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Career for Pharmacists -Trainee (50 posts), Staff Nurse (16 posts) at CCL - Government Job

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Central Coalfields Limited is a Category-I Mini-Ratna Company since October 2007. During 2009-10, coal production of the company reached its highest-ever figure of 47.08 million tones, with net worth amounting to Rs. 2644 crore against a paid-up capital of Rs. 940 crore.
Formed on 1st November 1975, CCL (formerly National Coal Development Corporation Ltd) was one of the five subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd. which was the first holding company for coal in the country (CIL now has 8 subsidiaries).

Central Coalfields Limited, a Mini Ratna Company in energy sector of the country, invites application for filling of the vacancies of following Para-Medical posts in Technical & Supervisory Grade:

Post: Pharmacist (50 posts), Staff Nurse (16 posts)

Pharmacist(Trainee) - Grade: T & S  Gr. C (Total - 50 posts)
Basic  (NCWA-XI) - Rs.19035.02
No. of Posts: UR-25, OBC (NCL)-6, SC-6, ST-13 (Out of which Exservicemen - 5, PH - 2 (OH, OL/BL)
Minimum Essential Qualification: 10+2 with Science and Diploma in Pharmacy registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act 1948 with valid registration.
i) All the Pharmacist must be registered with Pharmacy Council of State.
ii) The Diploma in Pharmacy referred to above should be recognized/approved by the Pharmacy Council/Central/State.
iii)Entry into Pharmacist cadre will be as Pharmacist (T) in T&S Grd-C and after successful completion of one year training will be regularized in Tech. & Sup. Gr.’C’.

Staff Nurse - Grade: T & S  Gr. C (Total - 16 posts)
Basic  (NCWA-XI) - Rs.19035.02
No. of Posts: UR-8, OBC (NCL)-2, SC-2, ST-4 (Out of which Exservicemen - 1)
Minimum Essential Qualification: 10+2 plus ‘A’ Grade Nursing Diploma or Certificate from a recognized institute approved by the Government.
Note: Entry of Staff Nurse with ‘A’ Grade recognized Nursing Diploma or Certificate with 03 years course will be inducted as Staff Nurse and after successful completion of one year training will be placed in Tech. & Sup. Gr.’C.

For all the above posts, the pay and allowances will be admissible as per National Coal Wage Agreement (NCWA)-IX.
Abbreviations: Ex-SM-Ex-Servicemen, PH-Physically Handicapped, OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, OL-One Leg, BL-Both Leg, HHHearing Handicapped, UR-Unreserved, OBC-Other Backward Class, NCL-Non-Creamy Layer, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe

The above posts will carry annual increment @ 3% of basic pay on progressive basis along with other  allowances & benefits such as Annual Leave, Casual leave, Sick leave, SDA, VDA, Gratuity, Provident  Fund & Pension as per Company’s Rule, Free medical facilities (for self & dependent family members), Conveyance Reimbursement, House Rent Allowance( in case Quarter is not provided) as per company’s  norms.

1. The number of vacancies shown above are indicative in nature & may either increase or decrease at the discretion of Management.
2. Reservation of posts for SC/ST/ OBC (non creamy layer)/Ex-Serviceman/PH candidates will be as per Govt. of India guidelines.
3. The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC-NCL candidates.
4. If eligible, one candidate can apply for more than one post. However, such candidates have to submit separate application form along with application fees (if applicable) for each post applied.
5. Candidates must have passed their minimum essential qualification as on 17/03/2014
6. Cut off date for experience and age should be as on 17/03/2014.

Age Limit & Relaxation:
The candidates must have completed 18 years of age & also should not be more than 30 years of age as on 17/03/2014. However, the upper age limit as mentioned above is relaxed by:-
i) 05 years for SC&ST candidates
ii) 03 years for OBC candidates (Non Creamy Layer)
iii) The upper age limit will be relaxed up to ten years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC) for Physically Handicapped candidates on production of disability certificate having 40% or more disability as required under the rules.
iv) Age relaxation by 5 years for candidates who were ordinarily domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01/01/1980 and 31/12/1989 and they should apply through Offline mode only.
v) For Ex-Serviceman: Service rendered in Armed Forces plus 03(three) years in addition to above mentioned age limit on production of proof of service subject to maximum of 50(fifty) years.
vi) Age limit shall not be a bar for Departmental candidates & candidates of other subsidiary companies of Coal India Limited fulfilling all eligibility criteria. However, their application should be forwarded though proper channel.

