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Job for Pharma Professionals at TANUVAS

Clinical research courses

Job for Pharma Professionals at TANUVAS

The seed for the establishment and growth of TANUVAS was sown as early as 1876, when the Madras Veterinary College was started as an Agricultural School in Chennai to offer diploma and certificate course in the field of veterinary and animal sciences. The institute attained the status of a college in the year 1903 (01.10.1903), when it started functioning at Dobbin Hall, Chennai and admitted 20 students for a three-year diploma course called GMVC (Graduate of Madras Veterinary College).

Post : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

A walk-in interview would be conducted for the DBT funded project on Genomic and Proteomics approaches to develop specific diagnostic assay for detection of estrus/silent estrus in buffaloes, functioning in the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and obstetrics, Madras Veterinary College,Vepery, Chennai – 600 007.

Title of Project : Genomic and Proteomics approaches to develop specific diagnostic assay for detection of estrus / silent estrus in buffaloes
Qualifications : Master in Professional degree like M.V.Sc / M.Tech / M. Pharm / M.Sc in life sciences with NET qualification. All degrees should be in life sciences related subjects with two years of Research Experience
Salary : Rs.31,000 + HRA for Candidates with NET Qualification (or) Rs.28,000 + HRA for Non-NET candidates
The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project

• Eligible candidates are requested to walk in for the written exam followed by an interview on 23.02.2021 to be held at Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai – 600 007.
• Mere attending of the interview does not guarantee them the appointment and the selection will be based purely on merit. Candidates are requested to produce all original certificates (UG / PG degrees, age proof and experience certificate that certify their competency to work in the project) at the time of interview.
• The appointment is purely on temporary basis to work for the scheme and the job will be terminated at the time of closure of the scheme. She/he should not claim the period of work for university service.
• Working personnel are requested to attend the interview with No objection letter from the present employer.
• No TA and DA will be provided for attending the interview.
• The written examination would be for one-hour duration with multiple-choice questions

Interview Date : 23.02.2021

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