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Opportunity for M.Pharm, Pharm.D under Public Service Commission - Government Jobs

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Opportunity for M.Pharm, Pharm.D under Public Service Commission

Online applications are invited for the post of Joint Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner (Advt. No.116/2020-21, Advt. No.117/2020-21) under the Commissionerate of Food and Drugs Control Administration, Health and Family Welfare Department, Gujarat State, during Date: 02/02/2021, 13:00 p.m. to Date: 17/02 /2021, 13:00 p.m.

Joint Commissioner, (Food and Drugs Control Administration) Class-1
No of Posts : 01 (General-01)
Educational Qualification & Experience:
Possess- 1. A Post-graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or in Medicine with specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology or degree of Pharm D. obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational Institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section - 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; and
2. (i) Have about eleven years’ experience in the field of enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945 under the Commissionerate of Food and Drugs Control Administration,Gujarat State, or (ii) Have about eleven years combined or separate experience in the field of manufacturing or testing of at least one of the substance specified in the schedule ”C” of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945;in Production or Quality Control or Research and Development Department of a Pharmaceutical establishment or in the field related to Pharmaceutical Technology or in the Laboratory approved for this purpose by the licensing authority/in Government/Government Undertaking Board/Corporation/Limited Company established under the companies Act,2013.
3. Possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules,1967;
4. Have adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
Pay: - Rs. 15600-39100 (Grade Pay 7600) (As per 6th Pay)
Age:-  Not more than 48 years.

Deputy Commissioner, (Food and Drugs Control Administration) Class-1
No of Posts : 01 (General-01)
Educational Qualification & Experience:
Possess- 1. A post-graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or in Medicine with specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology or degree of Pharm D. obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational Institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section - 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; and
2. (i) Have about nine years’ experience in the field of enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945 under the Commissionerate of Food and Drugs Control Administration,Gujarat State, or (ii) Have about nine years combined or separate experience in the field of manufacturing or testing of at least one of the substance specified in the schedule ”C” of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945;in Production or Quality Control or Research and Development Department of a Pharmaceutical establishment or in the field related to Pharmaceutical Technology or in the Laboratory approved for this purpose by the licensing authority or in the Government or Government Undertaking Board/Corporation/Limited Company established under the companies Act,2013.
3. Possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules,1967;
4. Have adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
Pay: - Rs. 15600-39100 (Grade Pay 6600) (As per 6th Pay)
Age:-  Not more than 46 years.

Upper Age Limit shall be relaxed as under:
Particulars - As per Gujarat civil Services Classification and recruitment (General) Rules 1967, A candidate who of Gujarat Govt. Employee is already in Gujarat Govt. service, either as a permanent or a temporary officiating continuously for six months and had not crossed age limit prescribed for the advertised post at the time of his first appointment.
Relaxation - (i) If experience is prescribed as one of the qualifications, the upper age limit shall not apply.
(ii) If experience is not prescribed as one of the qualifications and a Govt. servant appointed to a post requiring a Medical, Engineering, Veterinary or Agriculture degree or diploma and who applied for any such post, the upper age limit shall not apply.
(iii) If experience is not prescribed as one of the qualifications in the advertisement, Govt. servants who are working on the post from which an employee can be promoted to the post so advertised, be entitled to relaxation of 5 years, or to the extent of equal number of years for which service has been put in by him, whichever is less.

(1) As per the Instruction/Provisions of the commission, the candidates of each category are being called for interview as per following norms:
No. of Posts & No. of Candidates to be called for an interview
01 : 06
02 : 08
03 : 10
04 & more : 03 times of No. of posts
(2) The Candidates has to produce necessary documents, in support of Indian Legality / Equivalence if he possesses foreign university degree/experience.
(3) The candidates should produce formula/method of calculation of percentage where percentage of marks is not given by the University.
(4) Candidate shall remain present at every stage of this recruitment Process, otherwise his/ her Candidature shall be rejected by the commission.
(5) Application Fees: - Candidates of General category have to pay Rs.100/- + applicable postal charges, while Candidates belonging to reserved categories and Economically Weaker Section of Unreserved category of Gujarat state and Ex. Serviceman and P.H. Candidates do not need to fees. While candidates of reserved category of other states have to pay prescribed application fee.

General Provisions of Advertisement
A Citizenship: Candidate,
(a) a citizen of India or
(b) a citizen of Nepal or
(c) a citizen of Bhutan or
(d) a Tibetan exile who must have resided in India before January 1, 1922 with the intention of permanent residence  
e) Native Indian person who intends to settle permanently in India from East African countries like Pakistan, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda.  Must be from the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam, but with sub-number (b), (c), (d).  And in the case of candidates appearing in (e) the government should have issued a certificate of eligibility. 

Note: - The Commission will consider the application form of the candidate in whose case the eligibility certificate is required.  And if his name is recommended for appointment, the state government will give him temporary appointment on condition of issuing a certificate of eligibility in his case.

Application Form:
1) If you want to apply for more than one advertisement, you have to apply separately for each advertisement and pay the fee with each application.
2) Non-reserved category candidates, if they pay the fee at the post office.  If you pay Rs.100 + postal charges and on-line fee, then you will have to pay Rs.100 + service charges.  Exemption from payment of fees so that they do not have to pay any fee. Candidates of reserved category will not have to pay application fee if they apply for non-reserved seats.  And they will be subject to non-anonymity criteria for selection.
3) Even if there are no reserved seats for women candidates in the advertisement, women candidates can apply in that category.
4) In the advertisement, out of the total seats in that category, women candidates can apply.  When vacancies are reserved, the remaining seats other than those reserved for women candidates are not to be considered as reserved only for male candidates, these seats may be considered for selection of male as well as female candidates.  Male as well as female candidates can apply (e.g out of total 10 seats, 6 seats are reserved for women candidates but women candidates can also be selected against the remaining 05 seats)  Even if there are only seats reserved for women candidates in the advertisement.  Male candidates can apply in the category as female candidates are not available. Male candidates may be considered for selection in these seats but only those seats which are reserved for women candidates and are filled by women candidates in such a number.
5) Advertisement only if seats are reserved for female candidates in which male candidates can apply in that category as female candidates are not available.  Therefore, if there is a reserve and the number of women candidates in that seat is fully selected, then they will have to be considered first and if no woman candidate is selected or less female candidate is selected, then the same number of male candidates will be considered (e.g.  A total of 10 seats are reserved for female candidates and if 02 male candidates are selected, then 03 male candidates can be selected.

Tentative date of Preliminary Test : Joint Commissioner :- 15-06-2021 ; Deputy Commissioner:- 17-06-2021
Tentative date of Primary Test Result: August-2021
Tentative month of Interview : November-2021
Tentative month of Interview Result : Result will be published within 10 working days after Completion of Interviews

LAST DATE : 17/02/2021, 13:00 p.m.


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