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CSIR-IHBT invites applications for post of Director

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CSIR-IHBT invites applications for post of Director

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) established in 1942, is an Autonomous Society under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology. CSIR is a premier R&D organization in the country and has been contributing to the techno-socio-economic development through its varied S, T & I interventions since its inception. With 36 state-of-the-art constituent laboratories, today CSIR is amongst the largest publicly funded innovative scientific and research organizations in the world. CSIR expertise and experience is embodied in its nearly 3,500 Scientists and 4,000 scientific and technical support personnel apart from about 9,000 JRF/SRF/RA and project staff. CSIR publishes more than 5,000 papers annually in peer reviewed International journals (SCI). CSIR has a patent portfolio of 1,315 unique patents in force, out of which 184 patents have been commercialized. CSIR also has 2,372 in force patents granted abroad in multiple countries. CSIR is ranked 37th among 1587 government institutions worldwide and is the only Indian organization among the top 100 global government institutions, according to the Scimago Institutions Ranking World Report 2021, CSIR holds the 7th rank in Asia and leads the country at the 1st position. CSIR has ushered India into knowledge economy while grooming and nurturing talent in various streams of Science and Technology. CSIR has the distinction of having the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India as the President of its Society.

Post : Director

CSIR invites applications / nominations for coveted position of Director, CSIR- Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur, in order to participate and contribute in conceived vision and mission of CSIR which includes providing S,T& I leadership for sustainable development of the country encompassing economic growth with environmental and societal benefits.

CSIR- Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur, Himachal Pradesh - The institute is involved in harnessing and sustainable utilization of Himalayan bioresources through multifaceted state-of-the-art facilities for basic as well as translational research to develop end-to-end processes and products. The major R&D programmes of CSIR-IHBT are related to bioresource mapping, biodiversity conservation, bioprospection, genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, plant viruses etc. The Institute has proven credentials in boosting economy through empowerment and enhancing livelihood of tribal and other communities of high altitude areas through floriculture, cultivation of medicinal & aromatic plants and processing of local resources for value addition besides successful commercialization of   technologies for propelling industrial growth.

Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Natural Sciences or Master’s Degree in Engineering / Health/Medical Sciences (for Engineering/Health/Medical Sciences, Ph.D. is desirable).
Age : 45 years or above but not exceeding 56 years.
Experience : At least 16 years of experience in Research and Development (with focus on translational research) in the areas of activities of the laboratory / lnstitutes / Centre and demonstrated excellence in leadership therein. Years of experience shall be computed from the beginning of candidate’s research career.

Relaxation : The qualifications, age and experience can be relaxed in case of exceptionally meritorious candidates with the approval of DG, CSIR.
Candidate Should be creative, innovative and a well-recognized scientist/technologist having a demonstrated ability to manage multidisciplinary R&D teams with excellent interpersonal relations. The candidate should have made significant contributions in terms of technology development apart from creation of IP and publications. He/She should be able to create a conducive environment for nurturing high class research and development.

Responsibilities : The Director shall supervise and exercise administrative control on the staff of the Institute and shall be responsible for (i) realizing the mission of the Institute, and (ii) creating an environment conducive to nurture innovation and high class R&D and other S&T activities of the Laboratory/Institute in keeping with societal/industrial priorities.

Appointment : The appointment to the post of Director will be made for a tenure of six years or till superannuation, whichever is earlier, in level 15 of Pay Matrix (Rs.1,82,200-2,24,100) (pre-revised HAG pay scale of Rs 67,000-79,000) with allowances as admissible. The tenure period will be renewable only in exceptional cases. Director can be considered for absorption/placement in CSIR as Director’s Grade Scientist i.e. Scientist ‘H’/Outstanding Scientist, as per rules.

Benefits : The provision to share money realized from external contract R&D, consultancy and rendering of S&T services is also available as per extant rules. Residential accommodation and transport are provided as per rules. In addition, medical, LTC and other facilities are provided as per CSIR rules.

How to apply
The application/nomination for the post with detailed bio-data highlighting scientific and translational contributions in details alongwith list of publications/patents etc. may be sent through email on email ID or by post to Director Recruitment Cell, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001. A brief bio-data in the proforma given below may also be sent. The last date of the receipt of applications is 31.12.2022.

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