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Walk in interview for the post of Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant at ICAR -Indian Institute of Soil Science

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The Indian institute of Soil Science (ICAR-IISS) was established on 16th April, 1988 at Bhopal with a mandate of “Enhancing Soil Productivity with Minimum Environmental Degradation”. To accomplish the mandate of the institute, it has given the priority to soil health related issues faced by farmers and other stakeholders.

Post: Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant

1) Research Associate (RA) (01)

Ph.D. in Biochemistry/ Physiology OR Master’s degree in Biochemistry/Physiology with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research Experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship / Training / other engagements OR Master’s degree in Biochemistry/Physiology with 3 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship/ Training /other engagements and with NET qualification.
• Experience in Micronutrients analysis
• Knowledge of instruments handling and Processing data on computer.

Emoluments: Rs. 40 000/ - (fixed) + HRA for Doctoral Degree Holders and Rs.38000/ - (fixed) + HRA for Master Degree Holders

Project: Evaluation of Efficacy of Sulphur and Zinc Containing Complex Fer tilizers for Maximizing yield through balanced nutrition of different crops in India

Date  and  time  of Test/ Interview:  16.02.2016 Time: 10.00 a.m.

2) Research Associate (RA) (01)

Ph.D. in Soil Science/ Chemistry/ Microbiology OR Master’s degree in Soil Science/ Chemistry/ Microbiology with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research Experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship/ Training /other engagements OR Master’s degree in Chemistry /Microbiology with 3 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research experience asevidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship/Training /other e ngagements and with NET qualification
• Experience in Micronutrients analysis
• Knowledge of instruments handling and Processing data on computer.

Emoluments: Rs. 40 000/ - (fixed) + HRA for Doctoral Degree Holders and Rs.38000/ - (fixed) + HRA for Master Degree Holders

Project: Evaluation of Zinc Metalosate and Boron Metalosate Foliar Supplements for Maximizing yield through Balanced Nutrition of important crops grown India

Date  and  time  of Test/ Interview: 18.02.2016 Time: 10.00 a.m.

3) Senior Research Fellow (01)

Essential: Master’s degree in Soil Science with 4 years/ 5 years Bachelor’s degree in agriculture OR Master’s degree in Chemistry with 3 years of Bachelor’ s degree in science with chemistry with NET qualification.
• Experience in Micronutrients analysis
• Knowledge of instruments handling and Processing data on computer.

Emoluments: Rs.25000/ - per month (fixed) + HRA for first & second year in 3 rd year Rs.28000/ - per month (fixed) + HRA

Project:  Evaluation of Efficacy of Sulphur and Zinc Containing Complex Fertilizers for Maximizing yield through balanced nutrition of different crops in India

Date  and  time  of Test/ Interview:  18.02.2016 Time: 10.00 a.m.

4) Senior Research Fellow (01)

Master’s degree in Pharmacy/ human nutrition/ Nutrition/ Biochemistry with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelor’s degree. OR B.Pharm Candidates having Master’s degree in Pharmacy/ human nutrition/ Biochemistry with 3 years Bachelor’s degree must have NET Qualified
•  Experiencein Micronutrients analysis
• Knowledge  of  instruments  handling   and   Processing   data on computer

Emoluments:Rs.25000/ - per month (fixed) + HRA for first & second year in 3 rd year Rs.28000/ - per month (fixed) + HRA

Project:  Evaluation of Zinc Metalosate and Boron Metalosate Foliar Supplements for Maximizing yield through Balanced Nutrition of important crops grown India

Date  and  time  of Test/ Interview: 16.02.2016 Time: 10.00 a.m.

5) Project Assistant (01)

Essential: Graduation in Science (Botany/ Agriculture/ Chemistry)
1. Practical knowledge of field and laboratory work
2. Knowledge of computer and data handling

Emoluments: Rs. 15000/ - p.m. (fixed)

Project:  Evaluation of Efficacy of Sulphur and Zinc Containing Complex Fertilizers for Maximizing yield through balanced nutrition of different crops in India

Date  and  time  of Test/ Interview:   20.02.2016 Time: 10.00 a.m.

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Terms and conditions:
1. Interview of eligible candidates will be held at Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, which is 6 K.M from Bhopal main station for the above contractual positions.
2. Age limit for Research Associate is 40 years for Men & 45 years for Women & for Senior Research Fellow is 35 years for Men and 40 years for women (relaxation of age in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Government norms).
3. Age limit for Project Assistant and Field As sistant is 30 years for Men and 35 years for women (relaxation of age in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Government norms).
4. The above positions are purely on temporary basis and co- terminus with the project. Other terms as per the guidelines for Research Associate/ Senior Research Fellows working in the ICAR Schemes.
5. These positions are presently for ONE year only.
6. The selected candidate will have no right what so ever for absorption/regularization in the Institute.
7. The engagement on these positions will be initially for a period of six months/one year or till termination of the project. The extension will be given subject to the satisfactory performance of the work.
8. The selection of candidate(s) doesn’t entail on them any right for absorption/regular ization at IISS and/or any other sister concern including ICAR Headquarter.
9. The services of selected candidates can be dispensed with even before the termination of the project without any notice if his/her services are no more required or his/her contribution is considered not up to the mark. 10. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
11. All eligible candidates are requested to be present 30 minutes before the scheduled time on date of interview for necessary formalities.
12. The applicants must bring with them original documents for verification along with four sets of the complete bio -data with self attested photograph and self attested enclosures such as mark sheets, proof of date of birth, certificates for qualification, experience, and cast certifi cate for submission in office at the time of interview.
13. In case of serving candidate NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from his/her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced, wherever applicable.
14. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancella tion of candidature.
15. The Director, IISS, reserves the right to fix criteria and short list the candidates for after due screening of applications/test.
16. The decision of the Director, IISS, Bhopal would be final and binding in all aspects.

ICAR -Indian Institute of Soil Science 
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal –  462038 (M.P.)


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