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National Eligibility Test - 2017 for Pharmacy graduates

Clinical research courses

CSIR will hold the Joint CSIR-UGC Test Tentatively on Sunday 18th June, 2017 for determining the eligibility of the Indian National candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) NET and for determining eligibility for appointment of Lecturers (NET) in certain subject areas falling under the faculty of Science & Technology. The award of Junior Research Fellowship (NET) to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding admission/placement in a university/ national laboratory/ institution of higher learning and research, as applicable.

A candidate may apply either for ‘JRF’ OR for ‘Lectureship (LS) only’. He/she may indicate his/her preference in the Online Application, as the case may be. CSIR may consider candidates for ‘JRF’, or ‘Lectureship only” depending on number of fellowships available & performance in the test, subject to the condition that they fulfill the laid down eligibility criterion. If a candidate is found to be over-age for JRF (NET) he/she will automatically be considered for Lectureship (NET) only. Candidates with M.Sc. qualification OR under M.Sc. Result Awaited (RA) category shall be eligible for LS subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria as laid down by the UGC.

Two separate merit lists, one comprising the candidates qualifying for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF - NET) and the second, of those candidates qualifying the Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET), will be made on the basis of their performance in the above Test. Candidates qualifying for JRF (NET), will also be eligible for Lectureship (NET) subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down by UGC. The candidates qualifying for Lectureship will be eligible for recruitment as Lecturers as well as for JRF-ship in a Scheme/Project, if otherwise suitable. However, they will not be eligible for Regular JRF-NET Fellowship. Candidates qualifying for the award of JRF (NET) will receive fellowship either from CSIR or UGC as per their assignment or from the Schemes with which they may find association. The candidates declared eligible for Junior Research Fellowship under UGC scheme and Lectureship will be governed by UGC rules/regulations in this regard.

The Test will be held in the subjects as given under:
1. Chemical Sciences
2. Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
3. Life Sciences
4. Mathematical Sciences
5. Physical Sciences


M.Sc or equivalent degree/ Integrated BS-MS / BS-4 years / BE / BTech / B.Pharma / MBBS with at least 55% marks for general and OBC-Non Creamy layer candidates (Central list only as provided in National Commission for Backward Classes website and 50% for SC/ST, Persons with disability (PwD) candidates. Candidates enrolled for M.Sc or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination as on 01.03.2016, are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category on the condition that they complete the qualifying degree with requisite percentage of marks within the validity period of two years to avail the fellowship from the effective date of award. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (Given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Department/Institute from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared.

BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in Integrated MSPhD program with at least 55% marks for general and OBC (Non Creamy layer) candidates; 50% marks for SC/ST, Persons with disability (PwD) candidates are also eligible to apply. Candidates with bachelor’s degree will be eligible for CSIR fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for PhD/Integrated PhD program within the validity period of two years. The eligibility for lectureship of NET qualified candidates will be subject to fulfilling the criteria laid down by UGC. Ph.D degree holders who have passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991, with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for Lectureship only. The candidates with the above qualification are advised to fill up their degree with percentage of marks in column No. 18 to 21, as applicable

For JRF (NET): Maximum 28 years as on 01-01-2017 (upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer)/ Persons with disability (PwD) and female applicants).
For LS (NET): No upper age limit.

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DATE AND SCHEME OF THE TEST:  The single paper MCQ based test will be held tentatively on Sunday, the 18th June, 2017 as under:



  1. Life Sciences
  2. Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
  3. Mathematical Sciences
  4. Chemical Sciences
  5. Physical Sciences





Morning Session

9.00 AM-12.00 Noon

3 hrs

Afternoon Session

2.00 PM-5.00 PM


Subject wise schedule of examination will be notified later on. The subject-wise Schedule, date and timing of the Test is liable to be changed at the discretion of CSIR. To enable the candidates to go through the instructions printed on the OMR Answer Sheets and also to correctly fill up the required particulars in the said OMR Answer Sheet, the same will be distributed 15 minutes before the schedule time of start of the examination. The question paper booklet shall be distributed 5 minutes before the scheduled time of the exam & candidates are permitted to take duplicate copy of their OMR Answer Sheet while leaving the exam venue. The actual number of questions in each part and section to be asked & attempted may vary from subject to subject. The candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall before the expiry of 3 hrs. from the start of the exam (i.e not before 12.00 noon in the morning ses- sion/5.00 PM in the afternoon session). These candidates are permitted to take their Question Booklet with them at the end of the scheduled time of exam. Candidates should use only black ball point pen and not pencil to fill in their partic¬ulars in the OMR Answer Sheet/Question Paper Booklet and also to darken the appro¬priate circle to mark their answers in their OMR answer sheet. Candidates are not per¬mitted to erase, scratch out or use whitener fluid/eraser fluid to change their answers in the OMR sheet otherwise that particular answer will not be evaluated. The Question Booklet for this test will be printed in Hindi & English Version. The can-didates opting for Hindi medium in the Application Form, will be given bilingual Question Booklet and Candidates opting for English medium will be given Question Booklet printed in English Version only. The candidate will be required to answer as per option exercised in the application Form

