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Opening to work as Post Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate, Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow, Project Assistant/Junior Research Fellow/ Project Fellow, Technical Assistant, Lab Assistant at CSIR-CCMB

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The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in frontier areas of modern biology, and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology. CCMB was set up initially as a semi-autonomous Centre on April 1, 1977 with the Biochemistry Division of the then Regional Research Laboratory (presently, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, IICT) Hyderabad forming its nucleus and Dr P M Bhargava heading the new Centre. Earlier, the Governing Board of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) New Delhi, the apex body which constituted 44 research institutions in the country, approved the proposal in 1976 to establish such a Centre in view of the importance of research in the frontier and multi-disciplinary areas of modern biology. During 1981-82, the CCMB was accorded the status of a full-fledged national laboratory with its own Executive Committee and Scientific Advisory Council. With major expansion plans, it was decided to relocate the Centre to a spacious campus

Post: Post Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate, Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow, Project Assistant/Junior Research Fellow/ Project Fellow, Technical Assistant, Lab Assistant

Post Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate in multiple research areas [PDF_RA]

Ph.D. (submitted/awarded) in any branch of biological Sciences. Candidates with Ph.D. in other sciences are also encouraged to apply.
Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, cell biology, infectious disease, conservation genetics, veterinary science, reproductive biology, Bioinformatics/Computation and molecular diagnostics is desired but not mandatory.
[Position Code: PDF_RA]
Age limit Remuneration (per month):
Upper Age limit 35 years 
Rs. 22000- 26000 (as sanctioned by the funding agency)

Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow [PDSF]

Ph.D in any of the following areas: bioinformatics, next generation sequencing, high throughput data analysis, proteomics, bio-statistics, computer science, information technology, computer hardware and networking/clustering, parallel processing.
[Position Code: PDSF]
Age limit Remuneration (per month):
40 years Salary(Rs) Consolidated 40,000

Project Assistant/Junior Research Fellow/ Project Fellow [PA_JRF_PF]

a) M.Sc/or equivalent in biological sciences/related areas
[Position Code: PA_JRF_PF_a]
b) B.E / B.Tech / M.Sc in biotechnology / bioinformatics / computer science/Chemistry/Physics or MCA
[Position Code: PA_JRF_PF_b] 
c) M.Sc/or equivalent in wildlife sciences / ecology /environmental sciences or MBBS/BVSc/MVSc.
[Position Code: PA_JRF_PF_c]
Age limit Remuneration (per month):
Upper Age limit 28 years  Rs.12000 / Rs.16000 (as sanctioned by the funding agency) 

Technical Assistant [ PRJ_TA]
a) Bachelors's degree in Science/Computers
[Position Code: PRJ_TA_a]   
Age limit Remuneration (per month): Upper Age limit 28 yeras Rs.12000 -15000 (as sanctioned by the funding agency)

b) M.Sc. in Biological Science/related areas
[Position Code: PRJ_TA_b]

Desc: These positions are for the project "Targeted delivery of peptides to deliver siRNA across the blood-brain barrier (No.37(1)/14/51/2014-BRNS/Date: 5/11/2015)", which is funded by the Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Selected candidates shall work initially for a period of 6 months effective from from May 2016, which may be extended to 31st March 2017.    
Age limit Remuneration (per month):
As per BRNS Norms 

Lab Assistant [FA_LA_a]

Pre-university certificate/Diploma with exposure to Lab work/Laboratory Management/Basic knowledge of handling computers and communication skills
[Position Code: FA_LA_a]    
Age limit Remuneration (per month):
Upper age limit 28 years  Stipend (Rs) Consolidated 10,000

General terms and conditions:
a) Positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
b)HRDG (CSIR) prevailing guidelines are applicable these positions.
c) All categories of applicants are required to submit online application.
d)Enhancement of stipend to Project JRF to Project SRF will be with the due recommendation of Principal Investigator and approval of the
Director on the evaluation of the 3 member Standing Committee consisting of Chairperson at the level of Chief Scientist, Coordinator of the
JRFs/RAs/PDFs and the Principal Investigator of the Project.
e) The age relaxation as per HRDG (CSIR) norms: SC/ST/OBC/Women/Physically Handicapped persons- five years.
f) The Stipend normally be fixed at Rs.22000/- for Research Associates/Post Doc. Fellows. However, a selected RA/PDF may be placed in the higher start of stipend if there is ample justification and such recommendation is made by the Selection Committee. Based on the recommendation with justification by the PI and approval of the Director, person getting stipend at lower rate may be elevated to higher rate subject to availability of the funds in the project.
g) Recruitment will be based on initial screening based on qualifications and experience criteria and also based on suitability of the candidates to the nature of research project. This screening will be followed by written test followed / interview. After completing this process, candidates will be shortlisted and appointed in specific project subjects as and when appropriate positions become available. The pool of selected candidates will be valid for six months.
h) HRA may be admissible at the rate of 30% subject to conditions applicable to the projects from different funding agencies.
i) Remunerations indicate are maximum admissible and will depend upon the availability of funds and subject to conditions applicable to projects from different funding agencies at the time of recruitment.
j) Peoplewith experience/expertise relevant tothe project will be given additional weightage

Note: Applications for PDF and Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow positions can be submitted any time. These applications will be screened and shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview as and when there is requirement for PDF and Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow.

Last Date for online registration: 10-02-2016


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