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Career for Pharmacy Graduates under Directorate of Drugs Control, 33 Openings

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Career for Pharmacy Graduates under Directorate of Drugs Control

Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was set up by Govt. of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1994 for carrying out direct recruitment against Group-C & Group-B posts in the State cadre. There are more than 140 different cadres of posts/ services under various Departments of Government against which recruitments are made through this Commission.

Post : Senior Laboratory Assistant

Applications are invited through online mode only through the website for recruitment to fill up the vacancies reported by different Department/HODs under Govt, of Odisha as follows.

Name of the Department : Directorate of Drugs Control, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
No of posts : 33 Out of which women (W-10)
UR : 17 (W-06)
SEBC : 03 (W-01)
SC : 05 (W-01)
ST : 08 (W-02)
Note :
1. Candidates belonging to the Transgender community are also eligible to apply.
2. The number of vacancies and other conditions of vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment are subject to change without any prior notice as per discretion of the Commission, the Requisitioning Authorities and the Government.
Pay Matrix Level : Level-9 of ORSP, 2017
Minimum Educational Qualification : Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharma)
Age : Minimum Age as on 01.01.2023 21 Years
Maximum Age as on 01.01-2023 38 Years
However, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC, ST category & all women candidates, 10 years for candidates belonging to PwD category & the total period of service rendered in defence service in case of Ex-servicemen. PwD candidates in the ST & SC category shall be entitled to cumulative age relaxation of ten years over & above the normal relaxation specified for the category. However, a candidate who comes under more than one category shall be eligible for only one benefit of age relaxation as per rule which will be more beneficial to her/him. To be eligible, candidates not enjoying any relaxation of upper age limit, must not have been born earlier than 2nd January 1985 and not later than 1st January 2002.

Plan and Pattern of Examination :
The competitive examination shall comprise three stages namely :
Stage -1 :  Preliminary Examination-150 marks
Details about the type of questions, mode of examination, duration of the examination, number of questions etc. will be shared in due course on the website through Notice.
Candidates numbering about six (06) times of the vacancies category wise shall be shortlisted for Main written Examination based on their marks secured in the Preliminary Examination. However, if the number of vacancy is one, minimum ten candidates will be shortlisted for Main written examination, (if eligible candidates are ten or more)
The indicative Syllabus is in Annexure-C of the Advertisement.
Stage - II: (a) Main Written Examination :
Technical paper (s)- 200 Marks.
The indicative Syllabus of Inspector of Legal Metrology, Senior Laboratory Assistant & Market Intelligence Inspector are given in Annexure-C of the Advertisement. The indicative syllabus of the remaining posts will be shared before the last date of submission of Online Application form.
Details about the type of questions, mode of examination, duration of the examination, number of questions etc. will be shared in due course on the website through Notice.
(b) Candidates for Market Intelligence Inspector are required to qualify the Computer Skill Test.
The indicative syllabus is in Annexure-C of the Advertisement.
Note : In pursuance of GA & PG Department Notification No-29246, Dated-18th October 2022, the Preliminary and Main Examination, shall be conducted both in Odia and
English. The candidate shall exercise his/her option for medium of examination in the online application form. All may note that the option once given cannot be changed.
Stage -III : Certificate Verification:-
Candidates numbering two (02) times of the vacancies advertised (Post Wise &Category-wise) shall be shortlisted for Certificate Verification basing on the marks secured in the Main Written Examination. However, if the number of vacancy is one (01) three candidates maybe called for certificate verification.
In case, during the stage of Certificate Verification, the Commission observes that the vacancy(ies) for a particular category of post(s) is/are not likely to be filled up completely, an additional number of candidates who have qualified in the order of merit shall be called only for one more time, at the discretion of the Commission for filling up the number of vacancies.
(I) There shall be no provision for re-evaluation/ re-checking of the scores. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
(II) The Commission may conduct the Preliminary examination and/or the Main Written examination with objective papers through OMR or CBRE (Computer Based Recruitment Examination) Mode. In case of CBRE mode of examination being conducted in more than one session/sitting, Commission will adopt the normalization process as per the advisory Notice No.2444/OSSC dated 02.09.2021(available on the website of the Commission i.e. for processing the result so as to offset the difficulty level that may arise in such use of multiple set of question papers in the said examination.
(III) There will be a penalty (Negative marking) for wrong answers marked by the candidate in examinations consisting of Multiple Choice Questions. The Quantum of penalty/ negative marking will be 0.25 marks for each one mark question.
(IV) The Commission shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary written examination as fixed by this Commission in their discretion, for the next stage of the main written examination. The commission may fix different minimum qualifying marks for different category candidates (UR, SC, ST, SEBC etc.) and different posts/ services.
(V) Qualifying marks in Computer Skill Test will be 50 % of the total marks.
(VI) Based on the performance in two papers of the main written examinations and having qualified in Computer Skill Tests whatever applicable, candidates will be shortlisted for document verification.

