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Application are invited for Project Assistant in CSIR-NEERI

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for empanelment of Project Assistants/Associates at various levels under the externally funded/sponsored project(s) and other Projects. Area wise panels will be prepared in the following areas / disciplines to accommodate in various Projects as per the needs of the Projects:-

Post: Project Assistant Level (non-Ph.D)

Project Assistant Level – I (non-Ph.D)
Qualification: B.Sc /Diploma in Engg. Or Equivalent with 55% marks for candidates of General Category & 50% marks for candidates of SC/ST Category. Throughout first class, Computer proficiency and Technical skill will be preferred.

Age Limit: 28 yrs
Stipend (Consolidated): Rs. 15000/- p.m. plus HRA as applicable

Project Assistant Level – II (non-Ph.D)
Qualification: M.Sc./BE or Equivalent with minimum 55% marks for General Category & 50% marks for SC/ST Category. Throughout first class, Computer proficiency and Technical skill will be preferred.

Age Limit: 30 yrs
Stipend (Consolidated): Rs. 25,000/- p.m. plus HRA as applicable

Project Assistant Level – III (non-Ph.D)
Qualification: M.Sc./BE or Equivalent with minimum 55% marks for General Category & 50% marks for SC/ST Category plus two years’ experience in the relevant area/discipline OR M. Pharm. /M. Tech./MBBS with minimum 55% marks for General Category & 50% marks for SC/ST Category. Throughout first class, Computer proficiency and Technical skill will be preferred.

Age Limit: 350 yrs
Stipend (Consolidated): Rs. 28,000/- p.m. plus HRA as applicable

In an exception to above stipends, Project Staff to be engaged on Grant-in-Aid projects funded by Government departments such as DST, DBT, DAE etc, will be paid stipend and other benefits as approved by the Funding Agencies.

Age Relaxation : - 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC for all categories of Project Assistants in addition to age atcolumn No.3 above AND widows, divorced woman and woman judicially separated who are not remarried are allowed age concession up to the age of 35 years (40 years for members of SC/STs) – No other women entitled for such relaxation.

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The engagement is purely on a temporary and contract basis under the externally funded /sponsored/other project undertaken by CSIR-NEERI which may be extended or curtailed depending on the status/duration of the project, satisfactory performance/conduct of the Project Assistants/Associates. It is a placement under externally funded/ sponsored projects and will be co-terminus with the project duration. Maximum duration in one project or in different projects taken together in CSIR shall not be more than five years in any case.

The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and should be in the area mentioned as above. Mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview/test. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should, therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experience in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents and ensure that all details are in full and accurate.

The names of short listed candidates will be published on CSIR-NEERI web site indicating the date of interview or they will be informed by email. The cutoff date for the maximum age limit will be the closing date of application. Short-listed candidates are required to appear before the Assessment and Recruitment Committee for Projects (ARCP) for a personal interview and /or test at NEERI, Nagpur. No TA will be admissible for appearing for the interview/test. The engagement shall be an assignment and not an appointment in CSIR/NEERI, temporary or otherwise. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim, implicit or explicit on the candidates for regularization/absorption against any post in CSIR-NEERI or under any other scheme of CSIR. However, each candidate is encouraged to improve his/her qualification during the tenure.

All eligible and interested candidates may apply through online application link process. After online submission of form, candidates are requested to take printout of the application form. In case candidates are called for the interview, candidates have to bring printed (duly signed by candidates) application form supported by self-attested copies of document in support of date of birth, educational qualifications and experience etc. to be brought at the time of interview only. Last date for receipt of application is 14.03.2017. Candidates who do not fulfill the prescribed educational qualification will not be interviewed.

No interim inquiries will be entertained in this regard.



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