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Career for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc as Research Associate at IRCC

Clinical research courses

IIT Bombay is a premier educational and research institute. IIT Bombay is pursuing research that makes a difference.  The Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC) co-ordinates and facilitates all research and development activities at the Institute.

Applications are invited from the citizens of India for filling up the following temporary position for the sponsored project undertaken in the Department of Physics of this Institute. The position is temporary initially for a period of  1 Year  and tenable only for the duration of the project. The requisite qualification & experience etc.

Project Code, Project Title & Funding Agency
RD/0114-DST0000-056 : "A large lon Collider Experiment (ALICE) Upgrade Operation and Utilisaton"

Title: The project is all about to analyse the heavy ion data taken by the ALICE experiment at CERN.

Salary : Consolidated salary Rs.36000/- p.m. + HRA

Qualification : Ph.D/MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and developement experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

Job Profile :
The candidate should have a Ph.D. degree or have submitted his/her thesis in the field of experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics. Preference will be given to the candidates those have good experience in the involvement of big experiments like RHIC, LHC, COSY etc.

The appointment is for time bound project and the candidate is required to work mainly for the successful completion of the project . The selection committee may offer lower or higher designation and lower or higher salary depending upon the experience and performance of the candidate in the interview.

Candidate possessing the requisite qualification and experience should apply online on or before 11th March, 2019 . Call letters will be sent through e-mail to the candidates shortlisted for interview and will also be displayed on IRCC website. Candidates called for interview will be required to attend at their own expenses.


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