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Recruitment for Diploma in Pharmacy at Indian Air Force

GPAT courses

The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8 October 1932. Its first ac flight came into being on 01 Apr 1933. It possessed a strength of six RAF-trained officers and 19 Havai Sepoys (literally, air soldiers). The aircraft inventory comprised of four Westland Wapiti IIA army co-operation biplanes at Drigh Road as the "A" Flight nucleus of the planned No.1 (Army Co- operation) Squadron.

Post : Group ‘Y’ / Med Assistant

Educational Qualification.
Group ‘Y’ (Medical Assistant trade)
Candidate should have passed Intermediate /10+2/Class XII or Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English approved by Central / State Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate as well as in English in Class XII or equivalent examination. In addition, the candidate must possess the Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized civil institute and be registered with Pharmacy Council of India or any other Government recognized body.

Date of Birth Block : Should be born between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003 (both days inclusive).

Domicile Requirement
To be eligible to appear in the rally at Manekshaw Parade Ground, 1 Cubbon Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka the candidates shall be required to satisfy the following conditions:
(a) The college / institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical / administrative limits of districts of State of Karnataka. If the name of District is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate / marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates shall produce ‘Domicile Certificate’ issued by any Gazetted Officer in Revenue Department or any other official authorized by the State Government of Karnataka.
(b) Permanent Domicile of the districts of State of Karnataka who has passed the qualifying examination from anywhere in India shall produce the Domicile Certificate prior to commencement of examination from appropriate authority as given in sub-paragraph 5(a) above.
(c) Sons of serving Air Force personnel {Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit/any other Organisation located in the districts of State of Karnataka irrespective of their domicile status, shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (format available at CASB site on AFNET).
(d) Sons of Air Force personnel {Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is Retired/ Discharged/ Deceased and they are residing in the districts of State of Karnataka shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/Casualty Service Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) in case of Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and a Certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/ C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of Civilians.

Medical Standards.
(a) General Medical Standards shall be as follows: - (i) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm (ii) Weight: Proportionate to height and age. (iii) Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) shall not be acceptable. (iv) Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately. (v) Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points. (vi) General Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
(b) Height, Leg Length, Visual Standards and Colour Vision are as follows:
Height : 152.5 cm
Leg length : Not applicable
Visual Acuity : 6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye
Maximum limits of Ref Error : Not exceeding +3.50D including astigmatism
Colour Vision : CP-III

Consumption of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance (NDPS). Consumption of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances banned under the NDPS Act 1985 and shall be a reject criteria for selection into the IAF. Airmen found either in possession or storing or distributing or consuming such drugs and substances at any stage after enrolment shall be liable for disciplinary action including dismissal from the IAF.

Body Tattoo
Permanent body tattoos shall not be permitted. However, tattoos only on inner face of the fore arms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of palm and for Tribals tattoos which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, right to decide on acceptability/unacceptability of the individual shall rest with the selection centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos shall submit two photographs (close up and distant view) with details of size and type of the tattoo.

Only Sikh candidates, whose religion prohibits the cutting of the hair or shaving of face, shall be permitted to grow hair and retain beard and moustache. Accordingly, those Sikh candidates willing to retain the same as per laid down specifications are to get their photographs with beard and moustache. Such candidates shall not be permitted to grow/shave beard/moustache at later stages after enrolment.

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Candidates discharged from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Any other Government Organisation shall also be eligible subject to their discharge with NO ADVERSE ENTRIES. Such candidate has to declare at the rally venue that he is an Ex-employee of the organisation discharged from and produce original Discharge Certificate. In case of serving individuals, they must be in possession of NOC from their employer at the time of rally. If any candidate does not disclose the fact of being employed or that of being an Ex-employee, his candidature shall be cancelled at any stage during the selection process and if selected shall be liable for discharge/dismissal for hiding the fact of his employment and discharge/dismissal from service. Candidates discharged from Indian Air Force for any reason are not eligible to appear in the rally.

