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DHFWS invites application for post of Pharmacists

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DHFWS invites application for post of Pharmacists

DHFWS Sonipat re-invites application for filling up of various posts under various schemes of NHM programme for different Health Institution of District Sonipat purely on contract basis initially up to 31/3/2022 or up to the date approved in NHM Haryana ROP 2021-22, whichever is earlier. The number and details of posts are as under.

Pharmacist (RBSK)
No. of Post with reservation : 2 (1-BC B &.1-EWS) (For Mobile health team gohana & Badkhalsa)

Terms of references (TOR)
(i) 10+2 with Science (Physics & Chemistry). Diploma in Pharmacy from Recognized Institute.
(ii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacy act, 1948 as applicable to Haryana State.
DESIRABLE : (i) Computer proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS word, Power Point and Excel etc.
 (ii) Knowledge of Hindi up to Matric standard.

Age Limit :- up to 42 years

Remuneration :- Rs.12500/-per month as per By Laws of NHM(GP-3200)

Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)
No. of Post with reservation : 1 (UR) for PHC Murthal

Terms of references (TOR)
(i) Unani Dispenser from any recognized University / Institution or Board or Faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India OR Up-Vaidya of any recognized University/Institution or Board or Faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India, having the knowledge of Urdu; and recognized by the Government OR Two year Diploma in Ayurveda Pharmacy from any recognized University / Institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India and recognized by the Government.
(ii) Two years’ experience of working as Pharmacist / Compounder in a Govt. Homeopathy Dispensary/Hospital OR Three years’ experience of working as Pharmacist / Compounder under Registered Medical Practitioner in Homeopathy (Documentary proof with respect to salary drawn will be required)
(iii) 10+2 examination should be passed with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
(iv) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric.

Age Limit :- up to 42 years
Remuneration :- Rs.11170/-per month as per By Laws of NHM(GP-2800)

Important Instructions
1. All the advertisement made in the past for which recruitment process has not been compeleted (expect Court cases) due to any reasons, are cancelled .if these candidates want to apply for any post mentioned above have to apply a fresh, their candidature on the behalf of old application will not be considered.
2. NHM Selection Criteria will be applicable for all the posts.
3. There will be no written test for the post of Consultant Psychiatrist, Physician & Medical Officer, Only Interview will be held and written test and Computer test will be taken for all other posts according to MD NHM Selection criteria.
4. Date of written test /interview will be intimated through newspaper and no separate intimation will be given in this regards.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview/written test
6. Full Particulars along with Contact number, email id, Postal address with PINCODE, two passport size photo and self attested copies of Educational Qualification and experience should be attached with the application.
7. Application form and detailed advertisement can be taken from NHM Office Sonipat
8. Application fee (non-refundable) is Rs. 200/- per application form and separate application will be required for each category of posts. The application form will be rejected if not submitted on the prescribed formats along with receipt of application fee..
9. Original documents in support of academic qualifications and work experience shall be required to be produced at the time of interview/written test.

10. Preference will be given to the candidate residing in local area and local area weightage will be given only on the basis of Haryana Resident Certificate, other Proofs will not be consider for local area weightage otherwise local area Weightage will not be given without Residence Certificate.
11. Number of Posts can be increased or decreased without notice by the Appointing Authority.
12. These posts are non-transferable and the selected candidates will remain posted at the place of posting.
13.  Any additional work/placement under NHM can be assigned by supervising/appointing authority.
14. Performance will be reviewed after 3 months and continuation of service will be on the basis of performance & if performance is found unsatisfactory then contract may be terminated.
15. Experience will be treated valid only if salary slip from the employer is attached. Weightage of experience will be given to only those Candidates whose have their experience from any state Govt/ Semi Govt /UT/any Govt Board/Corporations.
16. If an applicant does not fulfil the essential qualification or experience criteria then his/her application will be cancelled & no written intimation will be given in this regard.

All interested candidates should report in the Civil Surgeon offices, Sonipat at 09.30 AM on the day of interview/written test They must bring their original testimonials in support of the eligibility for the post.

Last date for submission of Application form is 26/12/2021 (Till 4.00PM)

Application Form

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