Application Fee ( Non-Refundable)
i) Candidates belonging to General & OBC (Both Creamy & Non Creamy Layer) category are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- only by demand draft from any nationalized Bank in favor of “Central Coalfields Limited” payable at Ranchi. Name of the candidate and post applied for should be written on the back side of the demand draft.
ii) SC/ST Candidates, Ex-Serviceman and Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. However, for claiming exemption in application fee they have to attach an attested copy of relevant certificates as applicable, issued by Competent Authority in the prescribed format.
iii) Departmental candidates & candidates of other subsidiary companies of Coal India Limited fulfilling all eligibility criteria are exempted from payment of application fee. However, their application should be forwarded though proper channel.

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1. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other future selection process.
2. Fee submitted through any other mode will not be accepted and such application will be summarily rejected.

Selection process:
The selection methodology will comprise of written test and interview. The candidates short listed in the written test only will be eligible to appear for interview.

Written test: Eligible candidates will be required to appear for an objective type written test at any one of the test centers at Ranchi. Exact schedule of written test will be displayed on CCL website ( in due course.

Interview: Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the written test will be called for interview and the intimation will be given to the candidates through registered post and e-mail.

No TA/DA shall be paid for attending written test / interview, however, SC/ST candidate called for interview will be paid to & fro second class train fare by shortest route from the address of correspondence to Ranchi on production of ticket (provided the distance travelled by rail each way exceed 30 KMs).

All the candidates are requested to remain updated at each step of the selection process by visiting our website All queries pertaining to recruitment, including selection process, may be addressed to our Recruitment team through

Health/Medical fitness: Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidate being medically fit as per the standards prescribed for the post by the company. The selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the company’s Authorized Medical Board & the final Appointment / Joining will be subject to the Medical Fitness Certificate so issued by company’s Authorized Medical Board only.

How To Apply
Candidates fulfilling the above criteria can apply through any one of the modes i.e. Online or Offline. However, applicants who are permanent employee working in Government, Semi-Government, Public Sector Undertaking or working in any of the subsidiary company of Coal India Limited should apply through offline mode only and their application should be sent through proper channel. Those candidates who are claiming the age relaxation under Jammu & Kashmir domicile should apply through offline mode only.

Online Mode:
Candidates are requested to read the complete instruction hereunder before applying. Eligible candidates need to apply through CCL website Online Application will be open from 01/02/2014 till 02/03/2014 (midnight). Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID. The email ID should be kept active till the entire recruitment process gets completed. No change in email ID will be allowed once entered.

Offline Mode:
Candidate may also apply Offline. For Offline application, the prescribed application form along with employment notice can be downloaded from CCL website

Submission Of Application:
i. Candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria should send properly filled application in prescribed format or PDF Application form generated Online along with all the relevant documents in a sealed envelope to “The General Manager (Recruitment), Recruitment Department, 2nd floor, Damodar Building, Central Coalfields Limited, Darbhanga House, Ranchi-834029” through Registered Post/Speed post only so as to reach on or before 17.03.2014. Application will not be accepted by hand or through courier or via ordinary post.
ii. Application sent other than in prescribed format or incomplete application or without all the enclosures shall be rejected.
iii. Applicants who are permanent employee working in Government, Semi-Government or Public Sector Undertaking or working in any of the subsidiary company of Coal India Limited should apply through proper channel only.
iv. Name of the post applied for & the mode of application should be clearly mentioned on the envelope containing application form in BLOCK LETTERS. In case of online mode, application ID should also be mentioned. For e.g.
a. Post Applied for – Staff Nurse
c. Post Applied for -- Pharmacist (Trainee)
ONLINE (Application ID)

