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Opportunity for pharmacists (4 posts) at wing of Directorate General of Health Services - Govt of India

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Medical Stores Organization, a subordinate wing of Directorate General of Health Services under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, has been functioning for procurement of medicines to ensure its availability to the various health care institutions of the country including Central Govt. Health Scheme Organization & Paramilitary Forces. MSO is to receive and store the supplies of drugs and allied Medical Stores under various programmes like WHO, UNICEF, Pulse Polio Immunization, Reproductive Child Health Programme, Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Programme, National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme, National Tuberculosis Control Programme, Logistics/drugs/vaccines against swine flu and conventional contraceptive items etc. and distribute these supplies to various destinations in the country as per the release orders issued by the respective Programme Officers of the Directorate General of Health Services/Ministry of Health & FW from time to time.

The third crucial role is always played by the MSO (HQs) during International/National Emergency like Cyclones, Floods, Droughts and National Calamities like Earthquake etc. as part of Disaster Management by supplying the life saving items on crash priority basis to the affected areas. At the instance of the Ministry of External Affairs, the Medical Relief Assistance to foreign countries is also arranged by the MSO at short notice.

It is proposed to fill up the following contractual posts of technical experts purely on contract basis initially for a period of one year or till the posts are filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier.

Post: Technical Experts

No.of post: 04

Qualification: D.Pharma/B.Sc. Chemistry with 2 years experience in a Pharma. Company.

Salary: Rs. 20,000/- per month consolidated. No increment and other allowances will be admissible

Station where to be posted: Delhi

Key Functions of Medical Stores Organization:
Procurement, storage and supply of medicines, surgical items, medical equipment and other medical supplies/stores required by public health facilities/units across the country as a procurement unit under the Ministry.
Receipts, storage and distribution of supplies of drugs and allied stores including various vaccines received from WHO, UNICEF, USAID, DFID and the various international bodies under various bilateral agreements entered into by the Government of India (GOI). Storage and issues of stores required under various National Programmes such as National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP), reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Tuberculosis (TB), Leprosy, CSSM and Family Welfare undertaken by MOH&FW, GOI.

Interested candidates may walk-in for interview at the date and time as indicated against the posts along with bio-data and photo copies of the testimonials and NOC from employer, if employed.

No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.

Original certificates will have to be produced for verification, if selected. It is reiterated that these are contractual positions and no other benefit except monthly consolidated remuneration is admissible. The Government is not liable for regularization of contractual services. The DGHS reserves the right to terminate the contract, by given fifteen days’ notice to the consultant. Eligible and willing candidates should submit their applications in the prescribed pro­forma (Annexure).

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Date, Time & Place of interview: 08/01/2016 at 11.00 AM
Medical Store Organization,
O/o Dy. Director General (Stores),
West Block No.l, Wing No.6, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-66

NOTE: The application for Walk-in-Interview will be accepted between 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM. No application will be entertained after 11.00 AM. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria.

Terms and conditions

1.Candidate should not be more than 63 years of age as 01101.08.2015.

2. The candidate should have good communication and interpersonal skills.

3. The candidate should have good knowledge of computer applications and working online.

4. The appointment will be purely on contract basis.

5. No accommodation or House Rent will be provided by .VISO, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. The consultant needs to have own accommodation facility in Delhi/New Delhi or nearby places.

6. The contract initially would be for a period of one year or till the posts filled on regular basis, whichever is earlier.

7. Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which MSO, R.K. Puram, New Delhi will issue TDS certificate.

8. The Consultants shall not be entitled to any allowance sucli as Dearness Allowance, Transport Facility, CGHS and Medical Reimbursement etc.

9. Consultants shall be eligible for 12 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis.

10. No. TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or 011its completion. However, consultants shall be allowed I A/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work.

11. No one shall utilize or publish or disclose or part with, to a third party, any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or information. The Consultant shall be bound to hand-over the entire set of records of assignment to the Department before the expiry of the contract, and before the final payment is released.

12. The consultant appointed, shall in 110case represent or give opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse to the interest of DGHS.

13. Dy. Director General (Stores) has the right to cancel advertisement, and not to proceed in the matter for engagement of consultant, at any stage accept or reject any or all application, without giving any explanation, whatsoever.

14. Dy. Director General (Stores) may terminate a contract to which these terms apply if:
- The consultant is unable to address the assigned works,
- Quality of the assigned works is not to the satisfaction of DGHS.
- The consultant fails in timely achievement of the milestones as finally decided by Dy. Director General (Stores).
- The consultant is found lacking in honesty and integrity.

Dy. Director General (Stores) reserves the right to terminate the contract, by given 15 days notice to the consultant. Termination shall be effected by written notice on the consultant and shall take effect in 15 days of delivery such notice. The termination will be without prejudice to either party’s rights accrued before termination.


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