It is proposed to fill up one vacant posts of Junior Analyst (Work Study) in the scale of pay Rs. 9,300-34,800 with Grade pay of Rs. 4,600/- in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The post is required to be filled up on deputation basis (including short-term contract) from amongst the officers under the Central Government failing which officers under the State Government/ Union Territory/ Recognized Research Institutions/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Semi Government/ Autonomous or Statutory Organizations:
Post: Junior Analyst (Work Study)
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent Cadre/ Department; or
(ii) with three years' regular service in a post in the scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 (pre- revised) or equivalent in the parent Cadre/ Department: or
(iii) with six years’ regular service in the post in the scale of Rs/5000-150-8000 ( pre- revised) or equivalent in the parent Cadre/ Department and
(b) Possessing the following qualifications and experience:
(i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent;
(ii) have successfully completed the Advanced Management Sendee Course of the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management or Defence Institute of Work Study or equivalent training in any other recognized institution Or have atleast two years’ experience in the application of Work Study/ Organization and Methods/Analytical/ Statistical / Operations/ Research and other management research techniques Or have successfully completed the basic management services course of the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management or equivalent training in any other recognized institution and have one year experience in the application of Work Study/ Organization and Methods/ Analytical/ Statistical/ Operations research and other management research techniques.
(Period of deputation/ contract including period of deputation/ contract in another ex- cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization/ Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed five years). (The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation/ contract shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.)
It is requested to forward the applications of interested & eligible officers in the attached proforma at Annexure- 1 through proper channel so as to reach the undersigned within 60 (sixty) days from the date of publication of tnis circular in the Employment News. While forwarding the applications, it may please be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified. The applications must be forwarded alongwith the following documents:-
(i) Original/ attested photocopies of the ACR for the last 5 years;
(ii) Vigilance clearance certificate.
(iii) Integrity certificate.
(iv) No Major/Minor penalty certificate for last 10 years.
Application received without aforesaid documents or after the prescribed date, shall be rejected.
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