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Vacancy for Project Assistants at Indian Institute of Science

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was conceived in the late 1800s. To this end, Tata set up a provisional committee under the leadership of Burjorji Padshah, an educationist, to come up with a blueprint for the proposed university. The committee drafted a plan which went through several iterations before it was finalised. Tata also endowed a substantial part of his personal wealth for this ambitious project.

The Project Assistants are expected to stay in TDC, IISc Challakere Campus, Kudapura. They will be given free accommodation and food.

Project Assistant : One in Chemistry
Job Description: He / She are expected to demonstrate experiments to the teachers from High school to Universities. They are expected to assist in developing experiments. They should also help in carrying out research with subject coordinator. Any other work assigned time to time.
Qualification : M.Sc. Chemistry (general/ physical) with first class.
Duration : One year and renewable for another year if progress is satisfactory.

Project Assistant : One in Biology
Job Description : He / She are expected to demonstrate experiments to the teachers from High school to Universities. They are expected to assist in developing experiments. They should also help in carrying out research with subject coordinator. Any other work assigned time to time.
Qualification : M. Sc in Biochemistry / Microbiology/ biotechnology or B. Tech biotechnology
Duration : One year and renewable for another year if progress is satisfactory.

Project Assistant: One in Mathematics
Job Description : He / She is expected to handle tutorials, setting and correcting assignments, conducting tests for High School and PUC teachers. Any other work assigned time to time.
Qualification : M.Sc. Mathematics with first class or B.E/ B.Tech in Mechanical/ Electrical and Electronic / Electronic and Communication Engineering with first class.
Duration : One year and renewable for another year if progress is satisfactory.

Salary : Rs 20000/-pm for all the position

Interesting candidates can send their application / bio-data through e-mail to Dr. S. Aravinda, Talent Development Centre, IISc Challakere Campus, Kudapura, Chitradurga District-577536. Ph:9487637218, e-mail:

Last date to receive the application is February 15, 2020.

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