Parbhani, earlier also known as “Prabhavatinagar”, is one of the Eight districts in the Marathawada region of Maharashtra State This entire Marathwada region, a district geographical region, was a part of the erstwhile Nizam State, later a part of Hyderabad State, after reorganization of states in 1956 it became a part of the then Bombay state and from 1960 onwards it is part of the present Maharashtra state. Parbhani district lies between 18.45 and 20.10 North Latitudes and 76.13 and 77.39 East Longitude.
Recruitment on contract basis for Pharmacist at Integrated Health and Welfare Society Parbhani under National Health Mission.
Qualification : B.Pharm / D.Pharm
Place of Posting : DH
No. of Posts and Category : SC-1, ST-2, NT-C-1, OBC-1, SEBC-1, EWS-1
Remuneration (Per Month Consolidated) : Rs 17,000/-
Preference : 1 year Experience
Terms and Conditions
1. The above positions are of contractual nature and appoint up to 31-03-2020
2. Applicant must be physically and mentally competent for the respective post and no criminal offense has been registered against the applicant.
3. The Chairperson, Selection Committee reserves the right to accept, reject or completely cancel the recruitment process.
4. Higher experience and qualification will be preferred.
5. Open category candidates should paid Rs. 150/ - and reserved category candidates Rs. 100/ - Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank should be attached and the name behind DD write your. DD Should be maid on, District Integrated Health & Family Welfar Society Parbhani.
6. The application for the above post should be submitted along with photocopy of all the required Self attested documents at Integrated Health and Welfare Society Parbhani.
Last Date : 24th February, 2020
Address for submitting application :
3rd Floor, Administrative Building,
General Hospital, Parbhani.
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