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One day seminar on “Quality by design: An orbital shift in product development” at Anjuman –I-Islam Trust - School of pharmacy

GPAT courses

Anjuman –I-Islam Trust founded by Hon. Badruddin Tayyabji, in 1874, has set an unparallel example by knitting together over 95 institutions in the areas of education, technology and healthcare. The contribution in the field of Pharmacy started with commencement of Kalsekar Technical Campus-School of Pharmacy in 2011, with a mission of advancement of intellectual & socioeconomic condition of citizens of the country by offering quality teaching learning and research avenues. In the field of Pharmaceutical sciences. Since inception our students have been actively involved in health awareness campaigns as a part of community outreach initiative. Although currently undergraduate program is offered, with the state-of-art infrastructure and dedicated team of faculty the institute aims at innovations through providing research avenues.

Invites participation for one day seminar on “Quality by design: An orbital shift in product development”

We as an institute have been actively arranging workshops by eminent speakers from industry & academia. As a part of train the trainer series, a seminar on Quality by design is planned. Quality by design is structured and disciplined approach that aims to ensure the quality of product by employing statistical analytical and risk management methodology in the design development and manufacturing of product. Role of QBD is to ensure that all sources of variability affecting a person is identified, explained and managed by appropriate measures . This allows the product to be consistent so that it is ‘ right first time’. The seminar aims to highlight the fundamentals of QBD and pivotal role of QBD in current product development with respect to industry and academic research.

Personnel from industry, research organization, research scholar, academician and post graduate from AICTE approved pharmacy colleges.

Thursday, 12th February 2015
Seminar hall, 1st floor,
Pharmacy building
Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar
Technical Campus
School of Pharmacy


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