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Vacancy for B.Pharm and Life sciences candidates for Gastric adenocarcinoma research at BBCI, A Grant-in-Aid Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Govt

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for B.Pharm and Life sciences candidates for Gastric adenocarcinoma research at BBCI, A Grant-in-Aid Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Govt

Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute (BBCI) was set up by a voluntary organization called 'Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Society Trust'. Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah (4th September 1893 - 25th September 1956) was a great physician, freedom fighter and philanthropist of Assam. In 1958 at a public meeting in Guwahati, a decision was taken to set up a cancer hospital at Guwahati to commemorate the memory of Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah. Late Debendra Nath Sarma was the Founder President and Late Dr. Kanak Chandra Borooah, illustrious brother of Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah was the Founder Secretary. Late Bimala Prasad Chaliha, Mahendra Mohan Choudhury, Bishnuram Medhi, Dr. Ghanashyam Das, Dr Birendra Nath Choudhury and many others worked relentlessly for the development of the Institute since its inception.

Applications are invited in prescribed format for the following contractual post for research project "Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy followed by Surgery versus Surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy for resectable Gastric adenocarcinoma-Phase3-Multicentre Randomized Controlled trial’ at Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati.

Post: Project Assistant 

No of Post: 1 (one)
Essential: Graduate in Science (B.Pharm, Life Science, Biotechnology, Zoology, Botany, etc.) with computer knowledge. 
Desirable: 1 year experience in clinical trials
Salary: Rs. 23.600/- p.m.
Age limit : 30 years, extendable for in-service candidates of TMC. 

Interested eligible candidates may submit their application in prescribed application format in PDF format along with CV through e-mail to

- Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
- The subject of the e-mail should contain "Application for the post of Project Assistant...” 
- The last date for receipt of applications is 12/12/2024 upto 5:01 PM. Original documents of age proof/certificates/degrees/mark-sheets and other testimonials must be presented at the time of interview. The applications received after the lust date will not be considered. Application without signature or incomplete in anyway will not be considered.
- The list of eligible candidates for appearing in the interview for the above post will be published in the BBCI website on 15/12/2024 with date, time & venue of interview. No separate call letter will be issued to the candidates for appearing in the interview.

- The Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof.
- The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
- Candidates should note that mere fulfilling of the minimum requisite &. experience bestows no right on them to be called for test / interview.
- The appointment will be made for 3 (three) months.
- Please note that the appointment to be made is purely temporary basis and for the duration of the project. There is no right for claiming any regular appointment in the BBC I.
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute ,
A Grant-in-Aid Institute of Department of Atomic Energy,  Govt, of lndia 
And a Unit of Tata Memorial Centre (Mumbai)
AK Azad Road, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-781016


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