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Pharmacists (20 posts) Openings in Urban Primary Health Centres

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Pharmacists Openings in Urban Primary Health Centres

As per G.O.RT.No.686, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.09/11/2020, G.O.Rt.No.367, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.12.07.2021, G.O.Ms.No.142 HM&FW (B1) Dept., dated: 17.11.2021 and Rc.No.111/SPMU-NUHM/2020, dt.01/12/2021 of the CH&FW and Mission Director, NHM, A.P., Vijayawada Offline applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling the following No. of posts in Urban Primary Health Centres (UPHCs) of Kurnool District. Further the other details i.e., Number of posts, Qualification, Method of selection, Age, Remuneration & other conditions etc., are noted here under

Post : Pharmacist

No. of Posts : 20
Roster points : Open Category :- 04 Posts 1-OC(W), 2- SC(W), 3-OC(G), 4-BC-A(W),
Local category :- 16 Posts 5- OC(G), 6- PH(VH)(W), 7- SC(G), 8-ST(W), 9-OC(G), 10-BC-B(W), 11-OC(G), 12-OC-EWS(W), 13-OC-Ex Ser, 14-BC-C(G), 15-OC(G), 16-SC(G), 17-OC(W), 18-BC-D(W), 19-BC-E(W), 20-BC-A(G)

Monthly remuneration : Rs. 19,019/-

Mode of recruitment : On contract basis through District Selection Committee

Educational Qualifications
1) 02 Years Diploma in Pharmacy course after intermediate recognized by Govt. of A.P.
2) Bachelor Pharmacy
3) Or any other Eligible Equivalent qualification
4) Must be registered with AP Pharmacy Council

Age :
The age should be in between 18 to 42 years as on 01.07.2021.
Note: Maximum age limit mentioned above is subject to issue of orders from the Government.
Relaxation on maximum age will be as follows:-
i) For S.C’s, S.T’s & B.Cs - 5 (Five years).
ii) For Ex-Service Men - 3 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces.
iii) For Physically Challenged persons 10 (Ten) years.

Application fee :
The candidates applying for the posts should invariably Pay fee of Rs.400/- for OC / General category & Rs.200/- for otherthan the OC/General category to be credited in A/c Name: RCH Project–II - District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool bearing Account No: 005310011075847 of Andhra Bank, Gayatri Estate, Kurnool, IFSC Code: UBIN0800538. They should submit Bank receipt alongwith the application. Demand drafts are not accepted.

As per GO.Ms.No.163, HM&FW (B1) Dept., dt. 12.09.2018 and G.O.Rt.No.301, HM&FW (B1) Dept., dt.20.06.2020.
A. Selection Process :
i. Total Marks –100.
ii. 75% Marks will be allocated against marks obtained in the qualifying examination i.e., Aggregate of Marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination.
iii. Service weight age: Up to 15 Marks will be given as noted below :-
a) Tribal Service @ 2.5 marks for every six months of service.
b) Rural Service @ 2 marks for every six months of service.
c) Urban Service @ 1 mark for every six months of service.
d) COVID Service @ 5 marks for every six months of service
iv. Course weightage. Up to 10 marks @ 1.0 mark per each completed year after passing of qualifying examination upto 07.12.2021.
B. Eligible service for awarding weightage : The service weight-age eligible as per G.O.Rt.No.211 HM&FW (B2) Dept., dated: 08.05.2021 to all persons who have rendered services in any state PSU / State Autonomous Government Organizations who are recruited through an open transparent process duly following RoR.

A. Candidates shall apply only through offline.
B. The start date for submission of applications with all relevant documents is from 07.12.2021 to 21.12.2021.
C. The last date for submission of application is 21.12.2021 by 5.00 PM in the O/o DM&HO, Kurnool.
D. The following documents should be submitted along with the application:
a) Pass port size photo.
b) SSC or equivalent certificate (for Date of Birth).
c) Latest Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC (with categorization if any) issued by MRO concerned. In the absence of proper caste certificate, the candidate will be considered as OC candidate.
d) In case of Physically Challenged person, Latest certificate issued by Medical Board should be enclosed to the application.
e) In case of Ex-servicemen, relevant certificate issued by competent authority should be enclosed to the application.
f) The persons seeking the benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS Certificate valid for 2021-2022 issued by the Tahsildar concerned and to submit alongwith the Application Form. The persons who are not covered under existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose gross annual family income is below Rs.8.00 lakh are to be identified as Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) for the benefit of reservation. The Income shall also include income from all sources i.e., salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application. The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years [As per G.O.Ms.No.66, General Administration (Services-D) Department, dt.14.07.2021 of the Government of Andhra Pradeh].

