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Vacancies for M.Pharm as Junior Research Fellow/Project Fellow in GSFDCL

Clinical research courses

The National Agriculture Commission (NAC) recommended establishment of Forest Development Corporations in each State to accelerate progress and development of forestry sector. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited ( GSFDC ) was established in August 1976 and registered under the Companies Act 1956.
In 1979 the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) trade came to be nationalized in Gujarat. The Corporation was entrusted with the task of its execution. This meant translating on the ground the State Policy of protecting economic interest of STs, SCs and other weaker sections, while justifying its corporate status. This corporation gets no grants and budgetary support from the Government.

Post: Junior Research Fellow/Project Fellow (JRF/PF) -Two

Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. urgently requires for JRF for NMPB, New Delhi, sponsored research project at "DHANVANTARI", GIDC, Ramangamdi, Por, Dist.Vadodara. The following person purely on CONTRACT:-

The Minimum Qualification, Project period, total Emoluments, Last date of submission of application, address to send are given as under:

Project A: Study on Geographical, Seasonal and Age related variations in the phytoconstituents of medicinal plants.

Junior Research Fellow: Post One
Minimum Qualification: (1) M. Pharma (Pharmacognosy/Pharmaceutical Chemistry) /M. Pharma (Ayurveda)/B.Tech- Biotechnology/M.Sc. (Botany, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry) with NET preferably.
(2) Preference: A Good Knowledge of identification of plants, laboratory work, handling of instruments (HPLC, HPTLC, UV Spectroscopy, microscope etc.) and data interpretation.

Project B: Bioprospecting of aerial parts of the plants used as Mahamoola in Dashmool.
Junior Research Fellow: Post One
Minimum Qualification: M. Pharma /M. Pharma (Ayurveda)/ B.Tech-Biotechnology/ M.Sc. (Botany, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry) with NET preferably.
Preference: A Good Knowledge of laboratory work and handling of instruments (HPLC, HPTLC, UV Spectroscopy, microscope etc) and data interpretation.

Note: JRF will be facilitated for PhD Degree registration in the university. In case of candidate without NET Qualified, Emolument and Designation as per University norms.

Other details for above vacancies:
1) Project Period: Positions are purely temporary and are initially for two years but extendable for one more year or till the completion of project whichever is earlier.

2) Emolument:
i) For JRF: Rs. 24,000 + HRA per month (NET Qualified) or For not NET Qualified: as per University norms.

3) Last date of receiving on line application: 19-02-2015

4) Application is to be submitted on line on our website in prescribed format

5) Selection Procedure: The vacancies would be filled up on the basis of knowledge/ experience & performance in personal interview by the committee.

Duties for Junior Research Fellow
1. Collection of plant materials as mentioned in project from different geographical area
2. Literature survey on related scientific work.
3. Standardization of protocol for extraction, purification and characterization of active principle/s from plants as said in proposed project work.
4. Operating and maintaining instruments which will be required in protocol development.
5. Preparation of progress report and summiting to higher authority when and where require.
6. Purchasing instruments, chemicals, glassware etc. which are needed in carrying out research work.
7. To keep record and maintain cleanliness in laboratory.
In addition to this, you will have to carry out such duties as may be assigned to you by your higher authorities from time to time.

Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd.
"Vanganga" 78, Alkapuri, Vadodara-390 007
(A Government of Gujarat undertaking)


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