The question paper shall be divided into three parts, (A, B & C) as per syllabus & Scheme of Exam. Part 'A' shall be common to all subjects. This part shall contain questions pertaining to General Aptitude with emphasis on logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzles etc. Part 'B' shall contain subject-related conventional Multiple Choice questions (MCQs), generally covering the topics given in the syllabus. Part 'C' shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem. Syllabus & Scheme of Exam of single MCQ Paper may be seen at CSIR HRDG website:

The Exam Scheme for Chemical Sciences has been revised from June, 2017 CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam onwards. The revised exam scheme and model Question paper may be seen at CSIR HRDG website

Negative marking for wrong answers, wherever required, shall be applicable as per subject wise scheme of Exam.

If a question for any reason found wrong, the benefit of marks will be given to only those candidates who attempt the question.

No grievances/representation with regard to Answer Key(s) after declaration of result will be entertained.

The test will be held at 27 Centres spread all over India, as specified below: Bangalore, Bhavnagar, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Guntur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Imphal, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Jorhat, Karaikudi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Nagpur, Pilani, Pune, Raipur, Roorkee, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Udaipur and Varanasi.

A candidate may opt for any of the above centres. No request for change of centre would ordinarily be granted. However, a request in writing for change of Centre may be entertained on merits, if received in this unit latest by 20.04.2017. If sufficient num¬ber of candidates do not opt for any of the above Centres, that particular Centre may stand deleted from the above list OR otherwise also, the concerned candidates may be allotted another Centre nearest to their place of residence, at the discretion of CSIR. No TA/DA will be admissible to any candidate for attending the test, in any cir-cumstances

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Examination Fee:
Candidates applying for the Test may deposit their Examination fee, after verifying their eligibility, in any branch of the Indian Bank throughout the country by paying the fol¬lowing fee in cash through bank challan OR through RTGS/NEFT:

Sr. No.





Rs. 1000/-


Other Backward Classes(OBC)-Non Creamy Layer

Rs. 500/-


SC/ST/ Persons with disability (PwD)

Rs. 250/-

Candidates may also deposit their fees through RTGS or NEFT by giving particulars of the Indian Bank, as notified in the fee deposit challan. OBC candidates whose caste is not listed in Central List (as available on National Commission for Backward Classes website and who are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC - Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes. Accordingly, OBC Candidates not belonging to OBC Non Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as 'General'.

1. While applying for this test, please ensure that you fulfill all the eligibility conditions and follow all the laid down procedures/guidelines for this test.
2. While applying Online, apply early enough to avoid any last minute rush.
3. Ensure that completed Hard Copy of Online application alongwith requisite enclosures must reach this office within stipulated last date for receipt.
4List of candidates registered for this test will be made available on our website tenta-tively on 16.05.2017. The candidates must refer to our website for checking their reg-istration in time & for having updates from time to time.
5.Facility for downloading e-Admission Certificates to the registered candidates will be provided on our website No paper Admission Certificate will be sent by post. No duplicate e-admission certificate shall be issued to the candidates at the Exam Centre. CSIR will not be responsible for any delay on the part of the candidates.
6. The Question Booklet for this test will be printed in Hindi & English Version. The can-didate opting for Hindi medium in the Application Form, will be supplied bilingual Question Booklet and Candidate opting for English medium will be supplied Question Booklet printed in English Version only. The candidate will be required to answer as per option exercised in the application Form.
7. The actual number of questions in each Part and Section to be asked and attempted may vary from subject to subject.
8.Candidates enrolled for M.Sc or having completed 10+2+3 years of the required qual¬ifying Exam may apply under Result Awaited (RA) category & submit attestation for¬mat as given in the application form.
9. More than one application form from a candidate opting different subject (s) will not be accepted in any case.
10. Candidate should exercise due care in filling up the application form. In case of any error on the part of the candidate, he/she will be held solely responsible for any loss suffered by him/her. No change in the entries made in the original application form will be allowed under any circumstances at later stage.
11. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank. Incomplete or defec-tive applications shall be summarily rejected.
12.No candidates shall be permitted to leave the Exam Hall before the expiry of 3 Hours from the start of the exam.
13. The candidates will be permitted to take their Question Booklet and also the car-bonless duplicate copy of OMR sheet with them after the completion of the examination for their reference/record.
14. The OMR Answer Sheets shall be distributed to the candidates 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam while the Question Booklet shall be dis¬tributed 5 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam to enable the candi¬dates to go through the instructions and correctly fill up the required particulars.
15. No individual intimation by any mode will be sent to the candidates
16. Hard copy of the online Application alongwith the enclosure(s) should be sent in their own envelope after super scribing the Subject Code. Centre Code. Medium Code & online generated application No. on top of the envelope.
17. OBC candidates whose caste is not listed in Central List (as available on NCBC web-site) and are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC Non Creamy Layer (NCL) shall be treated as a General Category candidates for all purposes and shall not be eligible to get the benefit of relaxation in age & fee concession etc. Accordingly, OBC Candidates not belonging to OBC Non Creamy Layer shall indi-cate their category as 'General'.

