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Walk in Interview for Senior Research Fellows at IVRI | 08 posts

Clinical research courses

Walk in Interview for Senior Research Fellows at IVRI | 08 posts

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own. The institute imparts quality post-graduate education to students not only from various parts of the country, but also from overseas. Today, the institute with its deemed to be university status contributes immensely to human resource development in the discipline of veterinary sciences with skills and knowledge necessary for the challenges of the new millennium.

A walk in interview is scheduled to be held on 11.12.2020 at ICAR-IVRI, for the engagement of Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) in project “Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology-Advanced Centre for Livestock Health”(CAAST-ACLH) under National Agricultural Higher Education Project(NAHEP) in time bound project activity as detailed below.

Duration of the project : Till March 2021 (likely to be extended).

Emoluments : Rs. 31000/+ applicable HRA for 1st and 2nd year and from 3rd year onwards Rs.35000/+ applicable HRA

Age Limit : The upper age limit will be as per ICAR guidelines as on the date of interview.

Group - A
Required No. SRFs : 01
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree (M. Tech/ME in Computer Science/MCA/MSc in Computer Science or Information Technology) with 4 years / 5 years bachelor’s degree. OR Candidates having postgraduates degree in Basic Sciences with 3 year Bachelor’s degree & 2 years master’s degree should have NET* and 2 years research experience.
Desirable qualification : (i) Proficiency in web application development using ASP.Net/Jsp., (ii) Knowledge of other web application techniques/programming languages and animation (Bootstrap/Java script/ JSON / HTML 5, Flash etc.) for development of expert systems and information systems. (iii) Knowledge of Mobile Application development technologies, Database Management. (iv) Evidence of at least 2 years experience in IT field.
Address of correspondence : Dr. Rupasi Tiwari, PS(EE), I/C ATIC, IVRI, Izatnagar-243122 E-mail:

Group - B
Required No. SRFs : 06
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree (MVSc/MTech/M.Sc) in Veterinary Sciences/Animal Sciences/Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics/Animal Genetics & Breeding/Microbiology with 4 years/5 years Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having postgraduates degree in Basic Sciences with 3 year Bachelor’s degree & 2 years master’s degree in Life Sciences should have NET* qualification and 2 years research experience or PhD (awarded) in relevant subject
Desirable qualification : Experience in cell culture / Hybridoma technology / Molecular biology techniques such as gene cloning and expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells / ELISA diagnostics / Blood collection and handling of laboratory animals/ Genome analysis Working knowledge of MS Office, report writing with good command in English
Address of correspondence : Dr Ashok K Tiwari, Head Division of Biological Standardization, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP). Tel No. 09457257425 E. mail:

Group - C
Required No. SRFs : 01
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree (MVSc/MTech/M.Sc) in Veterinary Sciences/Animal Sciences/Live Sciences/Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics/Animal Genetics & Breeding/Microbiology with 4 years/5 years Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having postgraduates degree in Basic Sciences with 3 year Bachelor’s degree & 2 years master’s degree in Life Sciences should have NET* qualification and 2 years research experience or PhD (awarded) in relevant subject.
Desirable qualification : i. Working experience in animal cell culture, molecular biology techniques. ii. Working knowledge of MS Office, report writing with good command in English
Address of correspondence : Dr D. Muthuchelvan Acting Head, Division of Virology, ICAR-IVRI Campus, Mukteshwar-263138. Phone. 05942-286559 E-mail:
Note: These position are for ICAR-IVRI Campus, Mukteshwar, Kumaon, Nanital, Uttarakhand. Interview of this position will be conducted at ICAR-IVRI Campus, Mukteshwar.

Group - D
Required No. SRFs : 01
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree (MVSc/MTech/M.Sc) in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Veterinary Microbiology or relevant subject with 4 years/5 years Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having postgraduates degree in Basic Sciences with 2 year Bachelor’s degree & 3 years master’s degree in Life Sciences should have NET* qualification and 2 years research experience or PhD (awarded) in relevant subject.
Desirable qualification :
i. Working experience in cell culture, molecular biology techniques.
ii. Working knowledge of MS Office, report writing with good command in English
Address of correspondence : Dr Aniket Sanyal, Joint Director ICAR-IVRI campus, Hebbal, Bengaluru Phone: 080-23412835(O);08762405232(cell) E Mail; Note: These position are for ICAR-IVRI Campus,Hebbal, Bangalore. Interview of this position will be conducted at ICAR-IVRI Campus, Bangalore

** Examination conducted by various Central Government Departments/Agencies like CSIR-UGC, ICMR, ICAR, DAE, DBT, GATE etc. are considered as National Eligibility Test (NET) as mentioned in the OM Agri. Edn.6/27/2014-HRD dated October 09, 2015

Terms & Conditions for SRF to be recruited under NAHEP (CAAST-ACLH):
1. The appointment will be on contractual basis/ purely temporary and co-terminus with the project, and the incumbent shall not have any claim for regular appointment under ICAR/ICAR-IVRI.
2. The candidate must bring one set of their complete bio-data along with original, thesis dissertation, reprints of published papers with self-attested copies of the testimonials (certificates, mark sheets and degrees) from High school onwards and age proof with two passport size photographs along with all originals with them. The applicant may submit copy of their bio data in advance by post or by mail mentioned in address of correspondence column with a copy to (for Group A)/ (for Group B) with CC (for Group C)/ with CC (for Group D) Candidates should submit one valid ID proof at the time of selection.
3. The period of appointment of SRF will be initially for up to March 2021 which is likely to be extended up to March 2022.
4. The Principal Investigator reserves the right to cancel/postpone the interview and terminate the contract at any time without notice or assigning any reason thereof, even before the completion of the tenure or project for which no appeal shall be made. The SRF may also leave the assignment, on their own volition, by giving one month notice. At the end of the contracted period, the SRF will have no right to claim any employment or engagement in the ICAR/ICAR-IVRI.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview. No separate letter will be issued.
6. Candidates fulfilling the Essential Qualification only need to attend the walk-in-interview. Candidate should mention for which group, he is going to appear in the prescribed Performa for the interview. He may appear for all the groups, if eligible .Candidates coming after timing will not be ordinarily entertained.
7. The selected candidates will be required to undergo medical examination as per the rules for ensuring their physical fitness before appointment.
8. The candidates are required to submit the application as per the format annexed (ANNEXURE-I) duly signed on the address as mentioned in column (10).
9. Candidates having marks issued in the form of CGPA/OGPA should produce/the approved conversion table/formula at time of reporting for interview, otherwise their candidature will not be considered.

Date and Time of Interview
Date : 11.12.2020
Time & Venue
A - 11.30 AM onwards; Committee Room, University Building, ICAR- IVRI, Izatnagar
B - 2.30 PM onwards; Committee Room, University Building, ICAR- IVRI, Izatnagar
C - 10.30 AM onwards; nCommittee Room, ICAR-IVRI Campus, Mukteshwar
D - 10.30 AM onwards; Committee Room, ICAR-IVRI Campus, Bangalore

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