Following documents must be sent along with the complete application form:
i. Demand Draft of Requisite fee.
ii. Self attested legible photocopies of educational certificates including Matriculation certificate and Marksheet, (10+2)/Higher Secondary Certificate and Marksheet, Diploma Certificate and Marksheet, Other Certificates for their relevant disciplines as per eligibility criteria.
iii. Candidates shall submit a proof to this effect that the Institute/Diploma/degree/certificate/other testimonials are recognized by the Government of India.
iv. As desired for posts at S.No. VII, VIII & IX, the work experience certificate must carry a proof that the Institute/Hospital is recognized by the Government of India.
v. Two window envelope of 25.4 X 11.4 cm (or 10 X 4.5 Inch) size.
vi. Four nos. additional self attested passport size colour photograph similar to the photograph pasted on the application form with name clearly written on the back side.
vii. Self attested legible photocopies of latest Caste Certificate for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) candidate issued by any of the following authorities.
a) District Magistrate /Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Dy.Commissioner/ Addl.Dy.Commissioner/Dy.Collector/1st Class Stipendary Magistrate/City Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner.
b) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Addl. Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.
c) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the Area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.

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1. Timely receipt of application shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant. Late receipt due to postal delay or delivery of torn / damaged application shall not be entertained.
2. Applicants who are permanent employee working in Government, Semi-Government or Public Sector Undertaking or working in any of the subsidiary company of Coal India Limited should apply through proper channel and have to produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Interview, failing which they will be barred from appearing in the Interview.
3. The candidates should ensure while applying that they fulfill the essential eligibility criteria and other requirements prescribed for the post for which they are applying and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment process that the candidates do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria and /or do not comply with other requirements and /or he has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any relevant information / material fact(s), his/her candidature is liable to be rejected. If any of the above shortcomings is/are detected, even after appointment, his/her services are liable for suitable action including termination and prosecution.
4. The Company reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.
5. The decision of CCL Management will be final & binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, selection of candidate etc. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
6. The Management reserves the right to Revise / Reschedule / Cancel / Suspend the recruitment process, if the need so arises, without assigning any further notice or reason thereof, the decision of the management shall be final and no appeal shall be entertained.
7. Applications which are incomplete in any detail or without signature/photograph/demand draft (if required) or without any of the required enclosures or received after the last date for receipt of applications will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
8. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional & subject to subsequent verification of certificates /testimonials.
9. If a candidate chooses online mode of application, then they are advised in their own interest to apply much before the closing date and not to wait till last date to avoid the possibility of server failure / jam.
10. CCL does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their application within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of CCL.
11. If there is any variation between the English & Hindi versions of the Advertisement, English version may be treated as authentic.
12. Any request for change in Category (General/SC/ST/OBC-NCL), once filled in the Online/Offline application form, will not be considered and accordingly concession/relaxation applicable will not be extended.
13. Any Request for change of address will not be entertained.
14. Candidature is also liable to be rejected if there is any difference/variation found in candidate’s name/ his father’s name, surname or date of birth in his educational/professional/caste certificates/application.
15. Applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria will only be called for Written Examination and their admit card will be sent by Registered post and via email.
16. No correspondence will be entertained with the candidate not called for written test/not selected for interview.
17. Departmental candidates & candidates of other subsidiary companies of Coal India Limited fulfilling all eligibility criteria should apply through proper channel. Age limit shall not be a bar for them and application fee shall be waived. However their application should be forwarded though proper channel.
18. Result of successful candidates in written examination will be published on CCL Website
19. Candidates are advised to retain adequate number of similar photographs attached in the application form for future reference.
20. Those who will qualify in the written examination will be required to appear in Personal Interview for which interview call letter will be sent to them through Registered Post and email.
21. SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid to and fro second class Train Fare by shortest route from the address of correspondence to Ranchi on production of Railway Ticket (provided the distance travelled by rail each way exceed 30 KMs).
22. Any form of canvassing or bringing extraneous pressure will lead to disqualification and will render the candidate ineligible for selection.
23. Any dispute shall have civil jurisdiction at Ranchi.

Submission of Online application will commence from: 01/02/2014
Last date for Online application: 02/03/2014(midnight)
Last date of receipt of the hardcopy of applications applied Offline as well as printout of online applications along with supporting documents sent by Registered Post/Speed Post only: 17/03/2014



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