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Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow (05 posts) at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

Clinical research courses

The need for establishment of an organization to undertake activities of plant introduction and germplasm augmentation for use in crop improvement was felt as early as 1935 by the ‘Crops and Soil Wing’ of the then ‘Board of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry’. The need was reiterated in a meeting of the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding in 1941, which inter alia discussed the subject of economic crops. Dr. B.P. Pal, working at IARI approached the then Imperial (now Indian) Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to set up a unit for assembly of global germplasm under phytosanitary conditions in India. The ICAR scheme for ‘Plant Introduction’ commenced functioning in 1946 in the then Botany Division of IARI under the leadership of the Late Dr. Harbhajan Singh as the first ‘Operational Scientist’. The unit was further expanded and strengthened as ‘Plant Introduction and Exploration Organization’ in the Botany Division in 1956, and later developed as a separate ‘Division of Plant Introduction’ in IARI in 1961.

Junior Research Fellow (4 No.)

Emoluments per month : Rs. 25000/- +30% HRA per month for 1st and 2nd year and Rs 28,000/- + 30% HRA per month from 3rd year onwards

Qualifications : degree in Molecular biology/ biotechnology/ botany/ /Genetics/Plant breeding/plant biotechnology with first division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average along with NET/GATE qualification OR Post Graduate degree (Masters degree) in professional courses in life sciences/plant sciences/Agriculture with specialization in Genetics and/or plant breeding/ plant biotechnology with first division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average. OR Graduate degree in professional courses in life sciences/plant sciences related discipline with first division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average along with NET/GATE qualification.

Desirable Qualification: Experience working in the field of molecular biology/Genetics and plant breeding/virology/ agro-inoculation.

Junior Research Fellow (1 No.)

Emoluments per month : Rs. 25000/- +30% HRA per month for 1st and 2nd year and Rs 28,000/- + 30% HRA per month from 3rd year onwards

Qualifications :
Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry/ Food Science/ Biochemistry/Food & Nutrition with first division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average along with NET/GATE qualification OR Post Graduate degree (Masters degree) in professional courses in Chemistry/ Food Science/ Biochemistry/Food & Nutrition related discipline with first division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average. OR Graduate degree in professional courses in Chemistry / Food Science/ Biochemistry/Food & Nutrition division/60% marks/ equivalent overall grade point average along with NET/GATE qualification.

Desirable Qualification: Experience of analytical /food chemistry.

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Terms and Conditions
• Upper age limit (on date of advertisement) is 35 years (men) and 40 years (women). Age limit is relax able for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI/ICAR norms.
• After selection, continuation of JRF and PA will be based on their performance.
• Candidates having essential qualification will only be considered for interview.
• No TA/DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in the interview.
• The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project, selected candidate have no right to claim for regularization or absorption whatsoever in ICAR/NBPGR
• The decision of Director of the institute will be final and binding in all aspects.
• The Director shall also reserve the right to terminate the contract of job as mentioned above, even before the completion of the project for which no appeal thereof shall be made
• Candidates are required to bring the relevant certificates/ mark sheets etc in original along with an application with full bio-data enclosing photocopies of certificates and mark sheets from matriculation onwards duly attested affixing a passport size photograph on the top. The selected candidate will be required to produce medical certificate at the time of joining.
• In case of any disputes, it will be resolved in the jurisdiction of New Delhi court only.

Walk In Interview
Date/Time of interview : 21st February, 2019; 10:00 Am
Venue : ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR),
Pusa campus, New Delhi 110012

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