Important Instruction / Information to the Candidates
a. The candidate has to fill/confirm in the OMR answer sheet or CBRE Screen, as the case may be, correct Roll Number and other data as required in the place(s) indicated therein and darken the appropriate circles in Blue or Black Ball Point Pen only properly in case of OMR-based examination. If die information so furnished is incomplete or different from the application form or if appropriate circle is not darkened properly, then zero mark will be awarded.
b. In Descriptive Paper, candidate must write her/ his correct Roll Number at the prescribed place on the cover page of the Answer Book. Candidates must also affix their signature in the relevant columns of Attendance Sheet. Answer Books not bearing Roll Number will not be evaluated and such candidates shall be awarded zero marks.
c. Candidates shall not write any identity particulars e.g., name, Roll number, Mobile number, address, etc. inside the Descriptive Answer Book. Candidates who fail to adhere to these instructions will be awarded zero marks.
d. There shall be no provision for re-evaluation/ re-checking of scores in the Examination. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
e. Sharing of marks with the candidate: Marks obtained by an applicant in Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Computer Skill Test are proposed to be shared with him/ her after final merit list is published.
f. All these are State Cadre posts. The candidate, on selection, may be asked to serve anywhere in Odisha.
g. If a candidate scoring more than cut-off marks at any Tier/ stage of the examination is not qualified for the subsequent stage/ final selection due to any reason, he must represent to the Commission within 05 days of the declaration of the said result through e-mail
h. Applicants who are Government servants/ working under PSUs of the State Government as well as Central Government should obtain a “No Objection Certificate” from their controlling authority and upload the same with the Online Application failing which their candidature for the post will be rejected. At the certificate verification stage, they must produce the original “No Objection certificate”. Those who were not Government Servants at the time of submission of application but became Government Servants subsequently during the recruitment process, must submit No Objection Certificate at the stage of certificate verification. Those Govt, servants who are unable to produce the No Objection Certificate during the Certificate Verification, will not be included in the merit list. Similarly, if any candidate hides her/ his Govt, servant status, and found to be an Govt, servant on the day of Certificate Verification or before, will not be included in the Merit List.

a. Candidates must possess a valid e-Mail Id and Mobile number while applying for the post and keep the same active till the completion of this recruitment process, to receive important messages from the Commission.
b. The appointment will be only against one of the posts carrying corresponding pay as indicated in the above table and candidates need to give options for the post/service and Department/HODs before Certificate Verification after qualifying in the Main Written Examination.
c. The examination fee has been exempted for all categories of candidates as per G.A. & P.G. Department Notification No.9897/Gen, dtd. 11.04.2022.
d. Appointments shall be on regular basis carrying the level of Pay as mentioned in the table above. The appointment shall be guided by “Odisha Group-‘B,, SC' and Group-‘D’ Posts (Repeal and Special Provisions) Rules, 2022 notified vide Govt, in GA and PG Department Notification No. 29076 dated 16th October 2022.
e. Candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as laid down in the advertisement. Admission of a candidate to the written examination & other tests shall be provisional and on the basis of information furnished by her/him in the Online Application Form.
f. Online applications submitted to OSSC found to be incomplete in any respect are liable for rejection without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on that matter.
g. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in her/his Online Application Form is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate otherwise does not satisfy the  eligibility criteria prescribed for the post, her/his candidature for the posts shall be cancelled. She/ He may further be debarred either temporarily or permanently from the recruitment examination(s) conducted by the Commission.
h. Commission will adopt a “Normalisation Formula” published in Commission’s website vide Notice No.2444/ OSSC dated 02.09.2021 for processing the result where the examination is conducted through CBRE ( Computer Based Recruitment Examination) mode in multiple batches using different sets of question papers so as to off set the difficulty level that may arise in such use of multiple set of question papers in the said examination, and such normalized score will be used to determine cut-off marks.
i. No Admission Letter for recruitment at any stage shall be sent by post. The candidates are therefore advised to be in touch with the Commission’s website regularly to know updates regarding the date of examination, downloading of Admission Letter and to know the status of their applications etc.
j. The candidates are advised to submit the Online Application Form well in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid the last-hour rush.
k. For those eligible for and applying for more than one post/ service, the Commission will make the final allotment to post/ service on the basis of merit-cum-preference of post/ service given by the candidate and once a post is allotted, no change of posts will be made by the Commission due non-fulfilment of any post-specific requirements of Physical/medical/educational standards, etc. Candidates thus must ensure that they fulfil all the requirements of the posts before giving their preference/options for any post/ service.

Last Date Submission of Online Application Form : 05.02.2024
End Date of editing of Online Application form : 07.02.2024

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