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Vacancy for Pharmacists (04 posts) at District Health Society

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Vacancy for Pharmacists at District Health Society

Regarding recruitment on 11 months contract basis, under the National Health Mission, Narmada District, the following staff positions are hereby announced to be filled on a temporary basis on 11 months contract basis and to create a waiting list.

Post : Pharmacist cum Data Assistant

No of posts : 04
Qualification : Candidate must possess degree (Bachelor of Pharmacy / Diploma Pharmacy) from recognized colleges / Universities. Candidate must have valid registration colleges/universities. Candidate must have valid registration with Pharmacy council of Gujarat. Must have basic knowledge of computer

Salary Rs. : 13,000/- per month. 
Age : Maximum age limit is of 40 years

Candidates who are qualified above have to upload all original certificates like school leaving certificate for proof of age, educational qualification, experience, certificates, passport size photograph and attested copies of all certificates on the website at the mentioned address.  .

1. Candidate's application received online only at will be accepted R.P.A.D.  Applications received through Speed Post, Courier or Ordinary Post will not be accepted.  
2. A photocopy of the legible original document must be uploaded in the Effects software.
3. Applications with incomplete details will be invalid.  
4. A candidate cannot apply more than once.
5. The age limit will be calculated on the last date of acceptance of application mentioned in the advertisement for age limit i.e. in case of all candidates the last date of acceptance of application mentioned in the advertisement for age limit will be taken into consideration.

Last Date : 26/12/2022

Advertise No. NHM/2021-2022/1

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