Writing Material and Documents Required.
Candidates are to bring the following:- (a) HB Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Glue Stick, Stapler and Black/Blue Ball Point Pen for writing. (b) Seven un-attested recent (taken not before January 2020) passport size colour photographs (front portrait in light background without head gear except for sikhs). The photograph is to be taken with candidate holding a black slate in front of his chest with his name and date of photograph taken, clearly written on it with white chalk in capital letters.(c) Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation passing certificate (required for Date of Birth verification). (d) Original Degree Certificate and Mark sheets of all semesters of Graduation or Post-Graduation, along with four self-attested photocopies of each (For Education Instructor trade only). (e) Original Degree Certificate and Mark sheets of B.Ed from a Government recognized school/college, along with four self-attested photocopies of the same (For Education Instructor trade only). (f) Original and four self-attested photocopies of 10+2/ Intermediate/XII or equivalent examination passing certificate and marksheet. (g) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Diploma in Pharmacy. (h) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Domicile Certificate (or) Original and four self-attested photocopies of duly filled Son of Air Force Personnel (SOAFP) Certificate (format available on AFNET CASB webpage) for Sons of Serving Air Force Personnel (or) Original and four selfattested photocopies of Service Book/Discharge Book/Causality Service Certificate/Service Particular certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) in case of Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and a certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of civilians for sons of retired/deceased/discharged Air Force personnel and proof of minimum stay of one year as per Para 5 (d) above. (j) Candidates discharged from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Any other Government Organisation. Original and four Self-attested photocopies of Discharge Certificate (as issued from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Government Organisation). (k) NOC in original and four self-attested photocopies from the employer for candidates presently serving in any government organization (if applicable). (l) Original and four self-attested photocopies of NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate (if applicable). Note. Under no circumstances shall the candidates be permitted to appear in the rally without original educational marks sheets/passing certificates & documents mentioned above in paragraph 11 (c) to (l). However, candidates with photocopies of educational marks sheets/passing certificates may be permitted to appear in the rally only on production of a certificate from College/Institution principal certifying that educational certificates/marks sheets are deposited with College/Institution. (m) Consent Form for Physical Fitness Test and Medical tests. Candidates shall bring the ‘Consent Form’ (as per the format given below) to the rally venue {Manekshaw Parade Ground, 1 Cubbon Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka} and submit it before the Physical Fitness Test. Candidates below 18 years of age shall get the consent form filled and signed by their parents/ guardian. The candidates of 18 years of age and above can sign the consent form themselves.

Tenure & Training
Enrolment shall be for an initial period of 20 years (subject to condition) which may be extended up to the age of 57 years (subject to service conditions). Initially, candidates shall be sent for a Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) at designated Basic Training Institute located at various Air Force Stations. On successful completion of JBPT candidates will be sent for trade training of specific duration which shall include security training or any other training as per service requirements. Training is however liable to be terminated at any time if the trainee fails to achieve the required standards in academics, profession, physical fitness and discipline or is found to be medically unfit. AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ALL STAGES OF TRAINING, THE AIRMEN SHALL BE DEPLOYED ON JOBS AS PER THEIR ALLOTTED TRADES. ALLOTTED TRADE SHALL NOT BE CHANGED ON CANDIDATE’S REQUEST ON ANY GROUNDS.

Pay & Allowances
During training, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month shall be paid. On completion of training the starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay including Military Service Pay (MSP) are as follows. (a) Rs. 40,600/- per month (including Group X pay) for Education Instructor trade. (b) Rs. 26,900/- per month for Medical Assistant trade. In addition, dearness allowance (as applicable) which, in subsequent years, may rise as per the career progression of the individual.

Other allowances such as Transport Allowance, Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance (CPMA), Leave Ration Allowance (LRA), Children Education Allowance, HRA etc. shall also be admissible to airmen, as per relevant government instructions.

Higher Education. Airmen shall be permitted to pursue higher education qualification only after acquiring prescribed skill grade in their trade and prescribed years of service as stated in HRP.

Perks such as ration, clothing, medical facilities, accommodation, CSD facilities, Leave (60 days annual and 30 days casual in a calendar year as a privilege, subject to service exigencies), Recreational facilities, transport for school going children and Leave Travel Concession (LTC) shall also be provided as per the existing rules. Group Insurance Cover of Rs. 37.5 Lakhs at a premium of Rs. 2300/- per month for all airmen and facility of Group Housing Scheme are also extended.

Job Specification
(a) Education Instructor Trade. As an Education Instructor you will run training programmes at instructional schools and improve education level of Air Force personnel and other Air Force duties.
(b) Medical Assistant. Operating as a Medical Assistant, you are made familiar with nursing and first-aid. You will also be involved in management of medical stores, dispensaries and ward supervision and other Air Force duties.

Note: Airmen shall also have to undertake any other tasks as assigned by superior authorities.

Selection Procedure
Verification of Eligibility. Original Educational Certificates (10th passing Certificate, Original Degree Certificate& Mark Sheets of 10+2/Graduation/ Post Graduation and B.Ed) and other required applicable original documents like NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate, Son of serving Air Force Personnel (SOAFP) certificate (or) , Discharge Book, Service Book, Service Particular Certificate/Casualty Service Certificate (or) Discharge Certificate (if discharged from Army/Navy/Government organisation), Consent form and passport size colour photographs shall be required and scrutinized/verified at the examination venue prior to commencement of Physical Fitness Test to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie. Detailed verification will be carried out later in respect of candidates who pass Physical Fitness Test and subsequently the Written Test. Candidature of those who do not meet the laid down educational criteria shall be rejected during Initial verification of original certificates & mark sheets prior to conduct of Physical Fitness Test and also during detailed verification on clearing the Physical Fitness Test as well as Written Test or if found at subsequent stage. Note: The original Passing Certificates / Marks Sheets will not be retained by the Selection Centre. The same will be returned to the candidates on completion of detailed verification.

The recruitment test shall be conducted from 6 AM onwards as per the details. Candidates (from the state of Karnataka) fulfilling the domicile requirements and eligibility conditions may report upto 10 AM on 24 February 2020 at Manekshaw Parade Ground, 1 Cubbon Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka (rally venue)shall only be permitted to appear in the recruitment test.


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