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Recruitment for Pharmacists (13 posts) at Zilla Swasthya Samiti

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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Zilla Swasthya Samiti

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts under National Health Mission, ZSS, Cuttack on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each and subject to renewal as per Society norms basing on the performance and subject to continuance of the programme. Performance Incentives & other benefits are also admissible for all posts as per norms applicable and orders issued there-under from time to time.

Pharmacist for MHT under RBSK (Direct Recruitment through Written Competitive Examination)
No of Posts :
12 [UR-01 (W-01) ST-07 (W-02) SC-04 (W-01)]
Minimum Qualification : Must have passed + 2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha/equivalent & Diploma in Pharmacy from Govt. Medical College & Hospitals of the State/ any other recognized Private Institution duly approved by A.I.C.T.E. and examination conducted by Odisha Pharmacy Board.
Age Limit : S/he must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of 32 years on the date of 01.12.2021. The upper age will be relaxed up to 5 years in case of SC/ST/Women/SEBC and 10 years for physically handicapped candidates.
Mode of Selection : Direct Recruitment through Written Competitive Examination

Pharmacist cum Logistic Assistant
No of Posts :
Minimum Qualification : Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy with minimum 1 years of experience in managing a drug store in a reputed hospital/health centre recognized by Govt.
Age Limit : 21 years to 40 years as on 01.12.2021.
Eligibility Criteria : In order to be eligible for direct recruitment to the post of Pharmacist-cum- Logistic Assistant a candidate shall have to satisfy the following conditions, namely:
i. Nationality ; S/he must be citizen of India
ii. Age Limit: S/he must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of 40 years on the date of 01.12.2021.

Process of finalization of Merit list
Career Assessment
The carrier assessment would be done for individual applicant using following criteria :
Examination & Weightage
HSC (excluding 4th optional) / equivalent : 15%
+2 Science (excluding 4th optional) / equivalent : 15%
D.Pharma /B.Pharma : 70%

1. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the scheme. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position.
2. Details of vacancy, eligibility, age, scheme of selection procedure etc. can be downloaded from the district website (
3. Undertaking or affidavit for non submission of any of the requisite documents as mentioned above and the prescribed application form as available in the district website i.e. in subject to rejection of the candidature of the candidate.
4. Candidates are required to apply in prescribed format available in the website and to submit along with a set of self attested copies of all certificates in support of age, qualification, experience, residence etc. Candidates are also required to submit two recent passport size color photographs, an ID proof (Voter ID/PAN/Driving License/Passport/Aadhar Card) and Caste & Residence certificate issued by the competent authority. No certificate will be accepted at later stage of recruitment, if fails to produce with the application.
5. Candidates, who are already working in Health Department or outside either on regular or on contractual basis, have to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from concerned employer.
6. The application should be Super-scribed with the name of the post applied for otherwise it will be rejected.
7. For all the post candidates must have passed Odia up to M.E Standard.
8. Candidates are required to visit website: - at regular intervals for any notification, updates (objection invitation / different tests notices), results etc. relating to recruitment.
9. Candidates will be selected on the basis of selection process as applicable.
10. Incomplete application in any form will be summarily rejected.

11. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information /documents, his/her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information / documents, his / her service shall be terminated from the Society forthwith. Candidates who have been disengaged earlier from the OSH&FW Society on administrative ground such as disobedience / poor performances/ misbehavior/ criminal activity etc. are not eligible to apply.
12. All communication will be made through e-mail / district website.
13. The panel for above positions shall also remain valid for similar post/s in other programmes under ZSS with same educational qualification and same remuneration, as will be decided by the Society.
14. Number of vacancies / remunerations as mentioned under this advertisement may vary at the time of actual engagement.
15. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / positions at any stage of recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof.
16. Age relaxation and additional weightage of marks for the applicants who are employees of the OSH&FW Society:-
a. To avail the benefit of age relaxation and weightage, employee, employees concerned should have completed at least three terms of contractual services (11 months each) under the OSH&FW Society.
b. The remarks recorded in PAR of the employees concerned must be “Outstanding” or “Very Good” for the preceding 03 (three) terms of contractual services under the OSH&FW Society.
c. The age relaxation for the applied post in respect of the employees of the OSH&FW Society shall be allowed @1 year for each contractual term of service in the Society up to a maximum of 10 years, over and above the maximum age limit prescribed in the Advertisement for the said post, subject to an age ceiling of 55 years.
d. Employees of the OSH&FW Society who have cleared all the steps in the recruitment process upto the final level of selection shall be eligible for award of grace marks to the extent of 01 percentage of the total marks of examinations for each completed term of services upto a maximum of 10 percentage of the total marks which shall be added to the total marks secured by the said employee.

The completely filled in application forms along with other document should reach the office of the Chief District Medical Officer, Cuttack (At- Old Secretariat Campus, Cantonment Road, Po- Buxi Bazar, Dist- Cuttack-753001) on or before 27.12.2021 till 5 PM through Speed Post/ Regd. Post only and the application should be Super-scribed with the name of the post applied for otherwise it will be rejected. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all of the proposals without assigning any reason thereof.

Application Form & More Info

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