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Job for Research Associate at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Clinical research courses

Job for Research Associate at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own. The institute imparts quality post-graduate education to students not only from various parts of the country, but also from overseas.

Post : Research Associate

Walk-in Interview is scheduled on 1st March 2023 , at 11 am at Division of Veterinary Biotechnology, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP) for engagement of purely temporary position of Research Associate (RA) under time bound NASF project entlitled, “ Development of thermostable Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccine using spontaneously assembling, biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoscaffolds”.

Essential Qualification : Ph.D. degree in any discipline of Veterinary Science / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Bacteriology / Virology / Immunology or Life Science OR Master's degree in any discipline of Veterinary Science / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Bacteriology / Virology / Immunology or Life Science with 4/5 years of Bachelor's degree having 1st Division (60% marks or equivalent OGPA), with at least three years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associate ship/ Training/ other engagements as circulated vide F. No. 2- 9/2012-HRD dated 25.04.2014 and one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) / NAAS rated (≥4.0) Journal as per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30.01.2019

Age Limit : Maximum 40 Years for Male candidates and 45 years for female candidates as on the date of interview. Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per guidelines

Desirable Qualification : Experience of animal cell culture techniques, virus culture and upscaling, Molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques, Immunological assays, Chemical synthesis of nanoparticles and biomolecules, laboratory animal handling, etc

Emoluments : Rs 54000 pm + HRA (for PhD Degree holders) and Rs 49000 PM + HRA (for Master’s Degree Holders) As per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of' DST dated 30.01.2019

Walk-in Interview is scheduled on 1st March 2023 , at 11 am at Division of Veterinary Biotechnology, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP)

Contact Person : Dr. Sonal, Senior Scientist, Veterinary Biotechnology, ICAR- IVRI, Izatnagar (Email

No TA/DA will be given for candidates appearing in the walk-in-interview.

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