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Ph.D or M.Pharm Opportunity for Department of Science & Technology funded project

Clinical research courses

Ph.D or M.Pharm Opportunity for DST funded project

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was established in the year 1960. The Parliament of India passed the ‘Institutes of Technology Act 1961’ declaring all the IITs as “Institutions of National Importance”. The Parliamentary Act has given absolute autonomy to the IITs. When the foundation stone of the IIT system was laid, it was perceived that taking help from the industrially advanced western countries might be lot more effective in achieving the status of a world class technical institute. Hence, IIT Kanpur had a massive collaboration with USA through a specially created programme- KIAP (Kanpur Indo American Programme).

Applications are invited for the temporary Project Position of JRF for Department of Science & Technology (DST) funded project (DST/NM/NT/2018/48) at the Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology of Kanpur (IITK), UP, India

Title of the project: "Development Of Multi-Functional Nano-Hap Bone Substitute For Effective Bone Regenration In Critical Defects" 
Qualification : Ph.D. or M.Sc / M.Tech / M.Pharma / MS / MDS with 3 years’ experience in Biological Sciences / Life Sciences / Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Pharmacy / Biomedical Sciences / Dental sciences/Material Science / Physics / Metallurgy. 
Desirable Qualification : Preference will be given to candidates with Ph.D in Biological Sciences & proven experience techniques and working in applied biomedical research in an interdisciplinary research and with relevant experience in the field of neuroscience, biochemistry, biomaterials, biotechnology and tissue engineering. The entire project is work intensive and depends on high level of technical skills. 

Salary range : Rs. 31000/pm (consolidated)
Duration : 1 year (The minimum time period should not be less than 11 months and maximum 3 years or till the end of project whichever is earlier)

Application on plain paper, along with the complete bio-data may be sent to the undersigned by post or e-mail latest by 02nd March 2021.

Dr. Ashok Kumar
Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur – 208016, UP

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