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Faculty Recruitment at Birla Institute of Technology

Clinical research courses

Faculty Recruitment at Birla Institute of Technology

Established in 1955 by the visionary industrialist Mr. BM Birla, BIT Mesra was founded with a clear vision to offer its young minds a space, where their imagination could take wings and their ideas fruition. For over 6 decades now, the institute has nurtured minds with a rich heritage of academic excellence, developing learning frameworks that have been well ahead of times.

BIT invites applications from Indian Nationals, possessing excellent academic background, commitment to quality teaching and zeal for innovative research for the following faculty positions at Mesra and Lalpur in Ranchi and other satellite campuses at Deoghar, Jaipur, and Patna.

Assistant Professor
Academic Level (AL) of UGC : 10, 11 or 12
Minimum Basic Pay in Rs : 57,700/- or 68,900/- or 79,800/-
Qualification (degree and performance) and Experience* : First class or equivalent in UG and PG degree level and PhD
degree. At least 4 research publications in reputed, peer reviewed and indexed journals.
Associate Professor
Academic Level (AL) of UGC : 13A
Minimum Basic Pay in Rs : 1,31,400/-
Qualification (degree and performance) and Experience* :
i) First class or equivalent in UG and PG degree level and PhD degree.
ii) A minimum of 8 years of post-PhD experience of teaching plus research at Assistant Professor or equivalent level in a reputed academic institution, R&D organization or industry.
iii) A minimum of 8-12 research publications in reputed peer reviewed and indexed journals.
iv) Completed at least two sponsored R&D or industrial consultancy projects.
v) For faculty members of Architecture/ HMCT/ Management disciplines, cumulative earning from at least two Training Activities/Consultancy /FDP/ EDP are expected.
vi) Supervision of at least one PhD student.

Academic Level (AL) of UGC : 14
Minimum Basic Pay in Rs : 1,44,200/-
Qualification (degree and performance) and Experience* :
i) First class or equivalent in UG and PG degree level and PhD in advertised discipline.
ii) A minimum of 10 years of post-PhD experience of teaching and research experience in University/ National level Institutions of which at least 3 years shall be as an Associate Professor. Besides above, it is desirable that the candidate (at any level) must possess very strong records of:
iii) Contributions in terms of publications in referred and indexed journals with high impact.
iv) Guided at least three PhD students.
v) Completed a few sponsored R&D Project and/or Industrial Consultancy.
vi) For faculty members of Architecture/ HMCT/ Management disciplines, substantial earning from at least two Training Activities/ Consultancy /FDP /EDP are desirable.

* Relaxation of norms, experience or allied attributes is possible at the discretion of the selection committee for exceptionally deserving candidates. Besides Basic Pay & Dearness Allowance, other benefits such as Employees Provident Fund (12% on Basic + DA), Mediclaim Insurance etc. shall be admissible as per Institute rules.
Age : Below 35 years for the post of Assistant Professor. The age will be calculated on the last date for receipt of applications i.e., 15.02.2021. Relaxation of age would be admissible to SC/ST/PH candidates as per rules.

Available Positions and Specializations in Department of Pharmaceutical Science & Engineering at Mesra Campus
Assistant Professor
Essential Qualification : B.Pharm, M.Pharm & PhD
Specialization : Pharmaceutics (02), Pharmaceutical Chemistry (02), Pharmacology (02), Pharmacognosy (01), Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (01)
Number of Posts : 08
Associate Professor
Essential Qualification : B.Pharm, M.Pharm & PhD
Specialization : Pharmaceutics/Pharmacology/ Pharm. Quality Assurance
Number of Posts : 02
Essential Qualification : B.Pharm, M.Pharm & PhD
Specialization : Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharm. Quality Assurance
Number of Posts : 02

The application should be accompanied with a curriculum vitae containing:
i) Detailed academic record since high school level (degree, institution, year, subject domain, grade/record).
ii) Detailed professional employment records (organization, designation, salary, tenure(from-to), location, job profile).
iii) Publication record (author list, journals/proceedings, reference details, Impact factor (Thompson Reutter), publisher) including patents, design manual and handbook.
iv) Teaching record (institute, subjects taken, year (from-to), number of students, level, performance).
v) Sponsored research funding records (title, funding agency, amount, year, outcome/status).
vi) Technology development, teaching/study aid development.
vii) Prizes, awards, recognition
viii) National and International level professional engagements/contributions
ix) Foreign visits for conference, post-doctoral and research fellowships (country, year, purpose,
x) Name, designation, address (contact details) of 3 referees from India/abroad.
**Ph. D. Degree shall be in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time. For candidates registered in the Ph.D. program prior to July 11, 2009, the award of the Ph.D degree shall fulfill the following conditions :-
a) Ph.D. degree of the candidate awarded in regular mode only.
b) Evaluation of the Ph.D. thesis by at least two external examiners.
c) An open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate should have been conducted.
d) Candidate should have published at least two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work out of which at least one must be in a refereed journal.
e) Candidate should have made at least two presentations in conference/seminars, based on his/her Ph.D work.