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(i)  The candidates are advised to go through this notification and our futur notification(s) including terms & conditions given/uploaded on our website for this test. The candidate must satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for this test before applying for this test.
(ii)  Candidates must read the terms and conditions for CSIR /UGC Research Fellowships/ LS on the respective websites.
(iii) Candidate applying for this test will be required to deposit fee through Bank challan in any branch of Indian Bank and then apply using link available at CSIR, HRDG website. After successfully submitting the application, candidates are required to take a printout on A4 size paper, affix black & white photograph at designated space & sign across it, get it endorsed by the HOD (for RA category only) and send it alongwith copy of Bank challan and other requisite enclo¬sure^) if any, bv writing at the top of the envelope his/her Subject Code. Centre Code. Medium Code and online generated application number. Candidates may also deposit their fees though RTGS and NEFT by giving the particulars of the Indian Bank as stated in para 5.1
(iv)  A photocopy of both sides of the hard copy of the Online application form sent to Exam Unit must be retained bv the candidate and the online generated appli¬cation number must be preserved bv the candidates to check his/her registra¬tion status from our website and also to download his/her e-admission certifi¬cate before the examination. Examination Unit will not entertain any request on this issue.
(v) Candidates must note that mode of payment of fee is through Bank challan from Indian Bank OR through RTGS/NEFT only. Fee submitted through any other mode viz.IPO/ demand draft/money order/ CRF stamp etc will not be accepted. Incomplete application or application submitted in any other format will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
(vi) Three identical copies of the passport size photographs which has been affixed on the Application Form may also be retained.
(vii) Candidates should ensure that the signatures appended by them in all the places viz. in their application form, Attendance Sheet etc. and in all the correspondence with the CSIR, should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
(viii) Any change in address of correspondence should be promptly brought to the notice of Examination Unit within the prescribed period i.e. by 20.04.2017,
(ix)The Center and date of the Test are liable to be changed at the discretion of CSIR. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates by the CSIR.
(x) Candidates should note that their candidature is strictly provisional till their joining. No candidate will be admitted to the Test unless he/she holds the e-admis-sion Certificate to the Test. The mere fact that an e-Admission Certificate has been issued to a candidate will not imply that the Council has finally accepted his/her can-didature. Candidates e-admission certificate particulars/photo and signature should tally with the actual candidate who is to appear in the exam, otherwise he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the exam.
(xi) The candidates declared successful will be required to submit a copy of their e-Admit Card, matriculation certificate as a proof of age, required degree certificate/mark sheet, proof of enrolment in integrated MS-Ph D. program to Examination Unit, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Opposite Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 for verification etc. The result of the passed out candidates will be displayed on our website No separate intimation letter will be issued to the success¬ful candidates.
(xii)Candidates may note that the verification of essential eligibility conditions of a candidate with reference to the documents as may be called for, will be taken up only by the Lecturer appointing/JRF awarding authorities after the candidate has qualified in the Test. The candidate should note that their candidature is strictly provisional till their joining.
(xiii)Candidates may please note that all communications to CSIR should invariably con-tain the following particulars, failing which no response is possible:
(a)  Name of the candidate (in full and in BLOCK LETTERS)
(b) Date of Birth
(c)  Application Online No.
(d) Subject
(e) Medium of Exam
(f)  Centre for Examination
(xiv) Please note that no correspondence will be entertained for any matter for which last date has been expired.
(xv) In all matters the decision of the CSIR as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Test or his/her subsequent qualifying in the Test shall be final.
(xvi)    Any attempt on the part of a candidate to obtain support for his / her candidature by any means may disqualify him/her for admission to the examination.
(xvii)A candidate who is found guilty of impersonation or of submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or of making statements which are incorrect or false or of suppressing material information or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination, or of using or attempting to use unfair means or absconded with OMR Answer sheet/Question booklet unauthorisedly or of misbehavior in the examination hall, may, in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution (a) be debarred by the CSIR from this test and future tests also (b) Will be liable to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules, if he/she is already in service under Government/Autonomous Bodies/UGC/CSIR.
(xviii)All disputes pertaining to the NET Examination shall fall within the jurisdiction of Delhi only.
(xix) CSIR will not be responsible for any printing error in this Advertisement.


Date of Single MCQ Examination

Tentatively on 18.06.2017


Schedule for On-Line Application

  1. Start of On-Line Submission of Application Form and Fee deposit through Bank Challan
  2. Date of close of deposit of fee (at All stations)
  3. Date of close of On-Line submission of Applications (at All stations)





Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of online application in the Examination Unit



Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of online application in the Examination Unit (from remote areas)



Last Date for receipt of written request for change of Examination Centre only on merit basis



Tentative date of Publication of list of candidates registered for test on CSIR, HRDG website



Last date for accepting of representation about non-registration for this test



Issue of e-Admission Certificate to registered candidates

1st week of June 2017