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Life Sciences Recruitment in the DBT funded Project at SCTIMST, Salary Rs. 48,720 pm

Clinical research courses

Life Sciences Recruitment in the DBT funded Project at SCTIMST

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) is an Institution of National Importance under the Department of  Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The joint culture of medicine and technology pioneered by its founders more than three decades ago, has come of age and gained unprecedented acceptance in India. The institute has the status of a university and offers excellent research and training facilities. 

Post : Senior Project Associate

For DBT Funded Project entitled "Technology development and clinical validation of an injectable hydrogel for repair of Articular Cartilage Defects" P.8214 
Qualification (Essential) : 60% marks in Masters degree in any branch of Life Sciences with specialization in Clinical Research / Clinical Trials or Clinical Data Management

Experience (Desirable) : 4 years experience in research and development / industry / laboratory or Science and Technology organizational scientific activities and services

Job description : To work with the project team in documenting reports during the validation of the device / develop and write trial protocols / present trial protocols to steering committees / design data collection forms / manage ethical and regulatory authority applications and approvals / identify and assess the suitability of facilities to use as the clinical trial site / liaise with clinicians and the project team

Monthly emoluments : Rs.48,720/- (Consolidated)
Age limit as on 01.12.2024 : 40 years 

No of post : Existing - 1 (OBC) (In the absence of eligible OBC candidates, EWS candidates will be considered, further in absence of eligible EWS candidates, UR will be considered.)

Duration : For a period upto 11.12.2025 or till the completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE through Institute website (Link given below) and upload scanned copies of certificates to prove age, qualifications, experience and a valid non-creamy layer certificate (for OBC candidates) / Income and Asset certificate (for EWS candidates) in the prescribed format applicable for employment in Central Govt. Institutions issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of a Tahsildhar. The applications will be screened and eligible candidates will be called for an Interview to be conducted at the Biomedical Technology Wing of the Institute at Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 012. Intimation regarding the schedule of interview will be sent to their email id provided in the ONLINE application form. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Experience wherever prescribed means experience gained AFTER acquiring the prescribed essential qualification.

Note : Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking. 

Advt. NO.P&A.II/154/SPA/P.8214/BMT-SCTIMST/2024
Last date for applying Online : 31.12.2024 5.00 pm
Apply Online

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