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PGIMER Research Associate Job | Ph.D apply

Clinical research courses

PGIMER Research Associate Job

The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage.

Bio data of candidates are invited for purely temporary posts in technically approved ICMR project entitled “Pseudoesterase activity of albumin as a determinant for serum cholesterol in rabbits in the Department of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Research Associate (RA): One post
Essential qualification : PhD with experience in any branch of life science
Desirable qualification : using computational biology tools applied to proteins.

Age Limit : 40 years (Relaxed upper age limit by two years in case of woman candidates).
Pay scale : Rs 47000pm + 16% HRA (tentative subject to receipt of sanction order)
Job description : Performing experiments and preparation of project reports.

The candidates with working experience in enzymology of any esterase, using GOLD software as documented in publications will get preference. The bio data must contain list of publication with impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) and citation at Google Scholar. Other scientific achievements like patents, conference presentation should be also mentioned. Any relevant experience must be highlighted. Selection will be based on publication and experience. Interview, written test etc. will be done if necessary There may be telephonic interview or interview in virtual platform.

The candidates who are willing to apply should send soft copy of biodata through The biodata must mention, Email Id, mobile number with whatsapp (in case of RA) date of birth, qualifications with subjects, % of marks and Degree awarding institutionsr For the esearch associate, the citations of the publications (if any) should be provided in Vancouver Style. For the the research associates, a paragraph (200 words) should be written about experience of the candidates and and another paragraph (200 words) should be written that why the candidate wishes to apply in the project post. Last date for sending the soft copy of the biodata enclosed ^ 3PP^ 'n the documents (in PDF format as a single attachment) is 20.2.2021. The softcopy of the biodata supporting documents (in PDF format as a single attachment) is 20-02-2021.  The softcopy of the Biodata may be emailed to well in advance. The Screened candidates for the further selection process shall be intimated via Email.

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