Information / Instruction:
1. Before applying, an applicant should read the complete advertisement carefully and ensure that he/she fulfills the minimum eligibility criteria of the post stated in the advertisement in all respects as on the last date for receipt of applications i.e., 15 February 2021.
2. Applicants who are in employment with Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Bodies, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions shall route their applications through proper channel.
3. The First Class at Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree (or an equivalent grade) shall be determined as per UGC seven point scale wherever grading system is followed.
4. If Class or Division is not declared at the Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree levels, an aggregate of minimum 60% or equivalent Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is to be considered as equivalent to First Class.
5. In respect of CGPA awarded to the applicants on a Ten-Point Scale, the applicant should provide the Table of equivalence by the university concerned for determining the Class obtained as per (3) cited above.
6. The applicants who have been awarded a Ph. D. Degree must ensure that the awarded degree is in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendment from time to time
7. The Application form in prescribed format must be accompanied with passport size photograph of applicant, self-attested copies of certificates, marks sheets, experience, research experience, publication(s) etc.
8. Separate confidential letters of recommendation are required to be sent by three referees, who are aware of academic and research credentials of the applicant. Applicant should request the referees to send the reference letters directly to the Dean (Faculty Affairs) by email to
9. Applicants will be interviewed only after scrutiny of relevant documents. Eligibility of an applicant about qualification and experience shall be calculated/ considered with reference to the last date of the receipt for application. 10. The Institute reserves the right to screen and call only such applicants as are found prima-facie suitable for being considered by the Screening Committee. Thus, merely fulfilling the prescribed conditions will not automatically entitle one to be called for interview.
11. The Institute reserves the right to rectify any discrepancy of this advertisement, if found later on. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of letter of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate in this regard.
12. Any corrigendum/ addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be made available only at our Institute web site No further press advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit B.I.T. Mesra web site regularly for above purpose.
13. The decision of BIT in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application, interview, verification of testimonials and selection will be final and binding on the applicants.
14. The applicant will be responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found later that any information given in the application is incorrect / false, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.
15. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from applicants regarding reason for not being called for interview/outcome of interview.
16. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.
17. Any dispute will be subject to adjudication by Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction of Ranchi.
18. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of application(s) within the stipulated date due to any postal delay / loss of application / document sent in transit.
19. BIT aspires to universality/regional diversity in all its admissions/recruitments.

How to Apply:
1. Applicants must fill and submit the prescribed application form available at our website Applicants should ensure that, the application is duly signed by the applicant, and forwarded through proper channel along with the required DD and other credentials as mentioned in point 07 and 08 of the information /instruction and send in a sealed envelope by registered post/ speed post to the Registrar, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215 so as to reach him on or before 15 February 2021. Kindly superscribe the envelope with the post applied for, the Department and own phone number.
2. The Non-refundable Demand draft, towards application fee, shall be drawn in favour of “Birla Institute of Technology” payable at Ranchi. The amount of DD shall be Rs. 750/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PHs and Rs. 1500/- for candidates belonging to other categories. Candidates are advised to write their name, own phone number and post applied for on the backside of the demand draft.(SBI online payment:
3. Separate confidential letters of recommendation by three referees should be submitted by e-mail to
4. Without submission of the documents mentioned above, the application shall not be considered.
Check-list of Documents to be submitted with along with the application.

1. Application duly signed by the applicant and forwarded through proper channel.
2. Self-attested Copies of all certificates, Mark sheets from SSC/HSC/Matriculation onwards.
3. Self-attested copies of any other relevant certificates /all testimonials.
4. Self-attested Copies of Caste Certificates for (SC/ST/OBC), certificates for Persons with Disabilities.
5. A No Objection Certificate from employer (if working in Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Bodies, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions), if the application is not forwarded through proper channel.
6. Original Demand Draft (separate Demand Draft for each post, if applied for more than one post) to be attached along with the application form.
7. In case payment is made online through SBI, the relevant document shall be attached. (SBI Online Payment link:
8. Separate confidential letters of recommendation by three referees should be submitted by e-mail to

Last Date for submission of application complete in all respect 15 February 2021.


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