPH / MHA / M.Pharma (Masters of Pharmacy) / Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) with 4 year of experience in relevant area. GCP certification in last year
Desirable experience : Ph.D. degree Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology subject from a recognized University At least 2 years’ experience in Real Time PCR-based molecular diagnostics assays/ Next generations sequencing will be preferred. Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools/ Data Management Publications to support above desirable skill set
Emoluments : Upto Rs 67,000/- + HRA per month No TA/DA will be provided
Duration of post : One year from the date of appointment (Initially). Appointment can be extended up to 3 years depending on the work performance of the candidate till his/her services are required by the PI or till the validity of the project (whichever is earlier)
Nature of duties : The candidate would be expected to perform routine molecular diagnostic techniques such as manual DNA/RNA extraction, nucleic acid amplification tests such end point PCR, real-time PCR. The scientist will perform relevant bench work in areas of the diagnostic molecular pathology laboratory. This would involve working/ assisting/developing various diagnostic areas

Research assistant - 01 Post
Upper age limit : 40 years
Essential qualification : Graduate in Science / relevant subjects from a recognized university with 3 years of work experience from a recognized institution or master’s degree in the relevant subject or Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) from a recognized institution GCP certification in last year
Desirable experience : BSc MLT with MSc MLT in Pathology, Microbiology or Biochemistry Previous one-year experience in cytogenetics (Karyotyping and FISH), nucleic acid isolation and molecular pathology techniques is desirable Publications to support above desirable skill set
Emoluments : Upto Rs 35000/- per month (consolidated) No TA/DA/HRA will be provided
Duration of post : One year from the date of appointment (Initially). Appointment can be extended up to 3 years depending on the work performance of the candidate till his/her services are required by the PI or till the validity of the project (whichever is earlier)
Nature of duties : The research scientist is expected to receive process and perform analysis on the samples received in the Cytogenetic unit. The research scientist will perform relevant bench work in the areas of diagnostic cytogenetic laboratory. He/she will be involved in processing of samples for both karyotyping and FISH studies that include liquid and solid tumors

Mode of appointment : Project mode

Terms and conditions
1. The candidates must come with 2 passport-size photographs, all original documents, and one set of photocopies of relevant, for the interview.
2. The above posts are temporary and terminable on one month notice from either side
3. The duration (tenure) of the project one year from the date of appointment or more depending upon the requirement of project
4. Incomplete applications or applications received after due date will not be considered.
5. Screening will be done on the basis of suitability of the candidate as per the project requirement.
6. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.
7. No enquiries shall be entertained in this regard after due date.
8. No TA/DA will be admissible to appear in the interview
9. All educational professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/ University and full-time 10. Selection will be based on premerit and interviews
11. The work and conduct of all shall be evaluated per month
12. Experience in association with research projects will be preferable
13. HRA will be admissible as per the classification of the city for Scientist C and Lab technician III posts
14. Last date for receipt of applications: 16/02/2023 at 5 pm 15. Computer knowledge of entering medical data is essential
16. The place of work will be the Department of Pathology
17. Applications complete in all respects with the supporting document in a single PDF file in the prescribed format to be submitted by email to:
18. Venue of the interview: Committee Room, Director Office, PGIMS, Rohtak
19. Time and date of interview: at 23/02/2023 at 2:00 pm
20. GCP certification is mandatory for all posts- the following link can be used for a free-four-hour-GCP certification online course for GCP certification.

Application Form & More Info

 GCP certification

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