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Munshi Ram Jain Cancer Scholar Award 2020

GPAT courses

Cancer Research Foundation, India (CRFI) has instituted "Munshi Ram Jain Cancer Scholar Award" based on PhD work of researchers. The award constitutes a citation, certificate, cash prize, and to and fro economy air travel+stay at Guwahati.

The application submission for 2020 edition is now OPEN. Application format along with brief Synopsis of the research work and scanned copy of PhD certificate must be sent by e-mail to before 31st December 2019 (Tuesday) 3PM. The Subject of e-mail : Application for Munshi Ram Jain Cancer Scholar Award 2020.

The following criteria are mandatory:
A. The Scholar must have completed PhD within the last five years (Not earlier than December'2014)
B. There must not be any conflict of interest.
C. * A part of PhD research (Not necessarily the whole thesis) must be published/accepted in a reputed journal indexed with SCI®

Synopsis must be structured as follows (Maximum 500 words):
1. Background
2. Material and Methods
3. Sample Size
4. Compliance to ethical standards
5. Conclusion of the PhD work/research (Focus must be potential benefits of the research)

Applications and synopsis will be screened for fulfillment of criteria and completeness, and then blinded synopsis will be reviewed by Jury Members constituted by the Scientific Advisory Committee of CRFI

Awardee will be notified only by e-mail

Please note the important dates:
Last date of application: 31.12.2019 by 3PM
Announcement of Award: 17.01.2020
Award Ceremony (Tentative): 14th of February 2020 to be held at Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati.

*Applicants/nominees understand and agree that merely by applying for the Award does not entitle the applicant/nominee to any other form of consideration. Decision of Award Management on all matters is final and binding on all applicants/nominees and no correspondence will be entertained on the same.

Application Form & More Info>>

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