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Job for Pharmacists at Govt. Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool

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Job for Pharmacists at Govt. Regional Eye Hospital

Applications are invited from the eligible & interested candidates for the recruitment of sanctioned posts& Newly created additional posts of Paramedical Posts on contract / Out sourcing basis (APCOS) to work at Govt. Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool under the Administrative control of Director of Medical Education, A.P. Vijayawada.

Post : Pharmacist Gr-II

No. of Posts : 02

Monthly remuneration : Rs. 28,000/-

Mode of recruitment : Contract

Educational Qualifications
Candidate must have passed SSC or its equivalent exam and must have passed Dip. In Pharmacy (or) B. Pharmacy from the recognized institution. Candidates must have registered their name in A.P. Pharmacy Council and valid as on the date of notification. Candidates must have Computer knowledge for attending e-Aushadhi work.

AGE : The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01.07.2021 with the relaxation allowed by the Government. The candidates should not have completed 42 years of age as 01.07.2021
Relaxation on maximum age will be as follows:-
i) For SC’s / ST’s & B.Cs candidates relaxation will be for 05 years
ii) For Ex-service Men -3 years in additions to the length of services in armed forces.
iii) For physically challenged Persons 10 Years .

a) General Rule 22 and 22-A of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules will apply including women reservation. 10% of the posts are reserved for Economically Weaker Sections as per the roster points fixed by the government vide G.O.Ms.No. 73 GAD dated: 04.08.2021. b) RULE OF RESERVATION TO THE LOCAL CANDIDATES
Reservation to local candidates is 80% and rest of the 20% is open for all. The candidates claiming reservation as local candidate should enclose the required study certificates from 4th class to 10th class issued by the concerned school authorities. In case of candidates who studied privately should submit residence certificate issued by concerned Tahsildar for a period of 07 years preceding to 10th class.

As per G.O.Ms.No. 163, HM&FW (B1) Dept Dt. 12-9-2018 and G.O.Rt.No. 301 HM&FW (B1) Dept. Dt. 20-06-2020
G.O.Rt.No. 211 HM&FW(B2) Dept. Dt. 08.05.2021
A) Selection Process :
i) Total Marks - 100
ii) 75% Marks will be allocated against Marks obtained in the qualifying examination i.e., Aggregate of Marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination.
iii) Weight age up to the maximum of 15% marks will be to the staff working in 104 (MMU) in HDS / CDS / Aarogyasri / Trauma care / APSACS / COVID-19 staff and other government of India schemes on contract / outsourcing basis
iv) 2.5 marks for six months in Tribal Area
v) 2.0 marks for six months in Rural Area
vi) 1.0 mark for six months in Urban Area
vii) 5.0 marks for six months COVID-19 service.
viii) No marks will be given for the service rendered less than six months
ix) The candidates who were terminated from contract / outsourcing service on any disciplinary grounds / adverse remarks will not be considered.
x) Up to 10 marks at 1 mark for each completed year after passing of requisite qualification to the said post.

Application process fee :
The applicant must pay application process fee Rs: 300/- ( Rupees: Three hundred only) by way of crossed demand draft , drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of Superintendent,Govt, Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool.

How to apply
The candidate should download the application form and submit the filed in application which all relevant enclosures by registered post / in person and handover at the special counter provided in the office of the Superintendent , Govt.Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool on or before 05 PM on 15-12-2021

1. Candidates should enclose all mandatory certificates, failing which the applications will be rejected.
2. In the absence of complete marks lists (along with supplementary passed marks memos) the application liable for rejection.
3. Candidates not having up to date renewals from respective Councils / Board will be summarily rejected.
4. In the absence of proper certificates like caste/community (with categorization/ physically handicapped/Ex-Servicemen the candidates will be considered as O.C.
5. In case of Physically Challenged person, Latest certificate (SADARAN) issued by Medical Board should be uploaded online. Respect of candidates claiming reservation under P.H. Quota.
6. In case Ex-servicemen, relevant certificate issued by competent authority shall be uploaded online.
7. The persons seeking the benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary ESW certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned and to submit along with the Application Form. (As per G.O.Ms..No. 66 General Administration (Services- Department Dt.14-07-2021 and G.O.Ms.No.73 General Administration (Services- D) Department Dt. 04-08-2021 ).
a. Study Certificate from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. If SSC or its equivalent done by private study, without attending any school, residence certificate from MRO for previous 7 years ( In prescribed proforma ) . In the absence of the above certificate the candidate will be considered as Non Local.
b. Certificate of Registration in Paramedical Board of Andhra Pradesh. Up to date renewal. /A.P. Para Medical Board Registration certificate for all above mentioned paramedical post up to date renewal.
c. Service certificate issued by the Controlling Officer / Concerned Officer or any other authority who appointed the applicant in case of the staff working on contract / out sourcing basis. If service certificate is not enclosed duly signed by Authorized Officer; the candidate will not be given any weightage. The prescribed proforma of Service Certificate is at last page of this Notification.
8. Demand draft shall be enclosed to the application.

a) The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he /she is appointed, is included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment in that or any other services. The Department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month’s notice in writing on either side. The contract would automatically cease to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication.
b) No private practice is allowed during the contract period
c) All the recruited candidates shall maintain bonafide Head Quarters.
d) Department reserves the right to transfer the contractual employees to any other station due to exigencies of or administrative reasons.
e) Disciplinary control in accordance with previous of APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991
f) All persons appointed on contract basis shall execute an agreement on a NON- Judicial stamp papers of Rs: 100/- with two witnesses and submit the same to the Superintendent , Govt. Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool at time of reporting for duty agreeing the terms and conditions of the contract.
g) The appointment are purely on temporary on contract basis and liable for termination at any time.

Last date for submission of Applications is 15/12/2021 by 5 PM

Application Form

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