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DHFWS invites applications for post of Pharmacists

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DHFWS invites applications for post of Pharmacists

D.H. & F.W. S Bhiwani invites applications for the following posts under NHM purely on contract basis initially up to 31-03-2023 (may be renewed further subjected to administrative approval from competent authority and satisfactory performance.) of various posts are as under.

Post : Pharmacist

No. of posts : 2 (01 -Gen- ESM, 01-UR)
Name of the Program / Facility : 01-RBSK Team 01- HMSCLW are house, Bhiwani

Age Limit : 18-42 years
Entry level pay / Remuneration (Per Month) : 12500/-

Qualification and Experience as per Service Bye Laws :
(i) 10+2 with Science (Physics & Chemistry). Diploma in Pharmacy from Recognized Institute, (ii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacy act, 1948 as applicable to Haryana State.
DESIRABLE : (i) Computer proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS word, Power Point and Excel' etc. (ii) Knowledge of Hindi up to Matric standard

Tentative Dates for Written/Computer Skill Test : 05.01.2023

General Instructions :
• Application form may be downloaded from and duly filled in capital letters and signed by the candidate in their own handwriting with self-attested one set of all the testimonials should be submitted till 20.12.2022 before 03:00 PM to : The Dy. Civil Surgeon-NHM, Room No. 225, O/o Civil Surgeon, Civil Hospital Bhiwani. The applications received through post/courier or by any mode, after 03:00 PM on dated 20.12.2022 will not be entertained.
• No court case/Police Inquiry/ FIR should be pending against the applicant and he/she should not be convicted by any court.
• Non-refundable Application fee of Rs. 200/- for General Category and 100/- for Reserved Category should be submitted by way of cash receipt only. Cash Receipt may be obtained from room no. 231, O/o Civil Surgeon, Bhiwani. One application will be considered for one post only. Application form without the prescribed fee will be considered rejected, no separate information will be given to candidate. Fee receipt no. must be written at the application form.
• The Recruitment process initiated through advertisement published in March’ 2022 is cancelled due to administrative reason. The candidates who had applied for the post against advertisement (published in March’2022) need to apply a fresh application form. Such candidates may submit an application with bank passbook photocopy and application form receipt no. in Room no. 225, O/o Civil Surgeon, Bhiwani for refund of previous fee till 30-12-2022. No application will be consider after 30-12-2022 for refund case.
• Candidate must bring one identity proof in original with photo like Driving License, Voter card, Aadhar card, Passport, PAN Card, Ration Card in examination centre, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to enter in the examination centre.
• Candidates are warned not to carry any other personal belongings including electronic or communication devices, mobile phone, Bluetooth, any type of watch, belt, cap, scarf, water bottle, wear ornaments like ring, chain, earring etc., pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener and correcting fluid in the examination centre. Examination official will not be responsible for the safe keeping of personal belongings and there will be no facility for storage of such personal belongings.
• The admit card will be issued provisionally to the candidate, subject to his/her satisfying the eligibility criteria. Issuance of Admit Card/appearing in the test does not confer any right of appointment/selection. Appointment/Selection is subject to final verification at various stages.
• Written/Proficiency/any other test if prescribed will be conducted for the applicants. Minimum 40% marks arc mandatory to qualify the Written/Proficiency tests Sc Computer skill test each. The applicants who will qualify the Written/Proficiency test will only be eligible for Computer skill test or further stages of recruitment.
• The screening test/Proficiency test is to check IQ, General Knowledge and information of the candidate about the concerned subject.
• The applicants must have to produce all original testimonials before the document scrutiny committee.
• No TA/DA will be paid to appear in test/interview.
• If the applicants don’t fulfill the eligibility for the applied post or any information provided by the applicants found false/fabricated or misleading at any stage of recruitment as well as after the recruitment, the candidature of such the applicant will be rejected or contract ot such the selected applicant will be terminated immediately without giving any further notice and legal action may be initiated against him/her.
• Further renewal of contract will be based on the satisfactory performance subjected to   sanction received from State Head Quarter-NHM, Haryana, Panchkula.
• “Service Bye Laws” implemented by the State Head Quarter-NHM, Haryana Panchkula vide Memo no. Admin/NHM/Al/2017-18/4361-81 dated 29.12.2017 will be applicable as directed by State Head Quarter-NHM, Haryana Panchkula. ‘Service Bye Laws’ will not be applicable on the posts under 15th Finance Commission. The rules revised by time to time by State Head Quarter-NHM, Haryana Panchkula will be applicable to all NHM I contractual employees.
• These posts are non-transferable in nature. Any additional work under NHM can be assigned by appointing authorities.
• Reservation policy is applicable as per Haryana Govt, rules.

Non-refundable Application Fee- 200/- for General, 100/- for Reserved Category (One Application will be considered for One post only)

Last Date of Apply : 20-12-2022 till 03:00 pm

Application Form & More Info

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