g) Study Certificates from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. If SSC or its equivalent done by private study, without attending any school, residence certificate from MRO for previous 7 years. (In prescribed proforma). In the absence of the above certificate the candidate will be considered as non-local.
h) Certificate of Registration from AP Pharmacy council.
i) Requisite Pass Certificate.
j) Marks list of all years as per the qualification for the applied post
k) Service certificate from the Controlling Officer/ Concerned Officer or any other authority who appointed the applicant. If service certificate is not enclosed duly signed by Authorized Officer; the candidate will not be given any weightage. The prescribed proforma of Service Certificate is at last page of this notification.
l) The candidates those who are submitting Service Certificates of Contract / Outsourcing / COVID-19, should compulsorily submit appointment order. Without appointment order service certificate will not be considered.
m) Service certificates with corrections / over written / not visible will not be accepted.
n) Banker receipt of Fee paid shall be enclosed to the application.
o) Note:- Application with incomplete documents will be rejected summarily. No fresh documents will be accepted during grievance period.

A. Caste & Community:
a) The Candidates belonging to BC, SC & ST of other States are not entitled for reservations.
b) The General Rule 22 of Special representation shall apply to the appointments of these posts subject to various provisions in the relevant Service rules, except in the case of physically handicapped persons.
c) The reservation to Women will apply as per General Rule.

The Rule of reservation to Local candidate is applicable as per A.P. Public Employment (Organization of local cadres) and regularization of Director Recruitment order 1975 (G.O.Ms.No.674; G.A.(SPF.A) DEPARTMENT, DT:29-10-1975) G.O.PNo.763;G.A. (SPF.A) Department, dt:15/11/1975), read with G.O.Ms.No.124, G.A.(SPF.A) Department, dt.7/3/2002.
a) LOCAL STATUS FOR THE POSTS (As per studies from 4th to 10th)
Percentage of Local reservation (Kurnool Local District) : 80%
b) Reservation to the local candidates is applicable as provided in the Rules and as amended from time to time as in force on the date of notification. The candidates claiming reservation as local candidates should enclose the required study certificates (from IV class to SSC) or Residence Certificate as the case may be. Subsequent production of the certificates will not be entertained under any circumstances.
c) Definition of local candidate:
i. “Local Candidate” means a candidate for direct recruitment to any a post in relation to that Local area where he/she has studied in Educational Institution(s) for not less than four consecutive academic years prior to and including the year in which he/she appeared for SSC or its equivalent examination. If however, he/she has not studied in any educational Institution during the above four years period, it is enough if he/she has resided in that area which is claimed as his/her local area during the above said period.
ii. In case the candidate does not fall within the scope of the above, it will be considered if he/she has studied for a period of not less than seven years prior to and inclusive of the year in which he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years and where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he/she has studied last (in such local areas) will be taken for determination the local candidature. Similarly, if he/she has not studied during the above said period in any Educational Institution(s) the place of residence during the above period will be taken into consideration and local candidature determined with reference to the maximum period of residence or in the case of equal period where he/she resided last.
iii. If the claim for local candidature is based on study, the candidate is required to produce a certificate from the Educational Institution(s) where he/she has studied during the said 4/7 years period. If, however, it is based on residence, a certificate
should be submitted which is obtained from an Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer, in independent charge of a Mandal.
iv. If, however, a candidate has resided in more than one Mandal during the relevant four / seven years period but within the same District or Zone as the case may be separate Certificate from the Mandal Revenue Officers, exercising jurisdiction have to be obtained in respect of different areas.

Note : A Single certificate, whether of study or residence would sufficient for enabling the candidate to apply a “LOCAL CANDIDATE”
d) Residence certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any Educational institutions up to S.S.C. or equivalent examination such Candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.
e) The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should enclose the required certificates issued by the concerned authorities. Subsequent production of the certificate will NOT be entertained under any circumstances.

a. The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he / she is appointed, is included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment in that or any other service. The Department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month’s notice in writing on either side. This contract would automatically cease to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication.
b. No private practice is allowed during the contract period.
c. All the recruited candidates shall maintain bonafide head quarters.
d. Department reserves the right to transfer the contractual employees to any other station due to exigencies of work or administrative reasons.
e. Disciplinary control in accordance with previous of APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991.
f. All persons appointed on contract basis shall execute an agreement on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- with two witnesses and submit the same to the District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool at time of reporting for duty agreeing the terms and conditions of the contract.
g. The appointments are purely on temporary on contract basis and liable for termination at any time.

Time schedule for processing and completion of the Recruitment
Scrutiny of applications : 21.12.2021 to 24.12.2021
Display of provisional merit list : 24.12.2021
Redressing grievances and Display of final merit list : 29.12.2021
Issue of appointment orders : 31.12.2021

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