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Job for Pharmacist under Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department

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Job for Pharmacist under Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department

The Government of India and the Mission Director, National Health Mission, State Programme Management Unit, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada through RoP of NHM for the year 2024-25 and Proc.Rc.No: 111/SPMU-NUHM/2020, Dated: 16-09-2024 & Rc.No. 201/NHM/RBSK/2024, Dt: 14-11- 2024 & DO.Lr. No.2890/NCD/NPPC/2021, Dt;27-11-2024 have accorded permission for recruitment of all the vacant and sanctioned posts of Medical, Nursing, Paramedical and other staff at various health facilities and DPMU under National Health Mission (NHM & NUHM) for utilization of their services initially for a period of one year on contract basis in Chittoor district.

Post : Pharmacist Gr-II

No of posts : 02 (1. UPHC Telephone Colony, Chittoor 2. UPHC Murakambattu, Chittoor)
Qualification : 
• Must Pass SSC or its equivalent examination recognized by the Govt. of AP. 
• Pass in D.Pharma/B.Pharma (or)
• Intermediate vocational Course in Pharmacy any recognized by Govt. of A.P
• Must be register with the A.P. Pharmacy Council.
• In Case of Candidate posses both D.Pharma and B.Phrma, the Maximum percentage secured in any of the above shall be considered.
Remuneration per month : Rs.23,393/-
Accordingly, the following human resources are to be recruited on contract basis, initially for a period of one year at various institutions in various schemes under National Health Mission, Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department and Government of Andhra Pradesh in Chittoor District.
Hence, applications are invited from the qualified candidates for the above said posts, from those candidates, who have not crossed the age of „42‟ years. Age relaxation for upper age limit to those candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC are „5‟ years and „3‟ years for Ex-Service Men / Women and 10 years for Physically Handicapped Persons up to a maximum for 52 years. The maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01-10-2024. 
The no. of posts notified for recruitment and the remuneration shown against each category is purely tentative and may likely to be increased or decreased.

How to apply :
a) Candidates can download the prescribed format of application using the website of 
b) An amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) shall be paid towards application fee through demand draft in favour of District Medical & Health Officer, Chittoor from any nationalized banks. 
c) The filled in application along with all its enclosures as prescribed in the table above, the candidate in person shall submit directly at O/O the District Medical & Health Officer, Chittoor on or before the last date i.e. on 13-12-2024 by 05-00 PM sharply. 
d) Applications sent through post / registered post / courier / mail or any other ways will be summarily rejected on or after 13/12/2024 by 5 PM. 
e) Application shall be super-scribed with “Application for the post of ________________ otherwise, the application will be summarily rejected. 
f) Aadhar and mobile numbers are mandatory.

Note :- 
i) If attested copies of Caste certificate / Physically handicapped certificate / Ex-Serviceman are not enclosed, the candidate will be treated under Open Category. 
ii) If the Study certificates are not enclosed the candidate will be treated as Non-Local. 
iii) If any of the self-attested copies noted in the table above have not enclosed by the candidate, the application will be summarily rejected. 
iv) Application shall be submitted in the format enclosed to these guidelines only. 
Selection Process :-
 A) Receipt of applications, scrutiny of applications, display of merit list, selection list, conducting counseling and issue of appointment orders will be done by District Medical & Health Officer under guidance of District Selection Committee headed by District Collector. 
B) Selection is based on merit and rule of reservation. Out of a total of 100marks, 75 marks shall be allotted against marks obtained in the qualifying exam and 10 marks against waiting period @1 mark for each year of waiting after completion of requisite qualification, subject to a maximum of 10 marks and 15 marks againstin service period @1.5 marks per each 6 months subject to maximum 15 marks as on the date of Notification. 
C) Rule of Reservations will be followed as per the Rule 22 of AP State and Subordinate Services. 
Conditions on Appointment :- The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed, is included, and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment, to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service. The department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month‟s notice in writing on either side. This contract would automatically cease to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication. 
Tenure :- Initially for a period of one year from date of joining in the post.
Remuneration : The monthly remuneration will be paid as shown and noted against each category in the above table.

Other Service Conditions :-
1. No private practice is allowed during the contract period. 
2. All the staff shall maintain bonafied head quarters. 
3. Disciplinary control in accordance with provisions of APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991. 
4. All persons appointed on contract basis shall execute an agreement on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- with two witnesses, and submit the same to the appointing authority concerned at the time of reporting for duty, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract.

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